king of dark thats like a darth vader clone...but still very funny.
SoulEater2118 said:in Traverse Town
K: hm....where should i go? (walks to item shop)
K: hi what do u sell here?
Donalds nephews: this is an adult shop...
K: cool u have any male porn?
sry if this is stupid i only did this once before....
Tre'Coolfreak13 said:Sora- Kairi! I finally found-WHAT THE *Chaching*
Sora finds Kairi in bed with Namine' Selphie and Riku.
Riku- Come on Sora, let's five way.
Sora- Okay, I'll go get Tidus and Wakka
Sora is kicked out of the room.
Riku, Namine' Selphie, and Kairi- Pervert!
Don't yell at me this time please.
The One He Fears said:*In the opening FMV, when Sora falls under Kairi*
Sora: Kairi, help!! Oooh I can see under ur skirt!
Kairi: Sora you perv! *throws shoe at sora, misses since he's under water*
Sora: nah nah!! Oh s#!t. *warp falls from sky*
Kairi: eat this!! *throws other shoe; sora gets hit in the face and wakes up*
Sora: Huh... wha...
Kairi: Sora, you lazy bum!
Sora: hey Kairi! I had the weirdst dream--- whoa! I can see up your skirt!
Kairi: PERVERT!!! *Gets kicked in the face; then Kairi shoves a log down his throat*