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Fanfiction ► Those Who Fight (Final Fantasy based Fanfic)

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Pie Equals Friendship in YO FACE!
Jul 3, 2009
Eeeeeeeee!!! u added Kh and WtT and me!!!!! haha thats awesome!! oh im crying lol


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Ch 16

"Thank you ma'am," Aishii said, bowing as the lady handed her a tip. She got back on her bike, heading home.

Elya must be waiting for me back home, she thought, hope she won't make a big deal about this dance....

Aishii then noticed the unusual silence. There was no sound of drums and gongs.

"Hmm," She mumbled, "They must have gotten tired of trying to scare us."

She went faster as she reached the hill.


"Hurry up, Aish!" Elya shouted from downstairs, tapping her foot crossly. Her kimono and sneakers had been replaced with a silver and shorter kimono, poofing out to the sides. Around her waist was an indigo sash, and she wore glittery silver flats. Her medium brown hair was waved, and she had light pink lipgloss on her lips.

"I'm going! Yeesh..." She said, walking to the stair way. Elya's eyes widened.

"Damn, Aishii, you clean up good....!" Elya said in awe.

Aishii was completley changed. Her grey get up was long gone, replaced by a simple black dress. A yellow sash was tied around her now fragile waist, and her shoes were gone, replaced by yellow flats. Her hair was in a half do, tied back with a barette.

Aishii blushed as she came down the stairs. "I look ridiculous, Elya," She groaned. Elya rolled her eyes and put some lipstick of hers on Aishii's lips.

"Oh save it, Aish," She snapped, "You look incredible. Now come on. Asona'll be waiting!"

Elya grabbed Aishii by the wrist and off they went.


"Elya!" Asona squeeled, reeling over her date as she ran to Elya. They embraced as if they hadn't seen eachother in years when in truth it had only been hours.

"Asona! I brought Aishii!" She said, signalling at the girl beside her. Elya reached for Aishii, who was looking around nervously. They were at the school cafeteria, brightly covered in silver and tinsel.

Asona's smile went into uncertainty as she and Aishii saw eachother. Aishii waved.

"Hi," She said. Asona profiled her.

"Er, hi," Asona greeted. She turned away to face Elya.

"So come on, Elya, I want you to meet Kellan," Asona took Elya by the wrist and they weaved through the crowd, away from Aishii. Aishii sighed.

"Hey," A guy from the crowd said. Aishii turned to see a teen clearly older than her towering over her. He had ironed black hair and an army trainee's uniform.

"Are you talking to me?" Aishii asked. They guy nodded.

"Wanna dance?" He asked. Aishii shook her head.

"No thanks." She walked away.


"On order of the Kubai army general, General Tetsumi Matsuda, we have orders to enter the city." A young soldier in a green uniform shouted. "Surrender now."

He and a few Jette soldiers stood at the entry. One of the Jette soldiers laughed.

"What are you, sixteen? Get lost, shorty." He turned back to the city, still laughing. The young Kubai soldier gritted his teeth.

"Don't say we didn't warn you." He said, walking away.

(PS Thanks Chaos ;))


Hero of Lhant
Apr 25, 2009
You know what I really don't know lol
i finally caught up amazing stuff bell but what is with the other language its Japanese if i'm correct anyway whoo i was mention people do care lol. Anyway I hope you keep doing your awesome writing


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Ch 17

"This party sucks," A guy beside Aishii complained. Aishii nodded in agreement. The two leaned against a wall by the back, alone. Two hours and nothing interesting had happened.

"I wanna go home," She mumbled, getting off the wall. She walked away from the empty space in search for Elya.

Elya was out on the dance floor, partying like if there was no tomorrow. She had completely forgotten she came with her little cousin.

Aishii peered over the heads of the people attending to see that brunette dancing crazily. She could easily tell who Elya was: The randomest one.

After a few moments, she spotted that brown haired girl jumping up and down with a guy Aishii assumed was her date. She took a step forward-


The room hushed. The music screeched to a stop, and everyone stood still. Even Elya stopped.

Hushed murmurs filled the room in a matter of seconds.

"What was that-"

"An attack?"

"Nah, just a prank-"

"Seniors, geez-"

"But what if-"

BOOM! Another large crash of sound, and the room shook. Some girls screamed. Aishii ran to Elya, weaving through the crowd.

"Oh Lifestream. IT'S THE KUBAI ARMY!"

The floor shook, and the crowd started to run.

"Elya!" Aishii shouted, drowned out by the stampede of high school and jr. high school students. She finally caught Elya's arm.

"Elya, what's going on?!" She shouted. Elya grabbed Aishii.

"I don't know, but we have to get out of here!" Elya frantically answered. They started to run. Elya kept muttering to herself.

"Oh god, oh god, Aunt Ira is gonna kill me if Aishii gets hurt...gotta get out, gotta get out-"

Suddenly, the remaining crowd of one hundred or so people stopped. Elya and Aishii stopped as well, hidden in the back.

"They've locked us in!" someone shouted from the front. People started to panic. One girl started to cry. Another guy in the front started yelling frantically.

"We're gonna die! We're gonna die!" He kept repeating. Aishii couldn't take these people's panic. She stood on a nearby chair and cleared her throat.

"Hey," Nobody turned. She cleared her throat again.

"I said... HEY!" All heads turned to her. She put her hands on her hips, crashes and screams coming from the outside of the room.

"Alright. I know how we can get out of here." She said.


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1

Ok, could only type a bit of the chapter, so this is part one...

Ch 19, Part 1
Face To Face

"This is either your best or the stupidest idea you've ever come up with," Elya huffed, blowing a strand of hair out of her face.

"Oh, be quiet and move, shortie," Someone in the back shouted.

Aishii and the whole other crowd of people crawled in the humongous airways of the school. Luckily, Aishii noticed they were on the ground and were about the size of a person.

"Are we almost there!?" A girl whined in the back. Aishii nodded.

"Almost there. I can hear the outside."

She felt the cold breeze coming through some vent, and saw the ridges of the opening. She punched it away, and tumbled out. The rest followed, cheering.

But their cheering was cut short.

"Freeze! By order of the Kubai army, you are all prisoners of war!" A male voice shouted.


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Ok continued from the last chapter.

Aishii and the group froze.

"On the ground now!" One of the soldiers that started to surround them shouted. They all complied-except for one guy.

"Hey losers! Why don't you all go back to your little wussy-"

Bam! everyone dropped to the floor faster. Elya brought Aishii down with her quickly and whispered, "Don't look."

Aishii didn't listen. She stole a glance at the guy, then gagged and turned back, putting her head on the cold pavement.

The guy was dead. Shot in the head. He fell next to Aishii, blood oozing, and she gagged again.

"Told you not to look," Elya snickered half-heartedly.

"What'chu say?" A soldier cried. Aishii looked up, and up went Elya, stuggling to get out of the soldier's tight grasp. She was a foot off the ground.

"Nothing. Nothing I sware!" She screamed. The soldier laughed. Aishii held back a gasp as the guy leaned in to smell her.

"Ick. Get away get away get away," She said quickly, smelling the soldier's funky breath. Once more, the soldier laughed. Elya glared at him.

Aishii looked around frantically, looking for help. She spotted a pile of stuff. Silver and grey stuff...She tried to focus in on them, and finally saw what they truly were.


Aishii looked back at Elya and the soldier. He had put her down, but pushed her towards the others. They all looked and played coyly with her. She had a disgusted look plastered on her face.

Aishii looked back at the gunblades and reached out, trying to go out as far as she could. She could almost reach-

"Hey! What are you doing!?" Another soldier, his voice younger, shouted. Aishii looked up terrified, and froze, her hand still out. In a matter of seconds, she suddenly felt weight on her outstretched hand. The guy stopped.

"How did you..?" Aishii looked at her hand, and her eyes widened in awe and fear.

She held a silver gunblade.

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