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Fanfiction ► Trials of Love

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All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

Alright! LOL. I do love you guys. What's taking so long? The chapter 4-2 was long and boring. I was having troubles editing it. So it was left on the cutting room floor. It was just some jabbering between the police officers where they go to Kairi's house, and the note is sitting on the bed. Sora's fingerprints have been wiped completely off of the knife. Okay, now on with the story. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!

Chapter 4-3? ... I think; or should I call it 4-2? Because the real 4-2 was taken out. You know what? What ever.


[This chapter goes great with “Tear Away” by Drowning Pool.]

“I can’t believe she would do this to me.” Riku punched a hole in his wall. He began swinging things around his room, and then he noticed Kairi’s Moogle doll. “Sora.” He whispered looking at the plush doll, squeezing it.

Sora walks to down the hall of the jail to a holding area. “Fresh meat!” A prisoner called from behind his bars; reaching out at Sora. Sora just rolled his eyes. “Over here kid.” The guard looked down at him. Sora stepped into the cell. There sitting on a bench in front of him, a huge monstrous man looked at him smiling. An evil toothy grin that says “You’re my bitch now.” o_O’ Sora just glared at him scared. “Remember Sora, you’ve beaten much bigger monsters than him.” He thought.

Sora went to sit down on the crowded bench. “CREEEAAAKKKK.” It went as he sat down. There was just one guy sitting on it and Sora was having trouble staying on. Suddenly a voice goes “You’re in my spot.” It was small, and shrimpy. Sora looked around, but there was nobody talking to him. “Down here bitch.” A midget with cornrows had a knife to Sora’s sack. “Get out of my spot!” (O.O) Sora looked at the midget like “I’m supposed to be scared of you?” Sora rolled his eyes and said “Get away from me. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”

“What?!” The midget got angry, and stabbed Sora in the leg. “AHHHH. You bastard!” Sora stood up, and pulled the knife out. Not even a minute in the cell, and Sora was already in a fight. “You want a piece little man?” The midget got into a position to fight. He jumped at Sora, but he kicked the midget in the stomach. “He took out Juitt!” Another man from the corner called out. Suddenly there were 3 guys on him. “Look at the little bitch. He’s scared ya’ll.” The man had a tattoo on his arm, and had a Mohawk. The guard looked into the cell, and said “Fresh meat is dead.” He opened the bars, and dragged Sora away.

“The cafeteria?” Sora looked confused. “Yeah! [Sora turned around to see a fist colliding with his face.] So I can whoop your ass.” Sora flew back onto a table. “Yo’, you touched mah cornbread!” A Tyson-like man yelled. “You gonna finish your cornbread?” Another tall buff man asked Sora. He looked at him and spit on it. “Here.” Sora got up real quick to finish his fight. “Yay! Cornbread” the buff man just started grubbing. Soon there was a crowd against Sora. “I could do this the fun way, but I’d have to use the Keyblades.” Sora looked around thinking to himself. The longer he took, the bigger the crowd got. Before long, the crowd was bigger that the army of heartless at Hallow Bastion. “Yay. I do get to do this the fun way!” Sora drew the Infini-Buster, and Seraphim’s Horn. [I made them up. I wish I could put the pics on the net] “Let’s go.” Sora smiled, and charged at the crowd.

Sora tore through the crowd using Ars Arcanum, and vortex. More guys piled on him. He caught them off guard by kicking one man in the throat. “MY THROAT!” The guy screamed in agony. Sora got this demented look in his eye. “Now let’s hear that crack.” He put his foot on the man’s neck. Sora pushed harder, and harder, until he realized what he was doing. Still more people joined the crowd. Now more people were joining than he was taking out. “Crap.” He ran to the wall, bounced off of it, and roundhouse kicked 5 people behind him. Sora noticed that there was only one guy who wasn’t fighting. The one big guy from the cell he was scared of. He didn’t join the fight at all. Juitt climbed up Sora’s up Sora’s back. “I’m riding him guys!” Sora tried to buck him off, but Juitt held on tight. “That’s it!” Sora got angry. He grabbed to guys, and slammed their heads into each other. A light quickly blinded everyone in the cafeteria, and all you could hear was screaming. Sora used Trinity Limit on everyone.

After the light faded, there was only one man still standing. He had long, brown, messy hair. A blue suit and tall slender body. Sora was breathing hard. “Well what’s up? The man said. “Why didn’t that hurt you?” Sora asked him. “It did.” The man pointed to his shoes that were scuffed. “Well obviously, you’re strong.” Sora walked to him, stepping over the unconscious people on the floor. “You still want to fight me?” Sora asked. “Not really.” The man smiled. “It’s not my thing… I’m a cowboy.” Then he closed his eyes. “A cowboy? Like the ones in the movies; where the guy goes “How ya doin’ pilgrim?” Sora asked.

“No. Like a bounty hunter… I’m after a criminal, who’s wanted by the syndicate.” He walked up to Sora who was having trouble walking over people. “The Syndicate? What’s that?” Sora asked tripping. “That falls under the classification of none of your business.” He looked at all the unconscious people. “He could be any one of these guys… But he’s not. Am I right? ...” He pointed to the huge man Sora was scared of. “Tiny Tim?!” Tiny Tim ran to the door, and the man chased him. “Wait, what’s your name?” Sora called to him. “It’s... Spiiii….” He yelled from down the hall.

“Get in there!” The guard threw Sora in the cell with the Mohawk guy. “You still want a piece of me?” Sora stood up. “Nosir!” Mohawk screamed. "Keyboy, you're free to go." The guard opened the cell door. "About time, I told you I didn't do it." Sora stepped out of the jail cell. "See ya later sweet cheeks!" Mohawk called to Sora. Sora turned around "What did you say?!" He looked at Mohawk. "Nothing, sorry sir." He screamed like a little girl.

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All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

No, he was just picking with Sora. Thinking that Sora won't bust his ass again


New member
Jun 11, 2005
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

ok, just got back from school, KICK ASS CHAPTER. It was so worth that long wait.

This fic is so freaking awesome, u have to update more, i am in love.

BHK Owns

New member
Aug 19, 2005
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

yea man how longs in gonna take for you to pump out another one??


New member
Jun 11, 2005
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

it usually takes him a few days, but maybe he will be nice and not make us wait!!

please update soon


All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

I’m in a good mood today, AND I’m feeling creative. I’m in a good mood, because my mom is out of the hospital. YAY ME! It’s the final Chapter in 4. I’m tired of Chapter 4. So let’s get this over with, and go to the next chapter:

[Aw man, this chapter has everything, but I can’t tell you. You’ll have to read it for yourself. Also on the music front, I just listened to my playlist on random. Just listen to whatever you feel on this chapter.]



Sora looked back at the jail, and laughs. “I told those muthas I didn’t do it!” Sora began running to his house. Of course it was going to take a while, so he decided to take a cab.

After a well deserved nap, Riku woke up. He let out a big yawn as he sat up. The mattress was still crooked from where he and Kairi had sex. “I hate you; I wish you would go away!” He heard Selphie yelling at Tidus. She threw all of his clothes out onto the ground. “Fine! Your ass is ugly anyway!” Tidus grabbed his favorite pair of shorts, and walked away. “Hmm, he’s right. She is ugly. No, fugly.” He started laughing at Selphie’s ugliness. “Ooh better yet, mufugly [muthainugly]!” He began rolling on the floor. He saw something under the bed. “Aw snap! I was looking for my cup!” Riku smiled.

“Beep-beep!” His watch went off, signaling for him to take his medicine. Riku stood up, and searched his dresser for his bottle. “Ah, here we go.” He spotted it behind the TV. “Fluoxitine; [He read the label] Generic for Prozac. Take one with food… You’re the boss.” He took one white pill out. “Now to get some food… I am kinda hungry anyway.” Riku walked into his kitchen. [He seems quite random for a 19 year old right? That’s how I am, but I’m just 17, and that is the same medicine I took.] “Hmm, now what do I want?” He saw that frying pan he used before. “Maybe another egg?” He pulled the pan from sink, and a roach fell off. “AW HELL NO! I WILL NOT HAVE ROACHES IN MY HOUSE!” He squashed it with the pan. “Damn, now I got roaches. Once you get them, you can’t stop them.” He rolled his eyes, and went to the fridge. [EW>_< EW>_<EW]

No sooner than he pulls out the brownies, there was a knock on the door. “Who is it?” Riku grabbed a knife out of the holder. He walked around the corner, and went to the door. He put the sliding lock on the door, and opened it.

“What the hell do you want?” Riku gripped his knife harder. His life was finally free of drama until he opened that door. Leaning on his broken doorbell, was Kairi’s mom. “I need to go to a hospital genius. What does it look like?” She coughed, and blood came out her mouth. “Why do I care? Especially after what you did to Kairi.” He slammed the knife into the wall. He was obviously getting mad. “What do you care? She left you for Sora.” She did that evil grin. That was a hot button for Riku, and she pushed it. With all the restraint in the world, Riku’s eye started twitching. A vein popped from his neck. She started to get a bit scared. But Riku counted to 10, and calmed down [That really works] “Come in.” He noticed the trail of Kairi’s blood was still there. “And don’t bleed in here, my dollar store rug cost more than your slutty ass.” Riku closed the door.

“Aren’t you even gonna ask me am I alright?” Kairi’s mom wiped the blood form her mouth. “Should I care? [Riku looked at her] I don’t like you. I don’t want you here, and if it wasn’t for the fact I’m a decent human being, I would have left you to die.” He threw an ice pack at her head. “How kind mister decent.” She put the ice pack on the couch, and let the fluid drain. “Oops, it slipped.” She looked at Riku;

smiling. “…” He just smiled and dumped some hot water on her legs. “Oops it slipped.” Riku turned around to go to his room. “Wait! Aren’t you gonna call 911?” She began to look worried. “I’ll think about it.” He closed his door. “AND DON”T STEAL NOTHIN’!” He called from the room. “ OFF FAG!” She went to the kitchen, and saw the pill Riku forgot to take. “Hmm...” She looked at the pill… …

“It’s kinda quiet in there.” Riku was watching TiVo. He got up to see what’s up with Kairi’s mom. “Hopefully she’s dead. I hope she didn’t bleed all over my living room, cuz she’s gonna clean it.” He opened the door, and walked into the living room. “What the hell?” He looked around, everything was clean. “Good evening.” Kairi’s mom was washing the dishes. “What are you doing?” He looked confused. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m washing dishes.” She continued to wash dishes. “Why are you doing them?” Riku started to back away slowly. “Because they were dirty. And as a bonus, I got rid of all the roaches. You’re officially roach free.” She pulled the plug on the dish water. “Uh… Thanks.” Riku made it to the door, but he decided not to go out. “You’re welcome. Do you need anything else?” She looked over at Riku. “Um, no. [He hesitated in his answer.] Thank you for asking.” He looked out the window to see if it was the Apocalypse. She sat down twiddling her thumbs bored. “Whatever.” Riku just went back into his room, and locked the door.

Kairi’s mom walked to the bathroom. Hey, Kairi left her make-up here. I wonder where she is.” She started putting on make-up. Before long, she had enough on to be Kairi’s twin. At this time, neither one of them knew Kairi killed herself. “Hmm, I wonder if this is too much make-up.” She looked at herself in the mirror. She left the bathroom, and knocked on Riku’s door. “What?” He didn’t open it. “Come here, I need you to see something!” She kinda banged on the door. As soon as he opened the door, he froze. Riku looked at Kairi’s mom. [I’m not giving her a name.] “You look-” She interrupted him. “Like Kairi right? Do you think I could make myself look younger?” She looked at Riku; who was looking down at her butt. “Up here, my face ain’t down there.” She lifted his head up. “Total MILF!” He thought. But it wasn’t his head he was thinking with.

“Thanks mister.” Sora got off the back of a truck. “No problem! It was my pleasure seeing as how you stopped that hijacker.” The man said to Sora. “It was no big deal, anyone could have broke the guys’ arm.” Sora started blushing. “Not while fighting off a pack of wild boars!” The driver continued to give him praise. “Thank you, I have to go.” Sora waved as the man drove off. I hope mom is home, I don’t got my house key.” He checked his pockets. “Oh yeah; so stupid!” Sora brought out his Keyblade. Just as he was going to open the door, his mom did. She looked at him crossly.

“And that’s what happened.” Sora explained. “I’m sure you’re lying about the bright light thing, but I believe you about jail. Now as your punishment-” Sora’s mom stood up. “My punishment?! I got stabbed in the leg, and I’m still getting punished?!” Sora stood up too. “Yes Sora. You slammed the door in my face, locked it, and you went to jail. That seems like trouble. You fail to see the severity of this.” She walked in the kitchen. “Your punishment is [She looks around] staying in your room…” She opened the fridge, and pulled out a Pepsi. “That doesn’t seem so bad.” Sora smiled. “For 6 months.” She finished. “Whatever, [his eye twitches] Can I go now?” Sora walked towards his room. “ALL OF YOUR PLAYBOYS HAVE TO BE IN THE TRASH WITHIN THE NEXT 15 SECONDS, OR YOUR TIME IS DOUBLED!” She called to Sora who was running up the stairs. “DAMN!” He shouted.

“Screw this; I’m going to the beach.” Sora was in his room for 30 seconds before he got bored. He grabbed some supplies: His CD Player, extra batteries, a blanket, and all of his Keychains. “Did I miss anything?” He looked around. “I guess not.” He said as he leapt out of the window.

“Where are you going?” Kairi’s mom asked Riku. “To the store, I’ll be back.” Riku closed the door behind him. “Damn, we fu@k one time, and she acts like were together.” He runs towards the beach. “I gotta get away from here!” He said to himself. Riku turned the corner. Not looking where he was going, he slams into Sora.

“Sora!” He said surprised. “You!” Sora didn’t waste anytime on this one. He jumped on Riku and started beating on him. Riku really wasn’t a match for him. “Why are you fighting me?!” Riku blocked Sora’s punch. Seeing Riku brought up that exact moment Sora walked in Kairi having an affair with him. Sora struggled to hold back tears. “It’s your fault!” Sora dropped his stuff on the ground. “What’s my fault?” Riku looked at Sora. “She’s dead. And it’s because of you!” Sora wiped the tears from his face. “Please tell me you’re talking about someone I don’t know!” Riku looked concerned. “No, Kairi killed herself. Now... I’ll avenge her, by killing you.” Sora drew the Keyblades to his hand. Riku brought out the Soul Eater. “Don’t make me fight you, I will do it.” Riku went into Dark Mode. “I hope fighting me will bring you the release you need.”

“AAAAHHHH!!!” Sora did his trademark charge. Riku backflipped out of the way. “Stand still. I only way you to die!” Sora landed. “Sora wait!” Riku jumped out of the way. “I don’t care what you have to say!” Sora ran at him again. [sigh] Riku waited for Sora to get close; and he punched Sora in the stomach [seems like everyone is hitting him there]. “Listen, there is a place. Somewhere she might be. Sommewhere she might be alive. If we could go there, then we could bring her back from the dead. But It’ll only work if we work together.” Riku stretches out his hand. Sora swats it away “Like I’d trust you. I don’t need your help finding this place. I can do it by myself.” He stood up. “Like I’d tell you anyway. Nevermind Sora, I’ll go save her, and I’ll be the one she loves. Everyone knows I deserve it. But NOOOO, you had to trick her into liking you. I loved her, and she loved me back! But you were always in the way! But not anymore, you’re no longer an obstacle in my way. I have the whereabouts, and I have her love.” Riku started to run away. Sora used Ragnarok to stop him. “You’ll have to do better than that!” He laughed, and destroyed Sora’s boat with Dark Firaga.

Sora looked confused “She’s alive? Can’t be. Could it?”

End of Season 1. It's gonna be a while, I haven't written ANY of Chapter 5 down.
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New member
Jun 11, 2005
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

lol not cool with the stopping part, u ruined the mood

BHK Owns

New member
Aug 19, 2005
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

o man your a pretty damn good writer with all those plot twists and what not...riku knockin boots with kairis mom...omg i almost died...i love how you threw in the meds to flip the switch real quick...sick man just sick..


New member
Jun 11, 2005
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

^^^ couldnt have put it betta myself, ok but i have a question, is like riku alot better of a fighter than sora? and will sora ever find kairi, and why is riku such a di$$.

o yea, please answer my first question why does sora seem weak compared to riku? and o yea, UPDATE!!!!

sry that i keep updatin, but why the hell does sora get the short end of the stick? He is blamed for murder. Kairi had sex with his formor best friend. Riku got laid by kari's mom and to top it off, riku seems to be a betta fighter. I am a sora fan, u will have to excuse me.


All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

eughey said:
lol not cool with the stopping part, u ruined the mood

The only reason I stopped it is because you WEREN'T supposed to be doing it. That way you can post "HEY! I wasn't doing that!"
Riku is a better fighter, but Sora is stronger.
And the reason Sora get the short end of the stick is because:
1. This is his story
2. Sora hasn't seen Kairi face to face since she was 14. She's 17 now. So it's kinda his fault. She was lonely, and horny.


New member
Jun 11, 2005
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

wait riku is like a betta fighter but sora can pump more iron? can u explain that betta or just post soon!!


New member
Jun 11, 2005
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

riku keeps gettin laid, sora gets no action...........give sora some good luck man!!

and update!!!! i love this story, quit makin me wait


May 17, 2005
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

Hey, im sorry that i haven't read any updates lately, been busy. i was wondering, if its not too much to ask, if u could PM or even email me when u update, cuz im kinda busy (look 4 my thread in Fourm Insanity) cuz i really like ur story. Just if its not too much to ask. I understand if u can't cuz ur too busy or something.


All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

Should I start a new thread? Next time I'll have the correct name on there. Trials of Love. Should I? I mean, I just got 9 pages. Sorry eughey, not updating til next monday. I'll have plenty then. Right now Sora is just getting to FLCL. Riku just got to Champloo


New member
Jun 11, 2005
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

no keep it at this thread, but what do u mean sora is at FLCL, r u posting this story somewhere else?!! and what the hell is FLCL, i know what Samurai Champloo is but i dk FLCL.


All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

FLFCL is Furi Kuri. You've never heard of it? [simpers] Then google it. It's an awesome Anime, even more so than DBZ. If only it wasn't so short. Actually what I meant is that if it wasn't only 6 episodes long, then it would be waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy better than DBZ.


May 17, 2005
Re: Untitled- This is not a comedy

Should I start a new thread?
if u do, let me know.
Sora is just getting to FLCL. Riku just got to Champloo
really? shows how long its been since i read. i promise when i have more time i'll read it, just not now cuz my computer's being weird.
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