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  • i no woman. hope the rabbit gave them rabbis >:3


    dont know how they'll save roxas or xion tho they cant come back without sora disappearing.

    xD hee~

    khwiki is taboo here xD its ran by fans so its all theories just like us.

    they stole a rabbit!? WTF!? man D:


    thats possible since we dont know what the key of sleep is or does, tho if i had to guess i'd say the key of sleep gives one "birth by sleep" -basically returning to the RoL-

    i want a mix of those two.

    im not saying its chronological cause of when its unlocked but cause of the state of the world during the battle. possible reasons however they're just as possible as my theory which honestly leaves this at stand still dont ya think? :/

    IM BACK! so...HI! :D
    Heh, I would also say there isn't really much further to argue since in those points we have no agreement on we take total different interpretation efforts. For me th evidence provided is good enough, for you it is not. So we can conclude with that. As I have a full-time job I am not that big on free time as well so that I can understand very well.
    Much of the other free time gets spent on my FanFic beside this too, lol.

    My god, those three would sit together with a cup of tea and discuss the mysteries of the universe with so much fervor that Sora would faint from brain overload because he doesn't understand what they are babbling about. *ggg*.
    Her performance in Coded was at least a step up from KH 2 though were she was just looking for a new castle. In KH 2 Maleficent and Pete essentially played the part of Bulk and Skull from Power Rangers, mere annoyances and comic relief.
    Don't forget we already have much stuff to cover in DDD:
    - Mark of Mastery exam
    - The mysterious figure
    - Keyholes of sleep
    - the returned somebodies of the Org.
    - Ansem's data (focus point)
    - Xehanort/Eraqus/Terra-mess delved into
    - The nature and function of the realm of sleep itself will most likely be addressed.
    - The things Data-Sora learned must be conveyed to the real Sora.
    - we will most likely get information on the current status of most if not all of the tormented ones.

    Add on that more schemes from Xehanort and we already have pretty much stuff for one handheld games.
    Also, Nomura already said that the things that both Namin? (revealed in Coded) and DiZ (will be revealed in DDD) did while Sora slept lead to something (the rescue of the tormented ones) and that will most likely become the story for KH III.
    Seriously, if we already save the tormented in DDD what should KH III then still be about? Just the final battle with Xehanort? As far as it looks KH III will most likely be on a big console and therefore have a big volume, so I won't be surprised if the first half of KH III is dedicated to the saving of the individual suffering beings. After all, each of them has their own torment which needs to be addressed and remedied/healed by Sora & co. That isn't something you just handle in one measly cutscene, not with all that preparation that is made for it.
    Fair enough, although I really don't see why characters always must have a "horrible fate" to be meaningful...we already had so much horrible fates and suffering in the series, heck the entire stories of Terra, Ventus, Xion, Namin? and Roxas so far are pretty much nothing but suffering littered with some bright spots between.
    Playing as Kairi would be useless right now since she can't do squat in battle, lol.
    I see, yet the reason I didn't include Roxas in that list was because much of his intended "spotlight" was taken away by the overfocusing on Xion in Days.
    I'm not as negative towards Days like many others here, but the uneven distribution of the spotlight in Days bothers even me. Roxas's time in KH 2 was rather short but very intensive especially in the last two or three of the seven days.
    So, while I would regard Roxas as being better used than TAV so far it's still not on Sora/Riku/Xehanort/Axel(Lea)/Namin?-level.
    Nonetheless, I like to believe that Nomura has still something in his sleeve for all of them. As in my opinion most of these characters have still unused potential and more room to grow.
    Yea, the BBS-Trio I assume is going to have a bigger impact later on, they were introduced in the inofficial "KH 0" after all.
    As it looks now the FF-cameos are pushed even more into the background, although I assume we'll probably see a conclosure to Cloud's and Sephiroth's side story in KH III. I would also have nothing against some cameos from older FFs or newers. I bet Golbez would be an interesting optional arena boss or Barthandelus from FF XIII. Balthier and Fran from FF XII or Lightning, Sazh and Hope from XIII would also make good cameos me thinks. ;)
    The main problem with Kairi is really that we see too few of her and when we see something we don't really get insight. Her motivations, interests (besides Sora :p) and opinions on matters are still pretty shady up to now.
    Her screentime in BBS approximately like Sora's and Riku's was solely contributed to the fact that the other two weren't protagonists in that game I think, and to be honest I loved it.
    I enjoy so much to play with Terra, Aqua and Ven that I didn't miss Sora for one second.
    Unexpectedly important? Like the "hug-revival" in KH 1 after the shortest sacrifice ever? Lol.

    Hah, funny you mention that exactly now as I am also steadily contemplating what I can already reveal and what not when writing on my stuff, ^___^.
    Judging by what happened up to now by the end of KH III we will probably have 70% of the major mysteries answered, 20% unanswered and 10% new mysteries/questions as a hook-up for the next saga. :D

    copy it twas what i did xD

    what if the MF was just trying to get them out? kinda like a bear and its cave but on a more intellectual level. like the MF is something that appears to keep outside influences from messing with whatever it is the RoS can do. never gonna happen but nice thought non the less XD

    that would be pretty good for kh3 honestly it would tie in with the people hurting thing nomura has going on right now.

    then that only leaves Aqua doesnt it? she's the only one that would've been there to return to LoD, as i said terra or ven couldnt return one was comatose and the other someones body bitch.

    its late for me so i think i'll sleep now, bye~ :D
    my 1st dog was a Chow :D.....someone poisoned her :'c


    hm..i also like this idea like the MF is some sort of dream-eater like creature, only in the sense thats his realm of origin mind you, but why would he wander the RoS to help either of them? i mean what would xehanort or sora be to such a being?

    also i dont think that fight is a linear one but more like the battles in the Mirage Arena, sure the character is real but until i get something like how nomura put the LS into canon i wont think the fight with MF was canon due to the progression of the story.
    when they fight him its after the LoD was ravaged by MX and story wise the only to return to the LoD after that was Aqua but she left after it was CO so story wise she had no time to fight him.
    ven didnt even see it destroyed and terra left as it was being destroyed so that dont leave much room for the fight to actually happen.
    they love german shepherds!?


    bout damn time xD i've been here to long to try and argue a characters to identity til it shown.
    after all the beatings in BBS i wonder why he's in the RoS.
    thats cause he is the only one in japan xD


    your not getting what im trying to say >.> my argument isnt that he is a younger xehanort just that the "golden eyed person" everyone refers to as such is the MF as confirmed by nomura in that interview.
    i can understand that.
    aww now Beats awesome yo, like a realz bad ass yo. ya get me yo?

    xD waht!? mickey could be great at it! mice are among the best infiltrators on the planet.
    i doubt he used sora to get rid of them (was his tools after all) but at the same time he didnt stop him either xD

    due to my dislike of days i'll have to disagree but cause i dont want another one of those arguments i say we leave it at that.

    >.> your completly ignoring that fact the only "golden eyed person" in the screen shots is the younger xehanort there is no one else for him to refer to.
    and YMX is just a fan name so you cant go by that either, so when they say the "golden eyed person" in the trailers is the MF that dont leave much room to guess as there was only one.
    what evidence? that had nothing to do with it, sure the YX could just be a altered look but that quote isnt referring to his real appearance (if there is one) but to the one we've been shown up til now.
    i'd say so. that isnt recent! xD
    after josh most want shiki back xD

    i dont think thats the kind of infiltration they had in mind tho, and you mean ansem the wise :D
    pfft Xemnas didnt even care that all his pawns were dying.
    oooh i like that idea like the org could've been ansems apprentices using their research.
    i've thought that bout the connections since days thats why most older fans say the story is to convoluted now.
    those are some of the reasons i like her to plus her fighting style was so fresh and at times cool like terra's was fun for just power housing, tho im not terra fan i did find he game play fun.
    :I that MF revelation the other day....i swear you could feel the let down on this site.
    i feel he's already past the boundary i mean look at marulxia sure dude was pretty much filler boss but at least he wasnt some xehanort with pink hair, sure he's in xemnas' org but still no other known connection and he made a pretty good villain.

    source no he said he is the MF.

    good prison would be bad xD
    I already noticed that, lol, so let us just agree to disagree on those points since I am a pretty hardheaded guy in some topics as well.

    True, Namin? hasn't shown many big ambitions to speak of, yet her knowledge always struck me as above average. She also apparently understands stuff best out of the cast of good characters even if she's still no match for Yen Sid or Xehanort from the enemy team. Depending on how much they do know Even, Vexen and Xemnas may also beat her in terms of knowledge.
    Regarding Ansem's data though that's exactly what DDD is supposed to shed light on. Nomura already said it will be a focal point in the game beside shedding some light on how the powers, hearts and memories of MX, Terra and Eraqus were divided between Ansem SoD and Xemnas.
    As far as I remember Maleficent also wanted to have the heartless of the datascape and eventually release them as her army into the real world. She did regain some badass points in Coded compared to KH2 tough, although she's nowhere near her KH1-level again.
    So much is clear, Ansem referred to the fact that so many are waiting for their new beginning. We know what it is supposed to do but we do neither know how it works nor which conditions have to be fulfilled for it.
    Every series that involves revival of some sort I know of has at least some hefty conditions to be met in order to make the whole thing not too cheap and have suddenly revived a whole planet (although this technically already happened in the KH series).
    If I remember correctly Nomura once said that the actual saving of those calling out to Sora in Blank Points is going to become a main story point of KH III, DDD only lays the groundwork for it, so your second guess is probably right.
    Yeah, but he was alone there for the whole time and the actions he took during the majority of Days and early KH2 weren't really that integer as well, despite the reasons he had behind it all.
    Maybe that's exactly the problem that there still is: Riku didn't expect to be forgiven that easily, yet the most important main characters do. Roxas is a stretch though as I would imagine that he isn't too keen on Riku after all that happened between them, there's still some room for conflict.
    You forgot one character though who held him accountable, lol, although out of ulterior motives: Zexion.
    And that all justifies going on a murderous spree and pledge your allegiance to the worst tyrant of the galaxy? It was btw not "love" that was frowned upon by the Jedi but " too close attachment". Obi-Wan once put it nicely once when he warned Mace Windu not to make Anakin choose between his loyalties, as he pointed out that Anakin's loyalties lie with people, not with concepts.
    Still, my main point of referring to those two was not how or why they became evil, but the way they handled it. Sasuke and Darth Vader never show any remorse for what they do for years while Riku turned away from the dark path much earlier than anyone of them. Anakin only managed it in the end and Sasuke gets even worse after the guy who killed his family is finally defeated.
    Lol, Pete is surely not one of those who is underutilized, in fact, I think except Riku, Sora, Xehanort, Axel/Lea and maybe Namin? everyone of the major original characters are underused.
    Okay, the TAV-trio is somewhat excused because they are relatively new yet and I expect them to have further relevance later, but they could still have been explored a bit deeper than they actually did in BBS, especially since we are led to believe those three are the most tightly knit trio. The most glaring underuse has however the supposed main female lead of the main trio, Kairi. Both Namin? and even Xion are way better developed than her.

    Exactly this navigating around some truths is Nomura's style though, he rarely gives a straight out answer except if it's a real clear issue at hand.
    you were in a car crash!?
    haha im not tellin ya when josh makes his grand (prissy/arrogant/random) appearance xD

    i doubt there'd be that big a discrepancy tho.
    i think they care tho only cause the parents pay the cash~
    it would have been cool especially if nomura stuck with the riku infiltrating the org idea as well. i think the nobody concept made complications to tho i dont enjoy like you do xD tho thats probably due to two accounts worth of "roxas is ven!!!" or "does roxas have a heart?" threads....oh dear lord how many of those i've seen....
    i didnt mind his connection to sora actually just that playing ven wasnt all the different to me than playing sora (and his roxas face) guess i just enjoyed the newer styles of terra and aqua. that they are~
    lol honestly i like Ansem the wise more as Diz, diz could've been the mystery person the whole series but eh.
    sadly im afraid i still wish for it without the MX and xemnas and such but to each their own.
    but nomura said the the MF is YX....tho i dont wish to crush your hope xD

    also take time to look at this
    Yup, except on certain fixed points on which I dare assume we won't convince each other anyways. *ggg*

    When I have learnt something in KH then it is that pursue of knowledge combined with ambitions is what in most cases lead to people "losing it" and either become outright villains or unintentionally cause harm to many others (like Ansem the Wise, Namin? and Terra, possibly also Aqua to a degree).
    On the "intellectual" bit I remember some nice quotes from Dumbledore, that those who are very wise and resourceful may have broader possibilities and power at their disposal, but people of that kind making an error or being misinformed leads most times to way more severe misfortunes than when a "normal" person does it.
    "Data" in the KH series does mean much more than simple numbers already. The fact that Nomura hinted more than once that Data-Sora might have had developed a heart (which is also somewhat hinted by Mickey typically being vague in Coded), one of the story themes in Coded being the question "Can a heart be born in an existence of data?" AND now in DDD Maleficent apparently demanding Mickey to hand over the data worlds to her shows already there's more to it.
    And those things do not even concern Ansem's data yet. It was said that this data includes everything what Ansem (as DiZ) found out about the heart, memories and nobodies, so I'm pretty much intrigued what Nomura has cooked up with it, especially in regards to Blank Points and the whole "Birth by Sleep"-concept which has by now been mentioned and vaguely described but no actual revealed information to how it works.
    I on my hand found exactly Riku struggling like that to be very refreshing, it shows that he really regrets the crimes he made and doesn't expect to be easily forgiven. It's way more realistic than having just one or two scenes about showing remorse and then everything is fine again. It's not like Riku's misdeeds in KH 1 were just some pranks, he destroyed a world, kidnapped several people and tried to kill some more (Beast, Sora) before he was possessed by Ansem.
    If there's one thing I can't stand in fiction, regardless of Anime, Comic, Manga, Film or Game, it's a culprit who has done horrible things or a traitor to be easily forgiven like their misdeeds are suddenly forgotten or not that bad anymore.
    Anakin's motvations were simply not being able to let go, as Yoda already noticed in Episode II. And Yoda was also right that he ddn't fall "victim" to the dark side but choose it. I also won't go on deeper with Sasuke. It's really rare that I genuinely dislike a fictional character but this bastard really deserves to be cut down.
    Haha, ok, in the KH cast there isn't one character I really dislike, some characters like Pete or Demyx severely annoy me sometimes, but not so much that I would say I really dislike them.

    Indeed, and maybe read them several times as well since Nomura just loves to camouflage his answers and give "hidden" confirmations while pretending still to be mysterious just for the sake of it.
    Or to tell it bluntly, sometimes he likes to be a little troll.
    its okay. actually im lucky enough not to have broken a bone so far and i've been thru things like being thrown off fourwheelers.
    give it time you'll come to love the story, it has some of the best character development and such i've ever seen.
    a lot of sony fans bitch bout it yet they dont bother something to do with money im sure.

    no actually there was no blood it looked like someone getting hit with a dodge ball at most when braig loses his eye, after it he jumps off all ninja style b4 you get to see any blood xD
    all i can figure is they do it out of panic that its owned by disney, unlike the movies the parents arent there from start to finish cause well ya know a movie=2 hours at most while a game is (depending on skill and free time) can be 10 hours at least on the story part.
    even tho you say that xion is ironically a clone xD (joking joking~) no not the start they werent but with ven's appearance roxas feels to be. actually i remember seeing on here nomura had intended for roxas to be sora's guardian b4 the nobody idea.
    i dont like ven honestly to me it was playing roxas with sora's personality he didnt offer nothing new (cept one of the most awesome counterparts in this series~) like terra and aqua did.
    everyone is thats why i wish, at this point now, that ansem (kh1) would've stayed ansem -_-
    and yes it was underwhelming and to me for someone of nomura's skill uncreative.
    Good we're on similar terms here as well. :D

    Yea, although much of it turned out to be true it doesn't mean that every single thesis they make is vaild.
    Ansem the Wise at least however had the guts to admit that he has absolutely no clue on what Namin? really is and that his first research on the heart didn't bring him much enlightenment but more harm to the worlds and people.
    I am certainly interested though how that data of his second research spree (as DiZ) will enable Sora to save all the tormented ones in the end. After all, Ansem himself stated to Aqua that Sora and co. might be able to put it to good use and Nomura said several times this data will be the key.
    Heh, one has to give Riku credit though for being one of the most developed characters in the franchise.
    And unlike i.e. Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars or Sasuke from Naruto he turned around half-way down the dark path and took the last opportunity to evaluate his true allegiances.
    I think with KH DDD, Riku should finally come to terms with his still lingering guilty feelings, freeing him to be a true asset in KH III at least. Not to mention it's rumored he has a part of Terra in him...it's ought to become more interesting.

    I certainly came to see that, lol. Answering in that thread took me quite a time also last time. After game logic alone didn't work for ya I now finally brought out the Ultimania-interviews, *ggg*
    Having such variety in possible interpretations also makes exploring the new titles even the more interesting and exciting. ^___^
    I couldn't agree more, and apparently the moderator is guilty of this, too. Just curious though, I would have thought Peter Pan as more offensive than Pocahontas, although I haven't watched it in years. What do you think ?
    No problem! I was just saying to Rydgea, a lot of people hold KH with VERY high reverance, and when a topic arises like this people don't want to hear it, whether or not its valid :)
    thank you~ tho actually i was got 3 scabs to prove it. (all i wanted to do was start my damn car....)
    then your are judging FAAAAAR to early cause if you keep going to the end you'll at the very least find it worth you money.
    i think it is but only in the sense that its the downloadable psp games -_- sony doent do backward compatible cause their asses.

    weird in many ways yet awesome in that one~
    yep they also edited terra blasting out braigs eye in bbs, if you play the jap version it shows it hitting.
    i dunno just annoys me that do it :I i mean kids see worse than that now a days on youtube.
    i feel the same thus why i have no care for roxas or ven or xion or xemnas...or any of the clones really... i mean ven to me was nomura being to damn lazy to make a new character design -_-
    actually yes i have bad luck all the time hell just 3 days ago i fell on ice in my jobs parking lot ;~;
    also TWEWY=best damn ds game ever.
    but yeah every psp i've had was bad my last one wont work at all which means im bbs-less.

    it doesnt to me either and that fact they dont bother to censor it for japan just annoys me.
    me neither tho Xigbar's rifle in kh2 was pretty neat how it fit together same for braigs rifle in the jap version of bbs.
    probably due to kh's fanbase :I most are roudn 13-14 at start is all i can figure on PoC censorship.
    i know just an example.
    i think it was a bit of both like someone made a comment on it and he went with a change to it tho long as the ending is good i dont care.
    dont feel to bad ;~; many of us were and for me it was wasted money cause every psp i've had was crap and i wouldnt even consider a 3ds if it werent for that Ocarina of time remake.

    yep it true. i think disney got sora and co. sometime after kh1. so far they have only been stupid with censorship cause i've played the final mix of kh2 and i've seen some of the things they cut such as Xigbar's rifle and it showing jack get stabbed and will holding a gun to his head.
    its also cause of disney and copyright issues that tarzan hasnt appeared since kh1.
    tho recently nomura said he had to change his ending for DDD and i highly doubt SE was the ones who made him do it.
    Just stating things without backing them up won't have such an impact.
    Like i.e. bluntly stating that because Riku turned shortly into Xehanort in Terra's vision means that Riku will become Xehanort or they are family. Such a statement would be shot down any second later.
    Although I try to use more in-game information, also by linking events and issues together in a logical way (yeah, I know, some things I deduce from stuff don't have to be deduced the same way by others) and interview-material only in the second row to back up my statements more if needed.

    Going by this premise we also can't take everything in the reports for granted, though.
    Ansem the Wise is a particularly nasty case indeed, as he persecutes nobodies simply because they are different and, by using the most narrow interpretation possible, should not exist.
    But they undoubtly do...they are living creatures, incomplete, yes, but still alive. Highly special cases like Namin? and Roxas are on an even more different level then.
    In that conflict within characters-situations I was actually more "hooked" by Namin?'s and Riku's stances.
    Namin? didn't want to hurt more people, but she had to in order to keep her promise to restore Sora. Riku was more or less the same and, if we only count full beings, practically the only one who felt at least some sympathy for Xion and Roxas.

    Yep, that's why I don't descend into a rage fit if my interpretations don't turn out to be right. I have the ability to keep several possible outcomes in mind. Sure I have my personal favorite, but I won't let it stand alone.
    That's indeed the fun coming out of it...when both sides remain civil and such. ^__^
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