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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet



First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS II (2006)
Origin: Steamboat Willie (1928)
Japanese Voice Actor: Toru Ohira
English Voice Actor: Jim Cummings

Pete hails from the world of Disney Castle. He was once a proud steamboat captain but he lost his way as time passed by. He was banished by King Mickey and Queen Minnie for his wrong-doings, only to be saved by Maleficent. Pete in return became her servant, and has been traveling the worlds ever since in order to enlarge the witch's army of Heartless.

The first time Sora's team ran into Pete, it was in Yen Sid's tower. Having heard rumors of Yen Sid's powerful Heart, Pete wished to turn him into a Heartless he could control. His plot was thwarted by the party who also told him Maleficent was defeated. Anxious and uncertain, Pete made his way back to the castle in Hollow Bastion where he witnessed Maleficent's resurrection.

Disappointed in her lackey, Maleficent gave Pete one last chance to redeem himself when he found a door connecting to the past. By passing through it, they could alter events and thus shape the present more to their liking. Pete was only too eager to comply as it brought him to the time where he was still a boat captain and he was reunited with his beloved vessel. Sora, Donald and Goofy soon followed, however, and together with the King and Pete's past selves, managed to thwart the present Pete's plans.

Left with little choice but to proceed with his duties, Pete continued to travel through the worlds, only to run into Sora, Donald and Goofy around every turn. In a final attempt to try and please his mistress, Pete brought Maleficent to Organization XIII's castle in the hopes they could take over it. What they found there was Sora, Riku and the King waging an all out war on the Organization. Preferring the devil they knew, Pete and Maleficent chose to aid the Keyblade Wielders and fought off the Heartless while leaving their enemies to fight each other.

This display of bravery was the last anyone's seen of them, and Pete's fate remains shrouded in mystery still.


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS II (2006)
Origin: Steamboat Willie (1928)
Japanese Voice Actor: Toru Ohira
English Voice Actor: Jim Cummings

This bumbling, loudmouthed troublemaker crosses paths with Roxas on several occasions as he spreads mischief and Heartless throughout the worlds. Since escaping his banishment some years ago, Pete has loyally followed Maleficent's every order - and more often than not failing. Nonetheless, he shouldn't be discounted as an important enemy, as powerful Heartless are ever at his beck and call.

In Agrabah's Cave of Wonders, Pete greedily follows legends of the Genie's magic lamp, hidden deep inside the cave. Uncovering a secret passage in the wall of the city, he wastes no time in moving in to take the lamp - and the all-powerful genie residing inside. What Pete doesn't know, unfortunately, is not only the fact that the Genie had been set free some time ago, but also the fact that he was being followed: Roxas, along with Xion, was investigating the desert cave as part of a reconnaissance mission. A battle ensues, ending in a battered Pete fleeing with his tail between his legs. This is but one of several encounters with Pete, however; keep an eye out for him in other worlds, players.


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS II (2006)
Origin: Steamboat Willie (1928)
Japanese Voice Actor: Toru Ohira
English Voice Actor: Jim Cummings

A trouble-causing resident, Pete looks out for no one but himself, and covets the Million Dreams Award for the the express purpose of possessing it, even if the real purpose of the award totally eludes him. Knowing his chances of receiving many votes are slim, he disguises himself as Captain Justice and Captain Dark to further his chances, although when the awawrd ceremony comes, he receives zero votes.

His first ineraction with the keyblade-wielding trio is as Captain Dark, when he nearly runs over Terra on the Rumble Race course, but through the instruction of Chip, Dale and Queen Minnie, Terra joins the race and beats Pete. Upon Ven's arrival, an obtrusively eager Captain Justice seeks to 'help' Ven in any way he can, though leaves angrily when he can find no way to actually assist him. Later on in the town square, he tries the violent approach to 'fixing' the (non) broken ice cream machine before Ven steps in. During Aqua's arrival, Pete conveniently finds another 'catastrophe' to help fix when Horace Horsecollar informs them of the Unversed situation in the Fruitball Plaza.

Pete stands in the crowd at the Million Dreams Award ceremony as Captain Justice, but when the prize isn't given to him and he is unable to claim it as his current persona, steps off stage to transform into Captain Dark, commanding Queen Minnie hand over the prize.

Having reached the limits of her tolerance, Minnie informs Pete of the real purpose behind the award before having him carried away by brooms, later banishing him to the dark realm.


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS II (2006) 
Origin: Steamboat Willie (1928)
Japanese Voice Actor: Toru Ohira
English Voice Actor: Jim Cummings

This loudmouthed, bumbling troublemaker was at one time a steamboat captain on the Timeless River, but later became the lackey of the demonic witch Maleficent. He and his mistress both survived the wave of Heartless in the Castle That Never Was, and now seek to accomplish their goals of world domination within Jiminy's digitized journal.

Sent secretly to spy on King Mickey within the castle, Pete was suddenly drawn into the data world in the middle of his mission. He reports his accidental findings to Maleficent, who, instead of becoming enraged at him, takes advantage of his discovery and joins him inside. There, she stakes dominance over the data worlds, and sends Pete forth to secure her rule. Whilst roaming the virtual Agrabah, Pete encounters Data Sora, and continues to engage him in combat throughout the digital worlds. Towards the end of the game, he assists Maleficent in challenging a Heartless of phenomenal power, formed from the hearts released by Data Sora. The Darkside, however, proves too powerful for the both of them, and Pete is (presumably) wiped from existence inside the data world. It's revealed by Data Riku that, right at the final moment when it seemed all hope was lost, he helped them escape the Datascape. As Pete and Maleficent crossed the realms, Maleficent had a revelation. The Journal's "Date Escape" reminded her of the fabled Book of Prophecies, an ancient tome that could conjure up unspeakable power. Pete interjected that it sounded like nothing more than a fairy tale, but the evil fairy herself expressed the irony of his statement and the two traveled on, knowing that their cause was not yet lost.

KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance]

First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS II (2006)
Origin: Steamboat Willie (1928)
Japanese Voice Actor: Toru Ohira
English Voice Actor: Jim Cummings

Of course every mistress of darkness needs a partner-in-crime, right? Not everyone can agree that Maleficent chose the sharpest tool in the shed, but Pete's tenacity and strive makes up for what he lacks.

Pete's part in this grand scheme is, as expected, the brute force. He keeps Queen Minnie in place as he and Maleficent await King Mickey's return. He takes much pride and laughs gleefully to see his former deckhand in a vulnerable position as he and Maleficent reign supreme in their moment of triumph, revealing their parts as pieces of Xehanort's puzzle. Whether or not he is actually aware of the plan in its entirety is unknown, but nothing will stand in his way towards power and glory.

He and Maleficent are forced to flee Disney Castle when King Mickey receives some unexpected help from within a Dark Corridor.


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS II (2006)
Origin: Steamboat Willie (1928)
Japanese Voice Actor: Toru Ohira
English Voice Actor: Jim Cummings

Pete was a citizen in Disney Town, however he was banished by Queen Mickey after he tried to rig the Million Dreams Award in his favour.

While in 'prison', he was contacted by the Evil Fairy, Maleficent. They formed a working relationship and he acts as second-in-command to Maleficent.

After their voyage into the Datascape, the two have set their sights on the Book of Prophecies and a mysterious Black Box...

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