Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel, and Kairi make up four of the new Princesses of Heart. Come theorise who the last three Princesses will be!


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First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS χ[chi] (2013)
Origin: Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Gaston prides himself on his strength, confidence, and dashing good looks, but that's about all he really has. He's the most popular man in the village, and naturally he thinks that is enough to get him the girl of his dreams. Sadly for him, that girl happens to be Belle, and she has absolutely no interest in him.

Each failed attempt at courting her prompts Gaston to grow more desperate to win her affections, to the point where he refuses to allow any competition for her love to exist.

Imagine how infuriated he becomes when he learns that Belle has fallen for the Beast. His rage allows the darkness within his heart to flourish, allowing him to call forth a horde of powerful Heartless to lay siege to the castle in order to kill the Beast. He almost succeeds, but Belle's love for the Beast inevitably gives way to Gaston's demise. 

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