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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

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First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)
Origin: Hercules (1997)
Japanese Voice Actor: Kyusaku Shimada
English Voice Actor: James Woods

Hades is the god of the Underworld as well as one of the Disney villain conspirators trying to control the world with Heartless. His head of flames burn blue, except when angered and his whole body (flaming hair including) turn to red. Hades hides behind an almost apathetic, all-knowing personality, but his temper can flourish at the slightest mistakes.

Hades supplies heartless to the Coliseum as battle opponents, but he also makes a deal with Cloud Strife saying that if Cloud kills Hercules - and later, Sora - he would give Cloud the location of Sephiroth. However, things change when Sora and Cloud faceoff. One of two things may happen: if Sora is defeated, Cloud will refuse to deliver the final blow. Or Sora may simply defeat Cloud. Either way, Hades comes to realize that Cloud is no longer useful and releases his Underworld guardian, Cerberus, to get rid of the two. With some help from Hercules, Sora and company eventually bring down Cerberus.

After Sora leaves the Coliseum, Maleficent arrives at Olympus to warn Hades not to let the darkness take over him. Hades merely shrugs off her warning assuring her that he ‘could handle it'. When Maleficent is defeated Hades decides to open up the Hades Cup in hopes of defeating Hercules and Sora. Sora, however, ends up defeating Hades and locks him into a cell. The infuriated Hades then takes a page from his own movie and unleashes the four titans (though, only the Ice Titan and Rock Titan are shown). When Sora defeats the Rock Titan in the final match of the Hades Cup, Hades apparently goes into hiding.


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002)
Origin: Hercules (1997)
Japanese Voice Actor: Kyusaku Shimada
English Voice Actor: James Woods

The god in charge of the Underworld and the dead. Hades once held control over the Heartless and worked along with Maleficent in an attempt to control all worlds, but was eventually defeated by Sora and his Keyblade.

Still having not given up his loathing of Zeus and his son, Hercules, Hades utilized his powers over the Heartless to send as many as possible to fight Hercules in the Coliseum. It seemed his plan was working, as even if his minions fell, Hercules's stamina ran low.

At one point Hades attempted to revive a warrior that already died before, yet the warrior, Auron, refused to obey Hades's orders. As a result, Hades turned to a plan B where he kidnapped Meg and tricked Sora into unlocking the Underdrome in the process of saving her. There, in a battle arena so fierce Zeus had to lock it up, Hercules is sure to meet his end, especially when Hades enslaved Auron and made him and Hercules fight each other.

The plan backfired when Auron was released from Hades's control. Hades then tried to take his revenge on Meg. This only made Hercules recover his strength, and ended in Hades's demise when he was pushed into the stream of souls that runs under the Underworld.


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002) 
Origin: Hercules (1997) 
Japanese Voice Actor: Kyusaku Shimada 
English Voice Actor: James Woods

The infamous God of the Underworld, Hades arguably spends more time causing mass mayhem and mischief in the living world than overseeing the lost souls who have long since passed. He constantly schemes away, plotting to overthrow Zeus, the ruler of Olympus, and dominate the world. In his free time, he searches for a mortal with impressive strength to help him achieve his evil deeds.

As it so happens, Terra became his unsuspecting target this time around; the perfect pawn, completely oblivious to Hades' current track record and reputation. Hades acted under the guise of helping him conquer the darkness within and obtaining the power to overcome it, though his plans proved worthless as Terra swept the competition without using even an ounce of the darkness. He even went so far as to instill the power of darkness within Zack, enslaving him and turning him into a warrior of darkness, all so that he would be able to draw out Terra's power. Needless to say, his plans were thwarted by the Keyblade wielder, proving that darkness just wasn't all it's cracked up to be.

Later on, word managed to reach Hades about another warrior plowing through the ranks of the current Games. To his surprise, the warrior was actually Aqua, and he tried to recruit her into his ranks with the offer of darkness. His offer was refused point blank, though the lord of the underworld doesn't cope well with rejection. He returned in the Finals with the Ice Colossus in tow, only to be struck down.


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS (2002) 
Origin: Hercules (1997) 
Japanese Voice Actor: Kyusaku Shimada 
English Voice Actor: James Woods

The God of the Underworld.

After his plans to take down Hercules once and for all have failed on numerous occassions, Hades is making a move on Olympus with the help of the Titans. With Hercules and Sora distracted, he makes his way to the top of the mountain and traps Zeus in a prison.

During his seige on Olympus, his former colleagues Maleficent and Pete show up and ask him about a Black Box.


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