Episode 1 was clearly about playing the scenario straight so the status quo is established for the later episodes to break. Heard that ep3 is when things really pick up (there's a definite calculated move in having two episodes premiere instead of just one).Gotta be brutally honest I’m only watching this show for the unlikely chance of Wiccan and Speed. Didn’t care for episode 1 but I did vibe more with episode 2.
At this point I'll be amazed if they even remember Quicksilver.Gotta be brutally honest I’m only watching this show for the unlikely chance of Wiccan and Speed. Didn’t care for episode 1 but I did vibe more with episode 2.
They definitely released two episodes because the first one was too weak even as a pilot/intro.
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MOSTLY ABOUT MEPHISTO. Agnes has referenced him twice. First with her bunny Señor Scratch in which Mr. Scratch is a nickname for the devil (then said her bunny named after the devil played baby Jesus like holy shit y'allI'm laughing too much), and then again when Dottie is like "The devil's in the details, Bev" and she says "That's not the only place he is"
Also on Agnes, she uses a lot of terms that reference magic and seems more aware than everybody else. I think she's absolutely trapped in this world, but I also don't think she's blinded by it as much as the others (and even they aren't 100% trapped. The late Mrs. Hart begging, Dottie's dislike of Wanda comes off as some ingrained hate towards the Avengers, her breakdown..."Geraldine" and her "I really don't know why I'm here" and overall confusion, but we know that is because she was probably sent in by SWORD...) so I hope she is Agatha lol
ALSO POOR..."GERALDINE". I wonder if it is going to be through whatever Wanda is doing that gives her powers?
And now to throw out some (more) theories:
The fact that we still haven't seen some of the trailer moments that should have been in the first two episodes is something I want to touch on. I know that Feige has a thing about having the crews film alternate scenes, but I genuinely think some of those moments will happen. I'm expecting some sort of...loop? Rerun? Syndication? Let's call it syndication. She will syndicate herself so she can keep the illusion going, but when she does, she'll just break the illusion more and more.
I feel like it is easier to follow the lines of Wanda's storyline, but Vision's storyline is more...complicated. So my random theory is that I think wherever his remains are, his body is regenerating but without the Mind Stone, he can't come back to life.
His mind/soul are fragmented like how JARVIS survived Ultron's attack in AOU. Wanda's powers being born of the Mind Stone would give her an intrinsic link to Vision, and it makes me think that she's pulled his consciousness into her mental breakdown pocket universe thing.
Also I have a strong theory that Wanda can't make new life that wasn't already present within the dimension already somehow. Vision would have been linked to Wanda so that is how he is there. The baby twins...well...that can be explained, too, and I feel like they could absolutely go with that storyline considering the Mephisto references.
People online are pointing out they both feature heavy ticking. Not a coincidence, they're counting down to something.Can we talk about the commercials, please? The toaster one being so eerie was clever. I wasn't expecting them to reference the Stark missile, and certainly not in that way. It makes me wonder how they will reference Pietro's death.
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I think Monica may have tried to come in to the reality in a helicopter, but it turned into the toy while she was assimilated into the illusion. That’s why she doesn’t know her name until Wanda makes physical contact with her and gives her an identity.
I’m on board with theory that Agnes was teasing Mephisto and the Big Red gum may have a been a nod to him as well.
There was also a reference to Grim Reaper in the animated opening of episode two where you see his helmet when vision phases through the floor. In the comics, he’s the villainous brother of Wonder Man whose brain waves were used by Ultron in Vision’s creation. I wonder if he’ll be relevant at all or if it was just an Easter egg. I love that’s there’s so much packed in that you don’t know which references will have a bigger meaning and which ones may just be red herrings.
Without knowing their end-game I appreciate the commercials potentionally being references toCan we talk about the commercials, please? The toaster one being so eerie was clever. I wasn't expecting them to reference the Stark missile, and certainly not in that way. It makes me wonder how they will reference Pietro's death.
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the comics. I googled the one in the second episode, the ad for the watch, as the time being set to 2:42 was an odd choice so I figured there was something there.
Avengers issue 242's description is "Times are looking bright for our heroes as both old and new members return to the place where all began, the Avengers Mansion. But when the Vision detects a near infinite power approaching the Avengers must rally their troops, for darkness is coming!"
But even if I read the time wrong by a minute, issue 243's description is "With all of his teammates missing in action, the Vision, acting as the Avengers' Chairman must try to quell public panic. But when the absence of his teammates looks to be permanent the Vision declares a new team of Avengers must rise! Enter: The West Coast Avengers!"
They're both Vision heavy comics from 1963. I didn't catch a comic reference from the first episode's ad while watching but after doing the googling for episode 2 I went online and looked to see if someone made a comic book connection from the Stark toaster but couldn't see one on a bunch of easter egg lists (a tweet said it referenced a comic where Vision came back to life but I couldn't find that.)
There's a bunch of deeper meanings in the ads, such as the bomb ticking, Strucker, HYDRA logo etc. but I thought if they were referencing important comic book issues then that's kind of cool.
Also, I hate that I keep feeling like I have to carefully scroll through the credits to see if I missed anything.
Well most original shows on streaming platforms have abandoned the 22/40-something-ish minute runtime as with shows on TV, which is great because they're not forced to accommodate commercial breaks or a time slot on TV.The credits are so long for a tv project. I really thought there was gonna be a post credits scene just by the runtime. But considering how these were produced like films, I guess it makes sense.
From what I’ve heard, the total runtime will be about 6 hours with next week being another short episode. So after that, the episodes should start getting longer. I like that they’re willing to make the episodes whatever length they feel appropriate to tell the story rather than trying to stretch them to fit a certain quota.
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The biggest question is "what's going on?" which will probably be something to do with Wanda's mind. The only hint we have two episodes in is someone watching the show on a screen and "Wanda, who did this to you?"
Well most original shows on streaming platforms have abandoned the 22/40-something-ish minute runtime as with shows on TV, which is great because they're not forced to accommodate commercial breaks or a time slot on TV.
Anyway, my whole gripe with WandaVision is that I really think they made a mistake with it being a weekly show. I feel like the experience of the show would have been best suited to binge-watching.