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Worst Bossfights and why

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New member
Sep 6, 2015
So, I just wanted to collect some of the worst bossfights in the series and what I really dislike about them. I also want your list, to see what mechanics other people didn't like in the past.


I don't think the Wondercave is the mainproblem in this fight, but I really hate the gameplay of the first game. Their are so many issues with the controls and when you can finally ignore them, you come to agrabah and remind yourself how bad Soras movement is. You have your way up to the head and many ways to kill the boss, but it's just so annoying that I can't stand it.
The idea of the boss was great and I think it would be a cool boss in KH2 when you can jump higher and have more ways to stay on the head and don't fall down to get killed by the thiefs that throw swords all over the place.


Lords: I don't really get why they exist. They don't really fit as last boss (in any way or world) and don't really do anything. I always hate to fight more than 1 enemy at the same time, but the Lords be like "I'll wait till he crushed you.".
Why didn't they gave us one boss that actually does something, or 2 Lords that actually do something.

Hades: Hades in KH2 is nothing more than: Hercules makes him attackable -> attack -> dodge 1 attack if actually attacks, because Hecules spams his abitlity-> Loop.
He wasn't the biggest deal in KH, but his moveset in KH2 was a joke. Could be a great fight, but he's more like a free kill.


Vanita's lingering will:
BBS has a lot of bad bossfights, because you can't stagger the bosses. But there is one fight, that is just completely annoying and I don't know a single person that had fun doing this. I think Vanitas is a really bad boss, because you can't attack him without getting hit for no reason. His lingering will is the personification of "just try to hit me and I fuck your life.".
The whole boss is just dodging and spamming, because he can one hit you and there is no way to physical attack him. I won't ever understand why they made this boss. There is no skill or fun at all.

Won't include Days, because most of the bossfights are really annoying, just because of the controls. I completely forgot the Re:Coded and & DDD bosses, too because I haven't played them for a long time. Maybe I'll start DDD again, but I'll probably wait for 2.8 to play it with better controls.



Mar 9, 2008
Most of my worse boss fights was from Days. All for the same reason of way to much health. It was artificial difficulty. It drug out a fight much longer than it should've been and made them a tedious chore. (looking at you Ruler of Sky and Coffin thing)

I also found Xemnas in KH1FM disappointing. He had literally one move that's a problem. More of that artificial difficulty.

The only other one that comes to mind is Demyx. In 05 he was a pain and years later in 2.5 his data fight still is.

...I basically rate worst bosses on annoyance level.


Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
  • KH 1: Ursula's both forms. I was a kid who barely knew how to read English.
  • CoM(Never finished RE:CoM): I remember losing a lot to Vexen. The 2D made it near impossible to land a hit.
  • Days: Leechgrave. Need I explain?
  • KH 2: I hated fighting the Grim Reaper at Port Royal on Proud and Critical.
  • BBS: Mysterious Figure and Vanitas' Remnant. I hate how cheap they are. I remember feeling no satisfaction when I beat them because they took no strategy. Cartwheel and Thunder Surge, Cartwheel and Mine Seekers.
  • Re:Coded: The glitchy Defenders? I remember having mini heart attacks every time they appeared.
  • DDD: Julius with Sora. Like Mysterious Figure, no satisfaction.


New member
Sep 6, 2015
  • KH 1: Ursula's both forms. I was a kid who barely knew how to read English.

Looks like my mind was able to block my memorie of this awful fight. Yea, totally forgot Ursuala. I mean I don't care about the secound form, but the first one with that magic bullshit....hell no


Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
KH1: 1st Ursula battle. Heck, I was a teen who could read English and I had no clue what was going on. Cerberus was pretty awful too.

Re:CoM: The one that really sticks in my mind, for whatever reason, is the last Axel fight of Sora's campaign. I don't know what was wrong with me, but that diddlyer killed me SO MANY TIMES. I don't even remember how or why!

KHII: Worst in terms of plain difficulty, definitely Roxas in TWTNW. Little guy walls me every time. As far as just plain bad goes... Grim Reaper says hi.

Days: Leechgrave. Ruler of the Sky. Dustflier. All of the same reasons as Cog. AAAAGH

BBS: Never actually fought Mysterious Figure or Vanitas Remnant, so this one goes to... Terranort, at the end of Terra's campaign, because like Axel in Re:CoM, the bastard managed to kill mean unbelievable amount of times and I'm not even sure why.

Re:Coded: Motherdiddlying Eliminators. Red Defenders that could chew out your HP, rapidly teleport to your location, and inflict a broad range of crippling status problems. Every time one showed up, I'd just be screaming gibberish until I escaped or died.

DDD: I get the feeling that all the bosses' difficulties were cranked up to compensate for the command deck and flo-mo, but Trollanort gave me the most trouble out of all of them and pissed me off the most.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
I'll rate worst after "annoying" mostly. Except for BbS, I guess. xD

That fucking cave-head. Holy shit, yes, the controls sucked big time, it's true. BUT!
My most hated enemy will always be Clayton in this game. Not even the fact that is was mostly a 2o1 because my comerades played dead all the time. It's rather the fact that his shots got you annoyingly unfairly. Of course you can stagger him on top on that cliff by only doing 2 jump attacks and not finishers, but WHO THE HELL KNOWS THAT WHEN THEY'RE 12-YEAR-OLD IDIOTS WHO PLAY IT FOR THE FIRST TIME?

Most other enemies that sucked were at least kinda "fair". I admit, I did have trouble with Ursula 2 just because of her thunder-spell, but that was just a fight where you had to be patient (which I'm bad at XD). Maleficent-dragon was one of those, too. Oh, but of course the fight against Riku was a little tricky when he was like "ok, I spam you to your death now, k?"
But other than that, most difficulties really came from the bad gameplay, especially jumping.

KH 2:
Barbossa. I hate when you have to keep an ally alive to win, because that's freaking impossible most of the time.
The only other thing that comes to my mind is the second fight against Demyx on a high difficulty or low level, but not even because of Demyx himself, but because you have to fight him all over again if you lose one of the Final Fantasy character-battles afterwards.

Some enemies only annoyed me until I found out about the power of summons and limits. :D

Everything, basically. I hate this game, I guess I mentioned that a few times. Ruler of the Sky is only the one example that made me stop playing.

Every enemy that forced you to dodge permanently. Of course, this goes especially for Terra, since dodging with Ventus and Aqua was doable. Enemies like Mysterious Figure were nothing but unfair and I respect anyone who can beat him with Terra (even on Lvl 1, holy shit). But that was a problem almost the whole game had. You could (at least with Aqua and Ventus) dodge every move to not get hit. BUT if you didn't...well, you were screwed.

Dunno, lol. I don't remember a fight that really annoyed me a lot. :x

I picked Riku's world cards in kind of a bad order, so the Monstro-fight was a little difficult for me, but that's about it.

That Monstro-boss fight with Riku. Mainly because I was weak at the time and you have to follow him for ages and waste countless items to keep the drop gauge up. -.-


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2015
Oh where to begin I hate so many bosses in KH1 but that's more because KH1's gameplay just feels so clunky. I will give it to Wonder cave as its combines KH1's awkward combat with its awkward platforming. Though I also think Oogie's manor is almost as bad for that reason but at least Oogie's manner doesn't have endless heartless that can clip you in the back with their sword dashes from off screen. Giant Ursula gets honorable mention due to the weird swimming controls.

Hades is nasty and without being in a 3D space his attacks are really hard to avoid (he can actually lock you in a corner of the screen and be unable to attack so you just die), he hits like a truck, and unlike the console version sonic blade doesn't break bosses.
Thanks to all changes the bosses are pretty much jokes but Marluxia's 3rd form designer deserves a special place in hell for spamming the card scatter move and then following that up with doom....in fact the final boss should not have doom that is just BS especially since every failure makes you go through that stupidly easy maruxia nobody mech fight every time.

I think most battles in this game are perfect if there is one I can call the worst it's the port royal Grim reaper heartless for being just so tedious. It's not hard but the medal mechanic is just unbelievably obnoxious.

I actually really like Days and I know from my many times of play through that most of the bosses actually are pretty easy and go down really fast if you use the right tricks, props to the team for remembering to design bosses was with tricks that was something Osaka seemed to have forgotten for most BBS fights (of course with how much raw damage you can throw out that's not a surprise), but there is one boss who just sucks and that is Saix. Like every other fight you can take down quickly and even Ruler of the Sky, the one heartless boss you can't, still has weaknesses to speed it up and the battle feels hectic. Saix is just boring as you have no good way to knock him out of berserk, magic does basically nothing to the guy, he can silence you, he attacks like a slug, and the whole battle is just a slow boring chore.

Meh I don't really like almost any of Coded's bosses as most of them feel like watered down KH1/KH2 fights or the gimmicks just don't make them very fun. I guess Dragon Maleficent as your battle system is at its most limited in sidescroller mode and at least for Guard armor it goes down fast but Dragon Maleficent doesn't and is just really really boring.

Every fight is either a joke you rip through or an exhausting chipfest also I feel like the game unfairly designed against Terra. But no story boss in the game or in the whole series is as bad as Mysterious Figure. I don't know what they were on when they designed that battle and thought it was a good idea. It's like they looked at Lingering Will and Unknown and wanted to make something harder while ignoring all the technical aspects that made those fights fun. HP might as well not even matter against MF, he gives you no breathing room, blocking half the time is suicide so you'll want to spam dodge until your fingers fall off, a block so shotlocks are near impossible to use, he barely flinches so it's not safe to melee him, and the arena is small so it's not like you can get some distance to use some commands. Couple this all off with the fact the BBS system is so anti-movement that you're left with almost no options but surge and dodge.

Man on one hand Osaka got a lot better at their boss fights on the other hand they also decided DDD would be the game where every boss had taken steroids as they all hit like trucks. That being said I enjoyed how quickly most of the boss fights went it reminded me of critical mode in KH2FM+ where you and the enemy both die super fast so it's just a rush. In fact I don't have complaints for any fights proud or below. But critical god...
I think Commantis is just the worst offender on critical. It has almost all the issues of Mysterious figure but it's about 5x larger, the camera hates you, that flowmotion rail is a death wish, your dream eaters are going to be useless and struggling not to die as they don't know to jump (and god help you if they do die good lucky reviving them without dying yourself), and even its weakness slow can royally ruin you as most of its attacks while slowed are somehow more deadly. It's also the only boss and I do mean the only one in the game where if you reality shift it, it won't be stunned so it's not likely you can even rely on that. I hate commantis on critical, haaaaaaaaaaaattttttteeeeeeeee.
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Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
Mine aren’t based on difficulty, since I do enjoy challenging bosses. The only time strength bothers me is in cases like BbS’ secret bosses or Terra in KH2, where they’re just unreasonable.

Jafar, any version of him - Just a waste of a character that could have provided (several) great boss battles. He's a sorcerer during the first battle, but doesn't do much except fly around and his spells are slow or easily avoided. As a Genie (in KH1 or CoM), almost nothing happens while you hit Iago. Jafar-Genie in KH2 is a little better, but still a disappointment. He's easily knocked out, and when you enter the phase where he throws things at you, nothing hurts you bad enough that you're in any danger. WASTE.

Chernabog - Not a challenge at all (in KH1 or 3D), which is a shame for such a good character. In KH1, he dies pretty fast and if you stay at his face and keep Aeroga on, none of his attacks really hurt you.

Shan-Yu - Such a waste. Mulan should've been one of the later worlds--not the first one you visit. Shan-Yu should've been intense, since he's a master swordsman.

Barbossa - Boring, basically.

Demyx/Luxord/Xemnas 2nd form (Data Battle) - Gimmicks get on my nerves.

Dragon Maleficent in BbS - Not challenging in the least.

Ursula in CoM gets on my nerves, since they don't give you many zeroes to deal with her high cards and stocking cards will screw you up fast (since I usually don't have any good item cards by that point), and then she only titlts over for a short time. I mean, you can stand back and not be hit when she attacks, it just makes the battle take forever. She doesn't even do anything during this battle besides slide from left or right, what a waste. Still better than the musical "battle" though.

Trickmaster in Re:Coded.
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Oct 21, 2015
KH1: Ursula
CoM: Vexen
KH2: Xaldin
BBS: Vanitas

These are the ones I struggle with the most, I guess I'm not very good, lol. Plus I play on Standard Mode.


i remember the OLD khinsider
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
wow, tons of KH1 gameplay bashing going on in here. That game's actually got great combat imo, very punchy and balanced. Lock-on is a little fudgy during battles like Parasite Cage however


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
If we talk bad bossfights, I'd say any that introduces artificial difficulty through an annoying gimmick, like Demyx's timed water clones or Luxord's forced games.


Oct 10, 2015
KHI - Ursula's first form. This is always a pain in the butt because most of the fight is just shooting spells into the cauldron and hoping that it stuns Ursula in time for you to get a few combos in. However, she doesn't stun for nearly long enough and it takes like 5 minutes of shooting magic back into the cauldron for her to get stunned again... ugh, just an annoying boss fight!

Re:CoM - Riku's final fight with Ansem. This is pretty much the only fight where I just can not win the first time in any playthrough... not even on easy. His attacks hurt like hell and you have to have godlike reflexes in order to counter his cards with higher levelled cards of your own. Not even sleights will help you much in this fight, because in no time at all Ansem will use a 0 card and hit you like a truck yet again.

KHII - Xigbar. My god, I never look forward to fighting Xigbar in this game. I can never figure out the right time to hit him with my keyblade, and I end up just chasing him around the arena the entire time while he just teleports away like a little bitch. When he teleports SDG into the smaller arena where he pretty much spams lasers is where I usually take the most damage.

358/2 Days - There are a ton of problems I have with this game but oddly the bosses aren't really that much of an issue to me. I actually think most of them are well designed. If there's one I will point out it's the one in Agrabah, for being so long and drawn out. Maybe a lot of them were like that? I can't really remember.

bbs - Braig. I don't know what it is with this guy, but he always seems to troll me. I couldn't stand this fight when I first played this game, but my first playthrough I pretty much forgot shotlocks existed. Now that I remember them when I play this game, he's kinda easy.

Re:Coded - It's been a long time since I played this game so I don't remember many bosses, but two stick out in my mind - The armor from Traverse Town, and the Trickmaster from Wonderland. I just remember them being such huge difficulty spikes and I remember losing to them at least once each.

DDD - Riku's fight with Ansem's final form. Once again it's Riku vs Ansem that has me raging the most. I remember my Critical playthrough of this game, I must have died a dozen times trying to finish this fight. Man was it a hard one. Once I beat him all I felt was relief that I would never have to play that fight again on Critical, since the only real reason I was playing on that difficulty was to get the in-game trophy.

EDIT: After reading some others' posts I will agree that Jafar's first form from KHI is really annoying and tedious, and the Grim Reaper's second fight from Port Royal was also extremely annoying, especially on my Critical playthrough. I think that's it? I haven't fought any of the extra bosses in bbs, and haven't really fought a whole lot of the extra bosses in any of the other games. I might do a follow up sometime.


New member
Sep 6, 2015
If we talk bad bossfights, I'd say any that introduces artificial difficulty through an annoying gimmick, like Demyx's timed water clones or Luxord's forced games.

I wouldn't consider Demyx's minigame as bad, because it's still really fair to win. Ofc there's only one good way to do the 100 clones in the data battle, but it's pretty fair. Totally agree that some of luxords moves are terribly annoying and can one hit you, if you press a button to late.


Nov 30, 2014
I wouldn't consider Demyx's minigame as bad, because it's still really fair to win.
Yes, it is. But still. The clones were just there to make the fight more difficult and to add some pressure of time.
You see that when you can finally attack Demyx the normal way -- he is literally a nobody without them. (pun intended)

But that's just my opinion~

Hakan Xatos

Jul 30, 2014
KH1- Rock Titan - Very lackluster end to the Hades cup. Very easy although I do like the XP gain.
KH2- Xaldin - Only in story boss from KH2 to really kill me repeatedly.
CoM- Gotta go with what I read earlier in Vexen from the 2D GBA version.
Days- Alright so most of Days bosses have been picked so I'm going with this little pest here..

BBS- VA Remnant/Mysterious Figure
Coded- I've only done it like twice, but I remember that Bug Roxas was disappointingly easy.
DDD- Spellican's stupid race..


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
KH1- Rock Titan - Very lackluster end to the Hades cup. Very easy although I do like the XP gain.
Oh, yes, Rock Titan is definitely a waste. Hopefully, he'll get an awesome battle in KH3 to make up for it.


New member
Sep 6, 2015
To be honest, I liked Rock titan because he was nearly impossible to die against after 50 battles. But yea, as a boss he was really boring. I'm glad the ice titan was better. Not great, but better.


Oct 10, 2015
Days- Alright so most of Days bosses have been picked so I'm going with this little pest here..

This thing immediately sprung to mind when I thought of 358/2 Days, but I didn't mention it because it wasn't a boss :p
Sep 16, 2015
New York
KH1: Ice Titan: The fact I consistently had to stand around there and keep blocking the ice spears for like 20 years was a real nuisance.
KH2: Lingering Will: No explanation needed
KH358/2 Days: Never finished playing it, so I don't know
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