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  • How pessimistic we are, LOL. Well, it seems that Tenyas and Scribbles are the only two left to post (Not to sound disrepectful to them, but it seems that THEY were the oinly ones last time, too...Though Scribbls is trying. I haven't seen Tenyas in over a week and a half....)
    I'll look into it....Sems rather random, though....We'll probably have to wait for them like we did with Scribbles....
    I saw your OOC in the Soul Eater RP and couldn't help but laugh. It made me realize the fact that I'm on Spring Break right now.
    (There are only 33 members actually on right now....Really disturbing....) No problem...Though I must tell you that with the RP, knowledg of th series isn't really neded, our Rp's gonna streamline th entire thing....But, if you don't want to, fare be it from me to pressur you. Still, though....If you know anybody that might wanna join, feel free to send them me or Lycoris's way....
    Oh, ok. I'll edit that part a bit. Oh BTW, did Lunar ask you about the Star Trek RP? Me and Ethnic Woman are looking for pople to join....I was hoping for a response from you. Lunar declind already, but what about you? Does it sound like someething you'd be intersted in?
    No, she will be in my next post. Well, GTG. See you all at 10:00. And I just posted.
    Oh, tell Lunar that I'm not going to be back online until 10:00-ish. I have to take a bath (which I tend to do for long periods of time) and watch Star Trek. (which takes two hours for both TOS and TNG)
    Sure, by all means. And no problem. And about quoting, only do it if the situation requires it, like it did in that first post. Other than that, it's all good. :)
    That's what I was thinking. Zak hasn't left London yet and neither has your character. Mayb Zak can intercpt your Mister, and Zak can "kidnap" Gear after a brief discussion/argument?
    No, its ok if she is neutral and templess for now, but who will she fight first? im going to go snatch you up and take off with your beaten bruised and bloody body :D
    I suppose. And no, Treska will be seperate....For a while. I don't intend on her actually participating in any battles for a while. That bing said, I probably will not make a temp. for her until she enters her first battle. (Or at least becomes central to the plot) Unless you and Lunar think it should be done.
    Ok, fair enough......An unofficial ally, then. Until some better oppurtunity comes along. :)
    Well, I WAS intending for Gear and Treska (The female OC I used in my first post) to defect against Maaba anyway, and possibly confront her directly. I'm not sure if I want them working for the DWMA directly. (Besides, I was sort of hoping for Gear and Zak to becom 'allies,' due to their mutual dislike for Maaba, though that could maybe happen later on in the story or something.....) We could try somthing similar to your idea, if you want....Like, you saving Gear and he helps th DWMA for a whil, before something causes him to leave....
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