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Fanfiction ► Those Who Fight (Final Fantasy based Fanfic)

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is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Ch 20

"I-" Aishii looked at the silver and creamy pink-ish peach gunblade handle in her hands. She quickly stood, and aimed at the men flirting with Elya.

"Let. Her. Go." She said bravely, a mere facade from her fear. The one soldier before her suddenly burst out laughing. The others did as well.

"A mere girl wielding a gunblade? That's the biggest joke I've ever heard!" The one with funky breath shouted. Aishii scrunched her nose angrily, and pulled the trigger unwillingly.

KABOOM! A small silver bullet shot out from gunblade, making Aishii jump backwards a bit. The funky breathed soldier screamed, and suddenly fell silent. Aishii opened her eyes.

Right in the chest, that bullet flew. The soldier slumped to the floor.

All the other soldiers regained mental sanity and grabbed their weapons, all aiming at Aishii.

"Put the gun down," They said, "Or we'll have to shoot."

Aishii's lip quivered, and lowered the weapon by a centimeter. She looked around, at the crowd on the floor first - all with glares and faces of fear at her- and then to the soldiers. There must be some way to get out of here.

"One," Another soldier, this one short, counted. The one beside him, a bit taller than him, shot a girl and a boyy in the front of the crowd on the floor. Aishii held back a gasp, and whimpered quietly.

"Two," Shorty counted. Big shot another four teens, a male and three females, in the back row. That made only foru teens left. Aishii looked around frantically. Shorty smiled, and Big suddenly pulled Elya to him, holding a gun at her head. Elya's eyes widened.

"Damn it, Aish! Put down the gun!" She screamed.


Aishii dropped the gun, putting her hands up. The gunblade fell gently at her right foot. Shorty laughed.

"Coward," He whispered. Aishii glared as he turned away, taking Elya waith him. Aishii suddenly kicked the gun up with her foot and grabbed it, aiming and pulling the trigger at the short and tall man, all in a matter of seconds. Elya ducked to the ground, and Aishii grabbed her arm.

"Let's go," She said through her teeth.


More soldiers surrounded them, holding their varieties of weapons at Aishii and Elya.

"I knew I shouldn't have taken you with me, I knew it I knew it I knew it...." Elya whispered frantically. All of a sudden, Aishii felt a throbbing pain in her forehead, and she squinted.

Wait...pain in her forehead?

She was having a geostygma attack. And at a very good time.

"AH!" She screeched, holding her forehead. She felt the usual black blood ooze out to her hand.

"Elya! I have....it!" Aishii fell to the floor dramatically.

Elya looked at her confused. Aishii gave her a 'go along with it' look, and Elya gasped dramatically as well.

"What? What's wrong with her?" A soldier, thin and lanky, asked frantically with the gun lowering.

"It's......GEOSTYGMA!" She said ominously, trying to stifle a giggle.



Pie Equals Friendship in YO FACE!
Jul 3, 2009
Whhhhhoa that was.....whoa, WRITE MORE! its getting good

And Bell we are such nerds for having Ninja Assassin sigs lol xP


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Not my best, but I needed to update.

Ch 21

"Its....GEOSTYGMA!" Elya shouted. The soldiers cringed back.

"That..that's impossible!" One said.

"I though it was a myth..." another whispered.

"No it isn't," Aishii shouted, "See?" Aishii scraped off some black blood to show the soldier in front, and he gagged.

"Get her away!" Two shouted, beside the one up front. Aishii then comically fainted, landed on the soldier's chest and smearing blood on his uniform.

"GAH!" They pushed her away, and she staggered back.

"Be careful!" Elya shouted, "It's contagious!"

"Oh god-RUN!" The small crowd of soldiers said, turning to run. Elya and Ren smiled at eachother, when suddenly the soldiers slid to a stop.

"Where do you think you're going?" A manly and rugged voice asked. Aishii took a step to the side to see who said that.

Her eyes widened.


Ren's thoughts were cut off by the sound of her phone. She took it out and read the caller ID.


She flipped it open and held it to her ear, gathering her stuff.


"Ren?" Laz asked hesitantly.

"Er-yeah. What's wrong?''



"Just tell her to come back to base, and we won't shoot you." The blonde in black whispered, holding her plasma gun to Laz's head.


"We-we need you back at base. Now."

"Um, sure. I'll be there as soon as I can." Ren answered, stradling her motorcycle.

"Isoginasai, Ren." He said. The phone cut off.


"Thank you, soldier," The man in black cooed, playing with Laz's sword.

"Take him to the cages with the others," The blonde ordered, "and put the blade down."

The man carefully put the blade down and grabbed Laz by the arm, dragging him away.

"Soon, brother, sister will join us." The blonde smiled masochistically as the faint sound of a motorcycle engine came from the road a mile away.


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Ch 22

"Perfect," A guy mumbled in the back as the man in black threw Laz into the cage of the fifty some men. With a thud, Laz landed beside Twill, his young face rugged in stress.

"You call yourself soldiers? Psht." With that, the man shut the door.

"Damn it!" Laz said through his gritted teeth, punching the wall. A man behind him tapped his shoulder.

"Um, Lieutenant Laz?" He asked. Laz turned roughly.

"Hai...?" He responded, profiling the soldier. He had ashy blonde hair and bright blue eyes, such as the blue told in the geostygma legends. He was thin and tall, and had an akward sense to him.

"What's your name soldier?" Laz commanded.

"Er, Akemi Yonami, Private," He said shakily, "I-I think I know how to contact Commander in Chief Ren." Laz tilted his head to the side.

"How so?"


The cool air ran through Ren's scalp, as free as it will always be. On her way to base, as usual, she stopped at the side of the road to re-soldierfy herself. She hopped off her slick black motorcycle and grabbed her gear.

Midway through adjusting her shoulder pads, she stopped.

Why had Laz sounded so...shaky? He'd never call without saying what was wrong...something was wrong...

Feedback from Ren's speaker-located on her glove- roared loudly. She lifted her arm up and flipped the flap open, pressing the accept button.

"Hai, Ren," She responded in a business like tone.

"Ren?" A hushed voice asked.

"Yes?" She responded.

"Its Laz," the voice replied, "Listen and listen closely. Whatever you do, do not come to base. I repeat, do not come back to base."

"W-why?" Ren asked hesitantly.

"Listen to me. You can't come back. Get help. They're looking for you. They-"

Feedback. Silence.

"Laz? Laz!" She shouted.



is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Darn it.

sorry for the double post. My computer (or the site) is lagging a lot and this is the first time in about half an hour that the site works.

again sorry.


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Ch 23

"Laz? LAZ!" She shouted. Nothing.


"That's it. Give me all your communication devices or you all get blowed." The woman in black hissed. All the men stayed still.

"We don't know what your talking about," Someone said in the back. The woman took Laz's glove of, throwing it to the dirt. She stomped on it, crushing it.

"Anyone else?" She asked. They all shook their heads.

"Good. Now when Ren gets here, you can see her-I mean, him- die." She said sweetly.


"Oh lifestream what do I do, what do I do?" She quickly mumbled to herself. She took off her armor quickly and silently, then put on her normal disguise. She needed to get help.

Wait...help? Cloud!

No...Cloud would never come this late. No, she had to go herself.

But...not as Ren.

Ren grinned slyly at her idea. She ripped off scraps of her khaki dress and wrapped them around her hands. She took her phone, dialing for Cloud. It rang.

"Hello...?" He asked drowsily. Ren sighed in relief.

"Cloud, it's Ren. I-"

"Ren, it's not even morning." He cut in, annoyed.

"I know, but the boys, they're-"

"Ren, I don't have time for this. I'll come by Jett tomorrow, but-:"

"The base has been captured!" She finally got in. Cloud stayed silent on the other line.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked.

"Nothing yet. Come here. Straight here tomorrow morning. I have a plan." She said. Cloud didn't answer for a few moments.

"Alright. I'll be there." He said. The phone clicked, followed by a long beep. Ren closed the phone, getting atop her motorcycle, riding off to base.

"Hope this works," Ren grumbled, revving the engine.



is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Ch 24

As Ren rode up to base, she heard something disturbing.

Not a single sound but her bike.

"Weird...'' She whispered. She stopped at the entry, sliding to a stop. She jumped off, taking a deep breath.

She walked in, a cold breeze hitting her female face.

Yes. She was unmasked. Ununiformed. She was just a normal girl.

Two figures seemed to appear out at the edge of the walkway of dirt. They seemed to be male and female, both dressed in black. Ren stopped.

"Not these guys again," She whispered.

Ren stood before the two in black, chest out and feet positioned. Yards away from eachother, the female scoffed.

"Well, well, seems like Ren has finally unmasked herself." She said slyly. The male beside her grinned.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ren said, smiling. The male and female's grins faded as she got in a fighting stance, fists up.

"Empty hand?" The female asked. She got her atomic gun and got into a stance as well.

"Well this will be easy," She remarked.

Ren sprinted towards her, jumping into a kick aimed straight at the female's face.

(part 1 end.)
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