Wha... I didn't even think that beating Trollanort with Terra was even realistically possible. That guy's already enough of a luck-based nightmare when you have the agility and invincibility-frames of Aqua and Ventus, but Terra's slow and his dodge is... Terra-ble. I have no idea where you found the patience or a PSP that could handle that much square button mashing. o-o
Yeah and even if there aren't any good videos, we're sitting in one of the biggest KH fandom hubs around. It'd be hard to not get any answers out of the mods or staff alone.

I've already pretty much decided that I'll get the PS4 collection. I might already have both collections for the PS3, but I'll be leaving for college next year and I won't be taking the PS3 with me. I still sometimes get the urge to play KH1 or II, so I might as well give myself the opportunity in the future. I just hope SE will take the time to eliminate glaring technical issues this time around.
... Besides, it's historical in a way. For the first time in 15 years, all the canon story threads, in some form or another, will finally be all together on a single console. 8D
Ohhh right! I remember this, you showed me your renditions of Xemnas, Ephemer, and Skuld a while back. And yooo it's the earth boys! Riku was instantaneously recognizable.
So your project is creating a small Chinese army of video game character lookalikes. Don't see something like that every day. :'D Have you made other characters aside from KH and FF?
Kitkat said cleaning up your thread would take several days. Considering the size of your story, I was honestly expecting longer, lol.
Ah, I see, so like standard DC spandex. I'll see what I can do. I've mostly ignored clothes and fashion while learning how to draw, so I'm kinda trying to teach myself as I go along. x'D
At this point, I'm hoping for concept/official art plus maybe a few new Stations of Awakening. So far, we've gotten a lot of renders and not much else, aside from promo art that you mentioned.
... Besides, more art means more opportunities for Nomura to literally draw parallels to FFXV. =w=
I'm still holding out for a Shibuya world where all the newly-awakened/saved/reborn characters get dragged off by Shiki to update their wardrobes. TAV's outfits are literally over 10 years out of style after all~
To be fair, Nomura's "surprises" have somewhat reinforced that way of thinking. iirc, the same guy who created the Rebirth theory was the same one who guessed Vanitas' color-swapped Sora appearance based on nothing more than the angle of a few strands of hair that were briefly revealed in the trailer. While a lot of appearance related theories floating around now are bigger reaches (like Ephemer and Braig being biologically related solely because of their scarves, or Ephemer being Xehanort because of the silvery hair and color of his clothes, or Skuld being Xehanort because of the color of her eyes... which honestly seemed more light brown than amber to me), it's not hard to see how people might believe such ideas in a series where almost all character connections post-KH1 are denoted by visual cues.
... Aaaand then you have the "Aerith is a PoH" type of theories that hinge entirely on the belief that it's possible just because an author can make seemingly nonsensical things happen in a work of fiction. No excuses there. Though I always enjoy watching what happens when someone spins an incredibly elaborate what-if scenario to explain something, only for someone else to Occam Razor with a simple fact or two, leaving the theorizer speechless.
It's amazing, the lengths some people will go to look stupid. Must suck when those spikes are too tall for doorways.
And many years later, with an incoming FFVII remake, we're gonna get several times more Sephiroth than AC ever had, and I'm willing to bet his hair will be even more physics-defyingly fabulous. Technology is incredible...
Yen Sid: As Xehanort's power grows, so too does the darkness. The light is waning. I am certain you have seen its effects... the growing number of Heartless... the abandoned and empty worlds... and the fact that nothing looks properly lit or normal anymore.
Wait, when did Nomura say that Riku's hair would change again? I don't think hair can grow out that quickly (unless you're a super saiyan but that's neither here nor there), and there's not a whole lot left for another trim.
Earthy birb it is! Too bad 'tiels don't come in shades of brown, the only time Terra could really resemble one is with Geezernort in control. :'D
Ohhhh ok I've heard of what you're talking about. Unfamiliar abbreviations, lol.
Riku didn't even seem to have problems before he turned Ansem. Story-wise, the only explanations I can think of are that he got used to controlling that Ansem form and is now trying to readjust to having a teen's body with a considerable drop in darkness power, or he was more severely wounded by that fight with Roxas than we thought, and by transforming, his teen body is only now beginning to recover from the damage.
Honestly though, it's more likely that there was no story reason for it, since KH2's story is a disjointed mess, and Riku got a slouch 'cause he's a teen and that's just what they do. x'D
That IS kinda weird. D'you think it's some sort of cultural thing that we've never heard about? Kinda like how a predominantly black design in the West usually means nothing but trouble, unless you're the angsty teen protagonist?
Funny thing about all of those wizards, excluding Yen Sid, is that they're mysterious to the point that it throws their good-guy stance into question. Disney Merlin might be an uncomplicated protagonist, but I've heard that other depictions of him are a pretty far cry from a cooky old magic man, sometimes placing him as an antagonistic force in the story. Dumbledore has an icky past involving being best friends with a dark wizard who was all gung-ho for world domination. Gandalf... I'll admit, I haven't watched or read enough to judge him, but there's the common theme that "long silvery grey hair = highly intelligent, long-lived, powerful (and probs magical) BAMF." As for whether they're helpful, hindering, neutral, or operate on a completely different sort of logic than normal people, that varies from story to story.
Meanwhile, long silver hair in Japanese media can be found on the young and old, stupid or wise, and powerful or... not so powerful, but it almost always signals bad news.
Seems like I gotta wait a few more hours for mine to show up. TuT
Oh good lord, the world is NOT ready for that dynamic sunshine duo. :'D