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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet

Hooded Unknown

First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS coded (2010)

The Hooded Unknown, clad in the familiar cloak of Organization XIII, first appears to Data Sora in his Destati, luring him further and further into the depths of the data. No matter which world he visits, the Unknown always seems to be one step ahead, infuriating and frustrating the Keyblade hero to no end. Believing him to be the cause of the corruption, Sora chases the figure through Destiny Islands, Traverse Town, and Wonderland before the trail runs cold. When Mickey and his companions are transported into the Datascape and reunited with Data Sora, the Hooded Unknown appears before them and reveals himself to be Data Riku, the vessel chosen from Jiminy's Journal to protect its data.

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