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  • THEE thingy.... LoL! my story... the first chap is just a little 'hi im bob' thing...
    hey. i read all the chapters os far in your new fanific. though i must admit i have no idea wats happening half the time because i have no idea what the host club is cuz i dont read the manga... so... ya...
    Okay, thanks for answering my questions. I just thought it was really weird that Sora's parents were paying for Riku to go to school; that's just totally strange to me. Anyway, thanks again for the answers.
    No harm intended if one writer can critique the work of another, like my own
    Don't worry! I don't mind long posts! LoL! But anyway... Thanks for the encouragement....I kinda needed it... WoW im starting to realise alot of things are like (please don't laugh like everyone else im not a girly girl) ice skating. Try everything you can possibly do and if that doesn't work go try something else. So thanks for everything and you realy are a wonderful writer! And by any chance do you like twilight?
    Wait, I thought that you said that Zexion was brought back before Benjie was born; I could have sworn that it said that in the last chapter before you started the Benjie part. I mean, I'm pretty sure, but I could be wrong; I'll go back and read that part. But, whatever, great job again.
    your welcome zip^^
    I love reading fanfics cause I enjoy them and your fanfis was close to better than a ll the other I have read. (Maybe better than mine OoO)
    Really, Saix is 17 years older than Zexion? He doesn't look that much older to me; he really only looks about six or seven years older than Zexion. Oh well, I guess that really doesn't matter. Anyway, great job again.
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