Well....duh. XD Isn't it obvious? She's gorgeous <3
I think the animation was a genius idea because it gave the movie an extra flavor, something different. It shows creativity and the courage to take risks. And it all paid off. Oh yeah, I was never a Harry/Hermione shipper. There were anvil-sized hints throughout the books and the movies regarding Ron/Hermione, I'm surprised that non-readers still expected Harry and Hermione to get together.
Ugh book purists. Much as I would love to claim that I understand them, I don't. The Harry Potter books are pretty tough to adapt to the big screen. They are pretty hefty volumes with a formula which can get old after two or three movies on the big screen, plus there is so much detail in them that putting everything into a movie script is impossible. Problem is, nobody here gets that. The book readers say that the movies have become steadily worse since the 2nd movie (the last movie which remained completely faithful to the book aside from Deathly Hallows) and the casual viewers claim that most of the movies are boring. It's a lose-lose situation. At least in where I come from. For me, as long as the movies capture the essence of the novel and have the basic plot with all the proper characterisation intact, I'm happy. That's why I was uneasy with the portrayal of Dumbledore in GoF, he was too aggressive, and while I enjoyed HBP, I find it disappointing because the focus of that story was Voldemort's past, not the comedy romance. Phew, I needed to get this off my chest. Could never talk about Harry Potter obsessively in the real world.
Ya, though I expected Hermione to be all wild when she hits Ron, as portrayed in the novel, though I can't imagine her being completely berserk. And lol @ Ron's love speech. I miss Dobby

Seeing him push Kreacher away to kiss up to Harry in Grimmauld Place makes up for all the time he's missing in the movies. Bathilda never really frightened me, because I prepared myself for it beforehand. But Hermione finding the blood marks and the flies buzzing in the closet was damn creepy. And I was so hoping Nagini would pop out from Bathilda's neck, but I guess that would have been too graphic. Also notice how eerie it is when Nagini drags Harry into a baby nursery? A creepy throwback to the scene of his parents' deaths.
I have two stuff to nitpick at in this movie though. Where the freaking hell did the mirror shard come from? That wasn't done well at all. Also, the Invisibility Cloak wasn't shown at all, which I find is a mistake considering its role as a Deathly Hallow. It's not like everybody would remember on the spot that he has the Cloak.