(When someting is in blue it means that's what the person is thinking ^_^)
(right now, the point of view is an OC's...so don't think it's the BHK
(everything in red is the disembodied voice)
Chapter 1: Awakening
I slowly opened my eyes to find I was floating in an ocean of azure blue water. And not drowning. Ummm...Why am I not dying?? @_@ I'm confuzzled...I felt some unknown force pull me deeper into the cerulean sea; leaving bubbles in my wake. Soon, I landed on some kind of platform and observed my surroundings. Everything was blacker than the darkest night and it was freaking me out.
Cautiously, I took a step forward and hundreds of doves flew upward. Wait....wasn't I just in water??? @_@ I looked up at the departing birds in confusion. Suddenly, I heard a voice speaking to me, THROUGH MY MIND!!! So much to do, so little time... Me, being an obsessive Kingdom Hearts fan, exclaimed, "COOL!!! A disembodied voice!!!" Huh? "I mean," I corrected," What the heck?!?! A disembodied voice?!?!"
The voice ignored my outburst. Take your time. For the first time I noticed I was standing on the Snow White platform from Sora's awakening. I'm confuzzled again...@_@ Don't be afraid. I said aloud, "Afraid of what?" The voice ignored me again. The door is still shut. "Which door," I inquired. The voice pretended it didn't hear me. Now step forward. Can you do it?
That's a stupid question...I'm not a newborn baby...-_-; I walked forward a few steps, untill the voice interupted me. Power sleeps within you. I saw three familiar pedestools rise up out of the glass platform. One held a sword, another a shield, and the last had a staff. Each weapon had Mickey's seal somewhere on it. Power sleeps within you. If you give it form...It will give you strength. Choose well. If he's talkin' about that Yellow Belt Second Degree I have, then, I must be good at karate!! ^_^ I walked to the pedestool directly in front of me which held the sword. I picked it up and examined it.
The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. Is this the power you seek? I cringed. " Destruction..?" Eh..I think I'll pass on the destruto sword.....Choose well. I walked to the staff and picked it up.
The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin. Is this the power you seek? Hmmm.....I shall be...Megan: Master of Elements!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! ^_^ Fear meh. Your path is set. The staff dissapeared from my hands. Now, what will you give up in exchange?
I looked at the remaining weapons. The sword and the shield. I walked back to the sword. The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. You give up this power? You already told me that, and yes....>_< The sword dissapeared from my grasp. You've chosen the power of the mystic. You've given up the power of the warrior. Is this the form you choose? "Uhh....sure..."
The glass platform under me began to crack and break. Uh, oh... The glass shattered altogether and I fell helplessly into the darkness.
Well..tell me what you think and I'll post the next chappy!!! ^_^ On a side note, I'll be working on the awakening part for a while, cuz the awakening is hella long!! >_< EVIL AWAKENING!!! Anyway....here's the lowdown of my character's outfit. Camo capris with a forest green belt. Hunter green tank top. All black Converse(w00t w00t!!!). She has army-like dogtags and wears a black "paperboy" hat. I'll tell you what she looks like later. This is my FIRST fanfic!!! Keep that in mind whilst you post. ^_^
(right now, the point of view is an OC's...so don't think it's the BHK
(everything in red is the disembodied voice)
Chapter 1: Awakening
I slowly opened my eyes to find I was floating in an ocean of azure blue water. And not drowning. Ummm...Why am I not dying?? @_@ I'm confuzzled...I felt some unknown force pull me deeper into the cerulean sea; leaving bubbles in my wake. Soon, I landed on some kind of platform and observed my surroundings. Everything was blacker than the darkest night and it was freaking me out.
Cautiously, I took a step forward and hundreds of doves flew upward. Wait....wasn't I just in water??? @_@ I looked up at the departing birds in confusion. Suddenly, I heard a voice speaking to me, THROUGH MY MIND!!! So much to do, so little time... Me, being an obsessive Kingdom Hearts fan, exclaimed, "COOL!!! A disembodied voice!!!" Huh? "I mean," I corrected," What the heck?!?! A disembodied voice?!?!"
The voice ignored my outburst. Take your time. For the first time I noticed I was standing on the Snow White platform from Sora's awakening. I'm confuzzled again...@_@ Don't be afraid. I said aloud, "Afraid of what?" The voice ignored me again. The door is still shut. "Which door," I inquired. The voice pretended it didn't hear me. Now step forward. Can you do it?
That's a stupid question...I'm not a newborn baby...-_-; I walked forward a few steps, untill the voice interupted me. Power sleeps within you. I saw three familiar pedestools rise up out of the glass platform. One held a sword, another a shield, and the last had a staff. Each weapon had Mickey's seal somewhere on it. Power sleeps within you. If you give it form...It will give you strength. Choose well. If he's talkin' about that Yellow Belt Second Degree I have, then, I must be good at karate!! ^_^ I walked to the pedestool directly in front of me which held the sword. I picked it up and examined it.
The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. Is this the power you seek? I cringed. " Destruction..?" Eh..I think I'll pass on the destruto sword.....Choose well. I walked to the staff and picked it up.
The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin. Is this the power you seek? Hmmm.....I shall be...Megan: Master of Elements!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!! ^_^ Fear meh. Your path is set. The staff dissapeared from my hands. Now, what will you give up in exchange?
I looked at the remaining weapons. The sword and the shield. I walked back to the sword. The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. You give up this power? You already told me that, and yes....>_< The sword dissapeared from my grasp. You've chosen the power of the mystic. You've given up the power of the warrior. Is this the form you choose? "Uhh....sure..."
The glass platform under me began to crack and break. Uh, oh... The glass shattered altogether and I fell helplessly into the darkness.
Well..tell me what you think and I'll post the next chappy!!! ^_^ On a side note, I'll be working on the awakening part for a while, cuz the awakening is hella long!! >_< EVIL AWAKENING!!! Anyway....here's the lowdown of my character's outfit. Camo capris with a forest green belt. Hunter green tank top. All black Converse(w00t w00t!!!). She has army-like dogtags and wears a black "paperboy" hat. I'll tell you what she looks like later. This is my FIRST fanfic!!! Keep that in mind whilst you post. ^_^
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