THANKYOU!! GOD DAMN! I think you just earned your way to the top of my friend list lmao. I know somethings i say may seem unfair, but if it really was, dont you thnk bone would have said somthing to me by now, ive been telling bone alot since he started this. And again Hades working with the shape shifter! Geinus! that would be a great way to start destroying worlds, but hes not going to leave the underworld for one. for two why would he want to be friend some one who just tried to kill his minions i would be pissed, and as for that heartless, it dosnt make anysense... last i remember no one could open portals except Org13, remeber Maleficent dosnt open dark portals they are her own, shes a witch after all.
And another thing you cant say, i stabed you so your dead., everyone fights, there is always a fight scene. And if i were hades i wouldnt work with a nobody period.