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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002) 

Kind-Hearted, feisty, and gossipy, Selphie is the only other girl introduced to us on the Destiny Islands alongside Kairi. In Kingdom Hearts, Selphie appears in Sora's "odd dream" asking him a simple question about his personal preferences. Little does he know that the manner in which he answers this question will affect him in the future. Selphie appears on the island as a character in which Sora can talk to or spar against in order to gain experience. When Sora engages Selphie in conversation, she always seems to make comments about Riku and Kairi's relationship or she goes on about her personal feelings about certain situations.

In Re: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Selphie appears in Sora's memory of the Destiny Islands. Her gossipy and kind personality shine through as she constantly mentions Sora's affections for "her" and manages to convince the gang to leave Sora by himself so he can go find this mystery girl. During the course of Reverse/Rebirth Selphie appears on the Islands alongside Tidus and Wakka but she disappears in a flash of light without saying a word to Riku.

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