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Fanfiction ► *~Accidentally In Love~*

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New member
May 22, 2004
In front of the computer, silly. :3
kaze_krazy said:


STOOPID SITE!! *smites it* >_<

That wasn't the site's fault. That was me. I haven't been able to do as much work on the forums lately due to time constraints, but yesterday I decided to hit the first page of the Fan Fiction forum deleting spam. Your story was left in tact, as were comments that were ABOUT the story, but all off-topic posts and most of the one-liners were deleted. If there was something particularly important to you that you wanted to keep, I can "un-delete" it, but the majority of it is staying gone. All the spam was doing was eating up bandwidth, making it hard for people to FIND the chapters of your story, and contributing to site downtime. The site and forums being down so much is, a lot of the time, the fault of spam eating up so much bandwidth that we go over the limit for the month. And we all hate it when the forums are down, right? So... Less spam = More KHInsider.com. Otherwise I'd have been just as happy not to spend my afternoon weeding through the posts in this thread. o.o

Sorry for not issuing some kind of warning, though, either in the thread or via PM-- I hadn't realized I'd taken off that many pages. o_O Didn't mean to alarm you. I reiterate, your story is still here, and the on-topic posts are here too ^^ And even if I did accidentally delete something important (which I don't think I did, but feel free to check), it was only a "soft" delete and can be very easily undone. <3

Nice fic, by the way. Didn't finish reading all of it, but you have a great sense of humor. xD


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Salsa said:
That wasn't the site's fault. That was me. I haven't been able to do as much work on the forums lately due to time constraints, but yesterday I decided to hit the first page of the Fan Fiction forum deleting spam. Your story was left in tact, as were comments that were ABOUT the story, but all off-topic posts and most of the one-liners were deleted. If there was something particularly important to you that you wanted to keep, I can "un-delete" it, but the majority of it is staying gone. All the spam was doing was eating up bandwidth, making it hard for people to FIND the chapters of your story, and contributing to site downtime. The site and forums being down so much is, a lot of the time, the fault of spam eating up so much bandwidth that we go over the limit for the month. And we all hate it when the forums are down, right? So... Less spam = More KHInsider.com. Otherwise I'd have been just as happy not to spend my afternoon weeding through the posts in this thread. o.o

Sorry for not issuing some kind of warning, though, either in the thread or via PM-- I hadn't realized I'd taken off that many pages. o_O Didn't mean to alarm you. I reiterate, your story is still here, and the on-topic posts are here too ^^ And even if I did accidentally delete something important (which I don't think I did, but feel free to check), it was only a "soft" delete and can be very easily undone. <3

Nice fic, by the way. Didn't finish reading all of it, but you have a great sense of humor. xD

Oh, thank God. Thanks for telling me! I was spazzing and twiching a lot....-_-;... Thanks again for the explaination! And the compliment. XD


All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
Me:[with brainslug attached] This fic rocks [in monotone] I never read anything that rox as hard as this.
Boukon: I have nothing to say..for once. [hums "This is Halloween"] Damn, pr155 is really starting to sink into me


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
See? I told you I would update!! ^_^

Boys & Girls(Perfect confuzzling song title for this chappy....XDD)

~Megan's PoV~

I shivered and pulled my arms inside my clothes, trying to keep warm. {I've become so numb...I can...something.....something.....stoopid muffled Numb lyrics....>_<} Sighing as a frosty wind blew, I randomly snapped my fingers. And the weak-arse fire instantly ignited into a bonfire. Everyone stared at me, eyes wide. I stared at my hand. "WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME?!!?!? >_<" I started punching myself in the arm again. Mulan gave Sora a kind of "Is she crazy?" look. He simply nodded. Mulan wrapped the blanket tightly around herself. "I should never have left home....." {Psh....psh....psh....psh...>_>} "Aw, come on,"Mushu encouraged,"You wanted to save your father's life. Who knew you'd end up shamin' 'im and disgracin' your ancestors....'n losin' all your friends-"I coughed. {Uh....*raises hand* I sorta knew...... ._. ...} "..You know....you just gotta learn to...to let these things GO!!" The small dragon started crying. Mulan mused out loud,"Maybe I didn't go for my father.....maybe what I really wanted...was to prove I could do things right...." She picked up the helmet next to her and stared at the reflection. "But I was wrong.....I see the nothing!" She threw the helmet back down and I stared at it.

I slowly reached out and picked it up, looking at Mulan. "Don't say that." I scolded, then continued admiringly, "....Ya' know....You're, like, my idol....a girl kicking guy arse in the army. The only reason you're here is to save your father...You risked your life to preserve his.....You don't have to prove to me you did anything right...." {On a normal circumstance, I'd be laughing my arse off right now.....-_-;...} Mulan looked at me in amazement. "Really?" I nodded. "Yeah. Probabaly the only reason I agreed to dress and act like a boy was because I knew you'd done it too-"Kaze coughed loudly-"And cuz Kaze's gonna let me glomp and/or huggle him for a full four 'n a half minutes." "THREE 'N A HALF!!" The blonde corrected angrily in Ed-esque chibi-ness. I ignored this. "You're not worthless, Mulan. And anyone who thinks otherwise should stuff muffins." Mulan laughed, smiling at me. "Thanks, I needed that." "Nothin' like a good pep talk before-" An echoing cry of anger filled my ears, interupting my possible spoiler for this world. {-a fight.........-_-;....}

We trudged back to the top of a hill, and several claws burst out of the snow. I stiffled back a cry but instead jumped into the air about two feet. {FREAKIN' EVIL HEARTLESS!! >_<} The Heartless crawled out of their frozen prison and headed towards the Imperial City. {We are so freakin' screwed......*giggles insanly*....*cough* Sorry, sick mind....-_-;...}

~Sora's PoV~

Mulan mounted Kahn and started towards the Imperial City. I stared at her. "Uh...Mulan....heh....wat're doin'?" She looked back at the rest of us meddling kids. "I have to do something..." Megan gestured frantically to where we had seen the Heartless. "Did you see those things?! They just POPPED outta the snow!!" "Like daisys!!" Sean added, waving his arms wildly. Kaze just stared at them as if he'd like to knock their heads together. {He probably would, too.....-_-;...} Mulan countered,"Are we in this together, or not?" We all exchanged glances; Mushu jumped onto my head so he could be heard. "Well, let's go kick some Hun-ny buns!!"

~At the Imperial City, still Sora's PoV~

Hands folded behind my head, I watched rather amusingly as Mulan and Megan rushed back and forth, trying to warn the people of the Heartless. They both ran back up to the rest of us. Megan complained to us but I was oblivious to her. {Huh...? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.....} I blinked and brought my hands back down. "What? I wasn't listening......" The younger brunette glared at me. "Hey, you're girls again, remember?" Mushu reminded them. Megan's shoulders slumped and Mulan simply looked towards where the Emporer was. "(insert boring crap no one cares about here, curtesy of the emporer)" A hawk's screech echoed throughout the city. I looked up frantically, looking for the airborne animal.

"Where is it?!" Mulan pointed at a roof where there was stone gargoyles littered about. I squinted, trying to see Shan Hu or his stoopid hawk/bird thing. I heard the bird's screech again, and saw it was holding something in it's talons. {Is that......a sword.....? ._.} Once over the over-gargoyled roof, the hawk dropped the sword. One of the "gargoyles" caught it, stading up slowly. {Oh....I see him now.....o_o;;...} On that huge flight of stairs, something was happening. I have carppy(not a typo) eyesight, so don't ask me what was going on.

We(me, Kaze, Megan, Mulan/Mushu, & Sean that is) pushed through the crowd, and climbed the stairs as quickly as possible. {Which was still hella long.....-_-;...} Once at the top, we saw what was left of the Chinese Army bashing a huge pillar into the door in a last-ditch effort to get in. I didn't what was going on, but I still had to help. Running over, I helped the soldiers destroy the door, soon followed by Kaze and Sean. {If they're tryin' to break down the door....they're failing....-_-;;..} A sharp whistle interupted my thoughts and I turned. Megan and Mulan said in unison,"We've got an idea!!" They ran around the corner, expecting us to follow.

Yao, Ling, and Chein-Po looked at eachother, dropped th pillar, and ran after the girls. Kaze and Sean exchanged glances, glared at eachother for a second, before running off after Mulan and Megan. "Fine!!" I yelled after them. "Just leave me here!! I can get in!! ALL BY MYSELF!!" I stared at the pillar, now glued to the floor, and my eye twitched. "Grrr....HOLD UP!!" I ran around the corner after argueing with myself for several minutes. I raised an eyebrow at the odd sight before me. Yao, Ling, and Chein-Po were all in kimonos, as well as Mulan. I shuffled next to Megan, Sean, and Kaze. "What's going on...?" Megan's eyes brightened at the sight of me, then she smiled rather evily. "Hey, Sora......" "What...?...Why're you lookin' at me like that...?"

~Approximatly 10 minutes later~

"FEEL MY OPPOSITE-GENDER-BASED WRATH!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!" I glared at Megan. "This is revenge for cutting your hair..? >_>" "You betcha! ^_^" Megan had forced me into wearing a purple-y-ish kimono thing and had *somehow* gotten my gravity-defying hair into what seemed to be pigtails. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Wow, Sora.....I thought you were girly before...BUT NOW!! I scowled. {Oh, shut up Dark. Some people think you look like a girl, too. >_>} Psh, whatever...


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
Yay the long lost pages have returned!

Aroz: Before they were sucked in to an eddy in the space time continium...
Riku & Noelle: ...Nya??
Me: Moving on...

Bring Kairi in so she cna turn Sora in to Dark! ^_^. Then let Noelle glomp him so Riku cna get all pissed like Kaze does with Sean when hes around you! If Dark comes in I will..I will...

Aroz: Squeal?
Riku: Tackle?
Inu: Glomp?
Noelle: Mixture of all?
Meh: WHat she said! But since I cant get inside the screen I'll leave meh character to do it!

Noelle: WHOOT!
Riku: *plots downfall of Dark*


Darkrooms and safelights
Mar 19, 2005
Sitting inside the viewfinder of a camera, watchin
Me: >_> *smacks self*

Amme: Stupid laziness. -_- *kicks laziness*

Me: I read the first four chapters ... and the last two ... but ... there are so many ...o_O

Amme: If only we hadn't been so disgraced before ... we would have had the heart to be here from the start. *looks at all the pages and cries*

Me: Krazy, I hope you got off from school today, because I really need you to give me a summary. IM me. Now.


XDDD Nice chap. sora in a kimono... I could see that one RIGHT now... brings me back to FF7.


All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
Me: Hmm. I had a wonderful ride K_K, but I'm leaving the forums soon, and won't ever be returning. So good luck to you and your fic. Cuz mine is finished tomorrow.
Boukon: Can I stay with K_K?
Me: If she wishes it be.
Boukon: Can I K_K?
Me: Sora, you're a girlie man. Girlie-man. Tell Marluxia I said to get manly. [Eats some nachos] And because this is my final post here in your thread K_K, I have to invite one more person to the party.
Riku: Wassuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupp:p
Me: So as of now, you have 1 less fan. I'm taking Riku with me to KHU.BYE!!!


good, I'm itching for something to do... I wonder where this whole gender switch thing's gonna lead XD
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