Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
U KIDDING ME! this roleplay is nothing but dead.... this just started and most importantly.... just keep up with it, don't worry...if you have any problems... ask me or Sol
....well i know this might sound confusing, but Sol just started the new Arch, or chapter, so you can start posting again... and yea don't forget the whole # of posts per day...
yup, oh but in ya post, Sahara and shara are two diffrent people, lol there names aer just spelled almsot alike, oh and they got to the base already ;D.
I wouldn't beat yourself up over it,
I've been sig making for about a year now, and im still not as great as I can be,
I still say some of my works suck
I guess what im trying to say is never give up
I'll check. If it is I'll try to redo my post. I had to post quickly yesterday and I didn't read everything as well as I should of. Thanks for telling me.