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  • Well, except for Terra; don't forget he still got Master E within him! I'm thinking when the time is right, Terra may be able to free himself with the help of Master E while Xehanort is not busy trolling others. You know, it'd be awesome if all the Disney heroes we've met so far joins in the war between Seekers and the armies of Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed, and even Dream Eaters via The Avengers scene.

    I've been trying to make more time for those two things. Despite how much I love both, I've noticed that I've been doing them less and less lately. :I

    Ah gotcha, I can respect that. Well, if you ever feel like joining, just let me, Chu, or Griz know.

    I'm always kinda fascinated by how much care and method you put into this story. Everything seems to happen for a distinct reason... I can't wait to see this in action again in the new chapters. :D

    Yeah it's true, if I was able to figure out the entire series' story with nothing but the DS games and a computer, there's no reason that anyone couldn't be able to do the same if they put in the effort.
    'Course, the problem comes when those people are either too lazy to *really* look into it, or they get information from faulty sources (unreliable fans or the wiki) and start believing in major misconceptions. I'm not going to lie, (for an overused example) I mistook Ventus for Roxas when I first saw him too, and I didn't get that cleared up til I watched the BBS cutscenes. It's far too easy to jump to conclusions, and thanks to the nature of the internet, it's very easy for misconceptions to go viral.
    If a person REALLY cares, they'll find the answers. If they don't, they'll keep complaining while doing nothing to amend their situation. ... Just like everything else in life really.
    ... In the end though, none of this really affects how much I personally enjoy the series, and explaining things to confused newbies helps cement the information in my memory as well. I'm not gonna burn up my energy over it. (I'll be in college by then, so in all likelihood, I won't have the energy to waste.)

    Gula and Ava do seem pretty small, but let's be honest, they're pretty normal in terms of typical KH teen-to-adult proportions. :p
    I'd like to think that Aced wasn't an asshole to the point that he'd be physically pushing around a small fox girl, buuut he's the type to keep slashing at someone even when they're down on the ground. I don't care how Back Cover's apparently been qualifying his character, he's a pretty violent guy. :I

    Heh, that seems to fit what we've seen of Gula's character so far. Even in the middle of an apocalyptic war, he flees a fight (by leaping away so high that he might as well be flying, lol) when things get "too dicey;" he's not one to keep going if things are starting to look bad for him. But back him into a corner, like what we've seen with the Back Cover snippets, and he seems more than capable of fighting back...

    Yeah, we don't know the sequence of events, so we're missing a ton of context that could make or break these theories. Who exactly does "we" include, Aced and Gula or the entirety of the Foretellers? Who exactly is present in each scene, and what takes place that sparks those interactions? Way too much missing information.
    My guess is that Aced proposes to form an alliance with Ava and (maybe) Invi, the two disagree and Aced duels Invi over it, Aced confronts Gula in the warehouse over the missing page (and handing out said information to normal wielders) while Ava is talking to Luxu, and Ava arrives just in time to see Gula get KO'd (there's probably a reason why she was running back thinking 'why did it have to come to this?')
    At least you can say you've been doing something responsible and constructive. If I'm not busy with school or homework, I'm goofing off with a video game or something... :'D

    Oh yeah, remember that club-group thing? KHiRebels? We rebranded it and made a few improvements. Instead of our chat being exclusively on Facebook, we also made one using this site called "Discord." No social media or personal info involved. Would you possibly be interested in joining?

    Characterization's pretty spot-on, other than a few quirks in the dialogue, but it's nothing you haven't heard before from me~
    I really liked your continuation of Goofy being the surprisingly perceptive one, it fits his in-game portrayal and cleared a few mysteries up. So, that "coat-crony" had some other mission, but decided to drop in to pressure the cast into developing more quickly... That's the idea right?
    It's really nice to finally have the normally irrelevant characters actually matter again, though. Can't wait for Kairi to get some real agency and to watch Anti-Sora get rekt by the light. :D

    *sigh* Old-timers coming out of the woodwork I guess... they're gonna be sitting ducks for the condescending assholes in the fandom. e_e
    I'm just gonna hope that 2.8 offers some kind of visual recap of events thus far. If it's just text, I'd bet most people would be too lazy to read. Just... have a video or something that clears up who these characters are and why they're doing the things they are. I can tolerate being 100% lost with a story, but it's pretty clear that most people are not like me.

    Ha, guess we were ahead of the curve.
    I suppose it's easier to physically push someone around when their head barely reaches your middle. :D
    So who d'you think Aced was proposing to form a triumvirate with? Most people are assuming he meant Gula and Ava, but others figure it might be Ava and Invi.
    Ha, got that right. I really need to work on my time management before school kicks into overdrive...

    Yeah, I've been keeping up, and thanks for the heads-up! I've got even more to get hyped about for the rest of the month now. 8D

    So I've noticed, although I haven't been nearly as involved as I usually am... You think so? Which question d'you think it answered, specifically?
    Wait, you're telling me that one mission has to be unlocked by beating the final boss? Now I know why it didn't show up and thanks for the tip, lol.

    Still, it's a working theory until KH2.8 comes out to see if anything adds to it or not. I'd like it for to be true, but then again I could be wrong. That's the price we all pay for trying to figure out everything, lol. ;P

    I'd go for foreshadowing since it's simple enough for me and I agree with you; it's all on Xehanort and it'll backfire on him big time when it comes.
    Oh, yeah! I had forgotten about it until now. :p

    Ugh, yeah.. The ice cream beat is one of the most annoying mini game ever created. Whoever came up with that should be fired! :/ But I have yet to do the missions and I'm in the process of completing Ven's story on Critical mode then Aqua as well to unlock all endings.

    Damn, now that you mention it, it'd be hard to nap him like that. Just when I thought of an idea for the Seekers, it already been shot down by the great Master Selphiroth. XD But I won't give up until I know their identities. That's the way I roll! :D

    Oh, that's true. Speaking of Ven, have you noticed the glaring detail when Ven is standing between Donald and Goofy then flash forward nine, ten years later Sora would be standing in the same spot as his sleeping friend used to be? It just struck me in a way and it kinds of foreshadowing everybody's futures then I get sad about it because were it not for Xehanort, lives could have been simple for everybody. But like he said: Destiny is not left to chance.

    Wow, so that's how it looks like. :D You know, you could make both Skuld and Emperma, considering they're actual characters for Chi and you'd make yourself from Chi as well to make it a trio since I believe we're part of it and you've got the rest of them there as well. :3

    I guess once I complete BBS again for the hundredth time, I'll try to go back to Re: CoM. It'll be a long process, but worth it just to unlock all themes for the PS3. :D

    Actually, you're forgetting about Ansem and Young Xehanort. Those two always seems to be close together when it comes to time travel shenanigans and also Riku had to deal with him through the whole thing. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point off stage, they'd napped him before his death against Riku before facing Ansem for the last time. That, or Replica was waiting for him in the realm of Sleep at the right time for the two to meet again and forcing him to face himself for the actions he did over the year from the time Destiny Islands fell into both darkness and sleep to the end of Xemnas in KH2FM.

    I do wonder what Chi Season Two and Back cover will reveal now that we know we've been unchained from our first layer of sleep and with Maleficent back in being the villainess once again since BSS and KH1, she'll be the wild card because we have no idea what she is up to and it'd be first (Second!) time Player will have to deal with her. Who knows, maybe we'll actually meet Sora during all this?
    *pokes back*

    Heya! It isn't about being memorable. I was gone from August 5th to the 21st. After that, my life outside of KHI was time consuming. In short, busy. So you're good. I didn't purposely ignore you, or anyone else, I swear! I've been trying to get back to everybody. while doing what I can to keep atop of a couple of other things. Plus, I need glasses right now too. @.@ I won't have them till a week or so.


    And I'm sorry you don't have a lot of free time in order to release more of your story. I hope that changes after awhile. :3

    I'm glad you're doing alright health wise! So work and everything is going alright, I take it? Yeah, usually it takes about a week after a bunch of crazy stuff to do to settle down and get into a routine. I'll be experiencing that after Labor Day, cause my siblings will be starting back school, so I'll be depended on during then to make sure suppers are made, and ect.

    The Ice Cream beat game is hard. I played BBS a few months ago, and it took awhile to defeat Vanitas, cause I was under leveled by a lot. Otherwise, that's cool you're trying to get through your huge backlog of games too. 2.8 is going to be out so soon before everybody knows it. Tons of spoilers. I really wanna see the Chi related story, cause it looks awesome with all of the Foretellers. Oh, but I'm impressed you could master the other ice cream beat related games and get their trophies. =D

    Holy crap, that's a whole lot of characters to have! :O I haven't played Dynasty Warriors, but it sounds cool with all of the characters you can create from it.
    Whew, that took a while...

    Anyways, I think your theory's pretty sound. Aced's actions may fit almost of the last page's criteria, but he's not THE definitive traitor; we witnessed Ava fulfill the prophecy in full, right down to starting the war by clashing with Luxu and ringing the bell.

    Something that I'm starting to wonder- was it ever explicitly stated that the traitor's intent was to destroy the world? The final page recounts this traitor's actions and the end result, but never states that it was out of malevolent- or even purposeful- intent.

    And I might just be reading too deeply into this, but I can't help but remember that while our concept of traitor today is steeped in broken trust, backstabbing, deception, and disloyalty, the origin of the word is tradere, Latin for "to hand over." It was used to describe the kind of "handing over" that you'd do with money or items; in other words, it didn't carry the same negative connotations that "traitor" now does. Now, what if the traitor is exactly that: a person who (perhaps unwittingly) handed the whole world over to destruction?

    Going off of that, I think it's not a stretch to say that Ava could very well be the "traitor" that the final page described. Gula failed to find the traitor's motive for the world's destruction because the traitor never had any intention of doing that in the first place. Ava's huge shift in attitude towards fighting the war might've been in response to realizing that she'd been played like a fiddle and sparked the thing she'd worked so hard to prevent.

    That's not to say that there was never anyone with apocalyptic intentions involved, but it's possible that this person and the traitor are NOT one in the same.

    Of course, it's possible that whatever "truth" that Luxu told her could debunk this idea completely, since whatever he mentioned is what made this all fated to happen from the get-go. That tiny omitted fact will probably make a world of difference as of now.
    I'll get around to giving my thoughts on your theory as soon as I can. Which may be several hours, because I'm stuck at school. TuT
    Aw, nuts! Though that'd be handy in times of need.

    Oh, that's all right; take your time with it. After all, uploading them takes time. I'll be waiting on the latest batches, though.

    That's true, but I never got to reach Riku's story in CoM because of rather the control schemes, to be honest. Plus, I'm not much of a cards girl. Actually, it wouldn't have to be his past self; rather it would be Replica Riku that pretty much likes the side of darkness and possibly with a piece of Xehanort's heart within him.

    As for the theory which I have read, I do think it's really firm. There is one way to know for sure and that's by playing the game to the very end.
    It's easy: all you have to do is use your power of stopping time to just have enough time to complete all of them. Best part is that you'd finish them up before work! :D

    Ooh, I'm still amazed! And I wouldn't be surprised if we were to do the same thing with Sora in Kingdom Hearts 3 plus Frozen probably will make an appearance in some form; After all, we got to let it go~

    True, but it'd be fun to see Riku kick his younger self for screwing all this up. Oh, hey, looks like I'll be reading my butt off again. ;P time to jump into the world of theories again!
    Then make time! :p

    I did recognize some of them, but I didn't do so with Cloud and the last two, which I presume to be from Chi/Unchained? And sadly, I don't recognize the rest in your new batches; Are they Final Fantasy Characters?

    Oh, for sure we know those two will make their appearance known to the others soon enough. Hey, maybe KH1 Riku is part of the Seekers? Granted, it was just brief but enough for Young Xehanort to make the trip to pick him up for the conference. Didn't Noruma say all the players are lined up by the seats at one point? Maybe we should look back to the past and see if we can tack them in the order of seats from lower to upper chairs. That'd be the key to unsealing this mystery.
    Oh? I've got a short list yet I lack the energy to watch/play them all. :/

    Wow! It took me a quite while to recognize them all, but still! You're very talented! :D

    I was mainly referring to the true Xehanort that is the source of all of our problems throughout the series, even though some of them are his Heartless and Nobody. I guess none of us hasn't really discovered everything in the series when it comes to certain subjects involving Xehanort and his reports ranging from Birth By Sleep to Kingdom Hearts 2, I believe. Something else just popped up in my mind: who is the other versions of himself and perhaps in some form we already met them but didn't just remember them, thanks to Namine?
    Lol, you're most welcome, my friend! And that's quite a list you've got there, some of them I know of.

    As for the pictures, I sure know them. ;P But I'm surprised at the accuracy of it; you must be very talented at creating characters. Nice work!

    Yeah, that was the gist of it, but I guess I didn't convey it well enough? But I can see what you're talking about and I would not be surprised if we were to discover that very same question being posted by Sora in Kingdom Hearts 3. Honestly, when I think of it, the more terrifying Xehanort is with all his master plans and whatnot. :/ Here's hoping this one will put the kosher on him once for all!
    Hey, Sephiroth!

    It has been a while since we last spoke and I just wanted to check on you like the lovely maiden that I am. :p So how's life in general and did you manage to compete any new games?

    And before I forget, I've been meaning to ask this: After what happened in DDD and what Sora said about hearts being in a bottle on the shelf got me thinking about stuff I've read throughout the series. What if, by any per chance, Xehanort knew about all this before splitting himself in two bodies?

    I mean, it isn't that farfetched for him to do tons of experiment stuff and in the process makes this discovery that would help him in the long run. Or.. Maybe he was informed by his younger self as he picked up his other selves across time and space for the meeting of the 13th?

    I don't know for sure, but you and Black Osprey are full of knowledge of this series' lore other than Nomura. What do you think?
    Eyyy sorry for keeping you hanging for such a long time.

    I think some people give Rey such a hard time because they think she's one of those dreaded "Mary-Sues," since she's an ace pilot, managed to use several Force techniques (mind trick, Force pull, mind probe, Jedi reflexes) with no training whatsoever, and was suddenly able to use a lightsaber like a Jedi despite never even igniting the thing before. All of which can be mostly explained by saying "she's stupidly strong with the Force." (Though you could say she won against Kylo Ren because he was unfocused and had taken a bowcaster blast to the side, which would've thrown most people 20 feet and killed them on the spot.)
    tbh I don't care if Rey is overpowered. She's awesome. I can only hope that she stays biologically unrelated to the Skywalker family, even though the chances of that happening are pretty slim.

    Ehh, unless Coaty's goal is ultimate destruction of literally everything, I can't see him being too concerned with the Dandelions. Their primary purpose is to simply survive the end of the world and possibly rebuild it afterwards. If Coaty's goals are anything like Xehanort's, he'll just want to watch what happens if he presses that big red button. No big deal if there are survivors. That's just assuming his goals are similar, of course... Then again, Ephemera's inquisitiveness could also be a problem, true.
    Time to make an Ephemera prayer circle I guess. ;-;

    Sora uses Midgar hair gel, lol.
    tbh Sora's hair science is just an exaggerated version of normal hair science, or at least what I've observed. My brother has this head of fluffy curls that stick out everywhere, and shaking his head a bit after diving into water can make it stick every which way again.
    Though judging by that First Breath artwork, it looks like the reduced spikiness for Ven and Roxas is here to stay.

    Uuuugh we really need to incorporate y'all's system into our civil courts. I already knew this was very stupid to begin with but it seems even worse when others are much more sensible.

    *Sith Lord voice* Weak-minded rabble.
    Oh sure, a woman who put highly classified information on an email server that was even less secure than your average Gmail account is totally qualified to lead the motherfcking country.
    I'm sorry, no, I do NOT trust someone as airheaded, sloppy, and careless as her to handle important information, make delicate decisions, or do anything right at all.
    Basically everyone sucks and this situation is hopeless. :I

    My art page over in the Creative Media section. =w=
    I saw that you kept your end of the bargain. I'll leave my thoughts in the thread later.
    It certainly has, but I changed the thread title. C: Can't wait to dig in and read it, Sephy! How're you doing btw?
    I heard that Ep. VII was going to include a lot more politics than what made it into the final cut. Something about displaying the negotiations that Leia's Resistance militia was trying to make with the New Republic, right before it all got blown to smithereens. Apparently, those scenes were cut out of concern for the runtime, though I wouldn't be surprised if the past reception to politics might've pushed that decision as well.
    So basically, this trap worked mostly because the Republic was effectively an old, toothless behemoth that relied on a small group of peacekeepers to keep the vultures off its massive back.

    Seriously, people are complaining about the female lead in Rogue One? Just goes to show that people will complain about anything, no matter how dumb.
    Speaking of which, I'm actually pretty hyped for Rogue One. As cool as the Jedi may be, there's a lot more to the galaxy than the mystical Force and lightsabers, and I'm really looking forward to having some full-blown movies to focus on people who aren't related to the Skywalkers for once.
    I've heard of various characters being re-introduced, mostly through whiny fanboys screaming about how the authors aren't being "original" enough because of that. Like, damn, do you want every single thing about that universe that you claim to love so much to be completely trashed, or what?

    Oh, I already have been spoiled about what happened to Maul in the Clone Wars... he got robot legs and a speaking role. Thanks, Lego Star Wars.
    I've started to notice that about Dooku. I have a few books where various characters scribble in their "commentary" in the margins, and every time Dooku has something to say, it's usually in that "condescending nobleman" voice, and the subject matter is often "proper" lightsaber techniques. He was very concerned about that, come to think...

    This might be because I just don't watch a lot of anime, but most of the spinach-greenheads that I've seen were plant spirits, so it at least made a little sense from a stylistic standpoint.
    I'm actually having trouble thinking of any silver-haired Japanese character who isn't real special in some way, unless the silver hair's just due to old age.
    Oh, the world's gonna get wrecked and thousands of children are going to kill eachother, that's unquestionable. But will Ephemera himself go through some kind of deep personal suffering too? That's the question...
    Makes me wonder if the player character is going to survive the Keyblade War. Last we saw, they were collapsed in the middle of a rainy battlefield, possibly dying. Even if they survived, how did they get out of there?

    I'm not big into clothes myself, but I've gained a bit of an appreciation for interesting designs ever since I started drawing people more often. Appearance IS a pretty big part of any character in visual media, too. Also gotta consider that people might just be starved for something new too. :p
    Well, the reduced spikiness is an intended change, at least for Sora. The in-game models we've seen match up pretty well with the 2D art. Kinda reminds me of how his KH2 hair looked when it was kinda damp from crash-landing into the sea.
    For the most part, it seems like Nomura's been working away from "exaggerated, over-the-top, and spiky" and has been trying out "streamlined, practical, and realistic" (yeah as realistic as you can get in a Disney-Square RPG) instead. And it doesn't appear to be a one-off thing, unlike that Days promotional art... I remember that, and thinking "ok yeah, that doesn't look like Roxas at all."

    Feh. In some of those cases, it might be from lack of common sense, but I think the majority of those stupid warning labels are just companies trying to cover their bases before some moron does SOMEthing and sues them over it. As pathetic as it is, we really do need to waste time creating disclaimers over the stupidest things, but hey, we live in a world where someone spilled coffee on themselves and successfully sued because the cup didn't warn that the contents were very hot.
    Just remember, idiocy is infinite and always finds a way.

    Gotta love Poe's Law, amirite?
    You can never really tell if these people are being serious or sarcastic. *puts on sarcasm hat* I personally believe that Trump is the real-life incarnation of the main character from Pink Floyd's The Wall, who built a wall and turned into Neo-Nazi Hitler.

    Alrighty, Scrooge McDuck is up on my page. Hope you update soon! :D

    From what I can tell, motion in art is dependent on the pose, and the general direction of... stuff. Streaks of color, flying dust and particles, that sort of thing. I can't really explain it much better because I've never actually LEARNED this stuff, despite going to art class for years, and the little experience I do have is based off of copying pictures of running creatures in magazines. Guess this is what I get for having a teacher who's crazy about still-life art and little else. >__>

    Ugh, the hands don't even need to be realistic to give you an incredibly hard time. Even the more stylized cartoon hands have a lot going on, just with how every finger is bent differently and overlaps one another. There're a ton of small things that you gotta get right, or the hand ends up looking all wonky. Throw in all the shading and wrinkles that realism involves and you could be working on those for hours.
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