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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet



First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)
Origin: The Chain Gang (1930)
English Voice Actor: Bill Farmer

King Mickey's loyal and ever faitful dog. If anyone can find the King's whereabouts, Pluto's nose will definitely lead the way.

Pluto first appeared when Donald was looking for the King in the throne room. The King had left a letter with Pluto giving instructions to Donald and Goofy. Pluto accompanied the two as they travelled to Traverse Town to search for the "key". However, when they arrived Pluto went his own way and found Sora in an alleyway. The boy woke up to see the dog licking his face, but before he could find out where he was, Pluto bounded off and disappeared.

He appears again after Ansem's defeat with another letter bearing the King's seal.


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)
Origin: The Chain Gang (1930)
English Voice Actor: Bill Farmer

You may think that Pluto is just a loveable dog, best friend to King Mickey, but you're seriously misunderstanding this sneaky dog's awe. Naughty and mischievous, Pluto set out past the world of Disney Castle back in Kingdom Hearts, jumping aboard ship undetected. In Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, like many of Pluto's inexplicable appearances across the universe, this dog is seen on vast rolling hills in the middle of nowhere with an envelope with the mark of King Mickey in his mouth, an envelope which contains word from the King who was locked in the Realm of Darkness after the defeat of Xehanort's Heartless. After Pluto runs off - consequently losing Sora and friends at a crossroads at night from which they are lured to Castle Oblivion - he makes several appearances throughout the castle, though he is merely a memory.


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)
Origin: The Chain Gang (1930)
English Voice Actor: Bill Farmer

The king's long lasting companion and trusted ally. Pluto was initially sent out with Donald and Goofy to search for the Key-bearer of Light, and was considered to be missing until Sora, Donald and Goofy ran into him after locking the Door to Darkness. He guided them to Castle Oblivion before going missing again in the Realm of Darkness, from which he emerged when he followed Axel through a Corridor of Darkness. This brought him to the Destiny Islands where he met Kairi, and together with her ran away from Axel who came to kidnap the girl. This resulted, sadly, in them both falling captive yet salvation soon came in the unlikely form of Kairi's Nobody, Naminé. Using a Corridor of Darkness, the blonde let both Pluto and Kairi escape, yet once again Pluto is missing.

Doubtless, he will appear once again, when he is needed the most.


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)
Origin: The Chain Gang (1930)
English Voice Actor: Bill Farmer

The king's loyal pet, this dog does what he can to be (or at least appear) helpful to Queen Minnie and the town as a whole. He's seen alongside Minnie when Aqua visits the town.

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