LOL I also want to play as Vexen. who failed to be in the poll. I bet he'll be pretty close to Goofy's style.
LOL I also want to play as Vexen. who failed to be in the poll. I bet he'll be pretty close to Goofy's style.
Vexen creeps me out...
Xigbar and Xaldin! : D
Mansex, Saix, and Xigbar. Lolz.
I'm gonna try each of them at least once, but I'm thinking Zexion, Luxord looks interesting, and maybe Larxene....Possibly Axel or Saix as well (although my one friend has dibs on Axel everytime we play together ^^;....)
Marluxia, Demyx, Vexen and Roxas for the win.
Well she is an Axel fangirl, so I figure I'll let her have her way on that, I'll win anyway so it doesn't matter xDThat's a little beat mean. I'd probably laugh at my friends if they pulled that shit.
I would play as Zexion, Xigbar, or Demyx.
I picked Zexion for the poll, 'cause he would probably be a LOT of fun to play as. That, or completely boring, but I don't see that happened with how much he can kick you in the face and make you bleed by hitting you in the face with a freakin' book (...okay that doesn't happen but yeah) in ReCoM and KH2FM. STUPID BOOKNERD RAWR >:O