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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet

Mr. Smee


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)
Origin: Peter Pan (1953)
Japanese Voice Actor: Kazuo Kumakura
English Voice Actor: Jeff Bennett

Captain Hook's loyal and reliable first mate. He's the only one Hook can count on when the "blasted crocodile" is around.

Smee obediently obeyed orders, although he wasn't sure placing Sora's group down with Peter Pan was a good idea. True enough, shortly after sending them down the ship's hold, Smee reported that the prisoners had escaped. He did his best to take care of Sora and the gang when Captain Hook retreated after sensing the crocodile's presence; however, after the Heartless were all defeated he had no choice but to run away.


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)
Origin: Peter Pan (1953)

This jolly, bumbling pirate is Captain Hook's first mate! Smee is constantly at the captain's service and always proves himself to be loyal. During Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, Smee is taken to dig up sites where a supposed "treasure map" points towards buried treasure. When the treasure is not where the map said it would be, Smee knows who is going to be very angry…


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)
Origin: Peter Pan (1953)
Japanese Voice Actor: Kazuo Kumakura
English Voice Actor: Jeff Bennett

Though Smee is Captain Hook's first mate, he is a very kind character, the only problem is that he is very weak and timid and submits to Captain Hook's threats. Even though Captain Hook treats Smee poorly, Smee is very loyal to Captain Hook.

When Terra lands on Neverland he sees Smee and Captain Hook dragging a treasure chest with them and being attacked by Unversed. Terra saves them and they take the treasure to Skull Rock. He is also seen firing cannons from Captain Hook's ship at both Ven and Aqua while they are there. Later Smee opens the chest for Captain Hook when they stole it from the Lost Boys for the second time.

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