Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
sorry to ask, but i heard on your 4shared[?] um electric/bass guitar stuff, and im wondering what kind of mic you used for that, and if it your eg/bg was at 440hz...
Thanks a lot. Now, what if the video were only (to my knowledge) on google video? At least, I uploaded it directly to google video and have never been able to access it from Youtube. Anything for that?
Hey Ken, I have the song more than halfway recorded, but I don't think I'll be able to turn in Real Folk Blues into you until tomorrow night (December 2nd). I've had a shitload of essays to write and stuff. Is that okay?
I'm so glad you get to control your whole party, i hate how you can't do that on p3. And i actually quite like the cast (so far) so if that better, that's great. I'm also glad that you can only use one type of weapon, although i tend to keep them all with their originals anyway.
Hey, i just saw your thread in dm and i was wondering, what are the differences between Persona 3 and 4?
Currently i'm only a short way into 3, but i'm already tempted to play 4 from all the reviews i've read.