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The Apprentice, Ven and Kairi

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New member
May 28, 2008
...and, sora wouldn't become a heartless if he had Ven's Heart within him. Cuz he only lost his own hearts, but Ven's heart remained in his heart.
But now i'm thinking...that cold be why Sora can dual wield...

I don't think there is an explanation for Sora's ability to dual wield. I just think Nomura put that ability into the game because alot of fans were requesting it. If I were to give credit for that ability, I'd give it to Sora's special clothes that he received from the fairies at Yen Sid's castle.


New member
Apr 16, 2007
I don't think there is an explanation for Sora's ability to dual wield. I just think Nomura put that ability into the game because alot of fans were requesting it. If I were to give credit for that ability, I'd give it to Sora's special clothes that he received from the fairies at Yen Sid's castle.

no. roxas don't have the clothes.

but thinking of it. Sora was only able to dual wield when someone from his party fused with him. That doesn't concern roxas, cuz he dual wield without explanations...


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Instead of just repeating what everyone else said already, I'll ask this: supposing the DS is a body for a younger MX, why is it then that MX in a younger body is so similar to Terra, and not just physically either?
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New member
Dec 28, 2007
I really don't like this part. >.>

First of all, Xehanort was the one who sent Kairi to the Destiny Islands, as an experiment to see if a Princess of Heart would lead him to the Keyblade weilder.
Secondly, just because Kairi is a Princess of Heart does not mean that she is actual royalty.

Namine's blond hair can be explained by the fact that Nobodies' appearences very from those of their original selves.
Also, if Namine was part of Kairi, the daughter of Ansem, why would Ansem have ordered Riku to dispose of Namine?

Several things to destroy this: For one, neither Riku nor Ansem knew who's nobody Namine was, this is proven by Riku's questioning and Ansem's inability to give him a straight answer. And no, Xehanort was NOT the one to send Kairi to Destiny Islands. In his logs under the guise of "Ansem" he claimed he had sent a girl away to a far off land. This could have simply been another lie as he had found out about his teacher sending Kairi away.

Instead of just repeating what everyone else said already, I'll ask this: supposing the DS is a body for a younger MX, why is it then that MX in a younger body is so similar to Terra, and not just physically either?

Master Xehanort and Terra look nothing alike apart from the brief few moments Terra's eyes changed.

But until CONFIRMED otherwise, she's not. People just thinking she is doesn't mean she is. You can say it all you want, but until Nomura drops that info, she's not. Accept it.

Did you not play CoM OR KH2?

Riku uses that orb in a sleight. It's called "Dark Firaga"
In KH2, when Riku is in your team, one of his abilities, not limits mind you, is called Dark Firaga. Then that glowy blueish orb comes out and fires at his target.

Because Heartless and Nobodies didn't exist back then.

The reason for yellow colored eyes is a side effect from being too close to the darkness.

That's not Dark Firaga. We can debate till the cows come home and I'll still be right about this. The attack Riku used to attack Sora at Hollow Bastion's entrance was Dark Firaga. When Riku yells: "Welcome to Oblivion!" The orb that appears in his hand is NOT Dark Firaga. Not once in that battle did Riku attack you with fire of any kind.

1. Kairi's hair is naturally red, as we saw from the flashback of her with her grandmother. And wouldn't she have to keep dying it again and again in order to keep the color by KH1 and KH2? Since she was on a different world, away from Xehanort, I can't see why she'd go to all that trouble unless she really liked the color.

That's complete and utter crap. What does it matter that Kairi's hair is red while in Hollow Bastion? Is it nay impossible or not probable that Kairi simply talked to her grandmother briefly before being sent away?


All you need to know.
May 25, 2005
Yo mama
And no, Xehanort was NOT the one to send Kairi to Destiny Islands. In his logs under the guise of "Ansem" he claimed he had sent a girl away to a far off land. This could have simply been another lie as he had found out about his teacher sending Kairi away.

Or it is because it was Xehanort who sent her off to Destiny Islands to find the Keybearer. Yeah, that's the right answer.

That's not Dark Firaga. We can debate till the cows come home and I'll still be wrong about this. The attack Riku used to attack Sora at Hollow Bastion's entrance was Dark Firaga. When Riku yells: "Welcome to Oblivion!" The orb that appears in his hand is NOT Dark Firaga. Not once in that battle did Riku attack you with fire of any kind.

Of course you will skippy ^_^

That's complete and utter crap. What does it matter that Kairi's hair is red while in Hollow Bastion? Is it nay impossible or not probable that Kairi simply talked to her grandmother briefly before being sent away?

Because in the event of an emergency, you DON'T STOP. Ever.

IF what you're saying was the case, then she wouldn't have been wasting time telling her the story. She'd be helping Kairi escape. If Kairi was in danger, she'd have been long gone.

If Kairi was Ansem's daughter, he wouldn't have been so harsh with Namine as to want her destroyed. He would have mentioned Kairi at least once before he died. He simply said that "Kairi's from RG, of which he ruled over." That's all he says about Kairi.

Xehanort sent her off into the ocean of stars and she landed on DI all because of destiny. Ansem had no control over that as he was nowhere to be found. If you paid attention to the Ansem Reports and Secret Ansem Reports, you'd know that he had nothing to do with Kairi being sent from RG. Wherever he was, he wasn't there to stop it.


New member
Apr 4, 2008
Yo daddy.
And no, Xehanort was NOT the one to send Kairi to Destiny Islands. In his logs under the guise of "Ansem" he claimed he had sent a girl away to a far off land. This could have simply been another lie as he had found out about his teacher sending Kairi away.

Ansem the Wise had been banished to realm of nothingness by Xehanort by this time.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Master Xehanort and Terra look nothing alike apart from the brief few moments Terra's eyes changed.

You didn't answer my question. Let me rephrase this in a way you might understand.

Alright so according to your theory, MX creates DS as a younger body so he can live longer. The result of him going into this new body (DS) is the Xehanort we know.

Thing is, Xehanort looks like Terra, and has a few more similarities with him as well that go beyond appearance. If Xehanort is supposedly MX in a new body, why is this so?

And no, Xehanort was NOT the one to send Kairi to Destiny Islands. In his logs under the guise of "Ansem" he claimed he had sent a girl away to a far off land. This could have simply been another lie as he had found out about his teacher sending Kairi away.

You've stopped making sense. Why would he lie? It's not as if he likely expected anyone else to read his findings anyway.

Just accept you're wrong already. Xehanort sent Kairi away, and there's little no chance of Ansem being her father.


New member
Apr 16, 2007
You didn't answer my question. Let me rephrase this in a way you might understand.

Alright so according to your theory, MX creates DS as a younger body so he can live longer. The result of him going into this new body (DS) is the Xehanort we know.

Thing is, Xehanort looks like Terra, and has a few more similarities with him as well that go beyond appearance. If Xehanort is supposedly MX in a new body, why is this so?

You've stopped making sense. Why would he lie? It's not as if he likely expected anyone else to read his findings anyway.

Just accept you're wrong already. Xehanort sent Kairi away, and there's little no chance of Ansem being her father.

I agree with you:thumbup:


Proud Demyx/Kairi Shipper
Oct 12, 2007
At the ball
Several things to destroy this: For one, neither Riku nor Ansem knew who's nobody Namine was, this is proven by Riku's questioning and Ansem's inability to give him a straight answer.

But Ansem did know. That conversation with Riku went something like this:

Riku: Namine. She's a wonder.
DiZ: She is unusual. She wasn't born like other Nobodies.
Riku: But who's Nobody is she?
DiZ: I could tell you. But first, perhaps you could tell me your true name?

And then there's Secret Ansem Report 9, which appears to have been written right after the events of CoM (gotta love those reports!):

I should have expected nothing less from a Keyblade-wielding hero. Sora and his friends defied the machinations of Organization XIII and rescued Namine’. Namine’ was a witch who controlled the memories of others. Most likely these powers were achieved through a special process when she was born. Namine’ is a Nobody, created when a young girl’s heart left her body. Yet she had no corresponding Heartless.

This is because the “young girl” in this case was a princess. Kairi, a resident of Radiant Garden over which I had ruled, was one of the Seven Princesses that uphold the realm of light. With no darkness in her heart, Kairi produced no Heartless, and instead of vanishing, her body remained in the realm of light.

So yeah, he knew.

That's complete and utter crap. What does it matter that Kairi's hair is red while in Hollow Bastion? Is it nay impossible or not probable that Kairi simply talked to her grandmother briefly before being sent away?

Because in the event of an emergency, you DON'T STOP. Ever.

IF what you're saying was the case, then she wouldn't have been wasting time telling her the story. She'd be helping Kairi escape. If Kairi was in danger, she'd have been long gone.

Exactly. Thanks PMF!


Instead of just repeating what everyone else said already, I'll ask this: supposing the DS is a body for a younger MX, why is it then that MX in a younger body is so similar to Terra, and not just physically either?

To be honest, DS was known as an apprentice right? or for all we know he is MX's apprentice. It varies here, it would exclude the fact that he is younger MX, and instead he is just another character under the apprenticeship of MX. I believe that in time an apprentice can grow to have similarities to that of his Master. I would believe that DS had picked up somethings from the battle of MX and Terra, and with those memories he managed to pick up certain similarities of the two. It's possible that he may have remembered certain styles from Terra, and Certain emotions from MX. Emotions being closer than style.

........you could pm me about this if you want so i could explain this better.
I actually want to go over certain theories on MX+DS, MX+Terra and so on.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Oh, I've heard that before. Don't really buy it, but I won't ignore the possibility. However, you still need to explain the physical aspects. It's true that it's the same character designer behind them, so some similarities might be there, but personally I think he looks a little TOO much like Terra and MX for the character designer explanation to cover...


Hmmm.....you have a point and it is hard to pull apart something so widely accepted unless it was a theory apprehended on a fallacy.

I actually agree with the theory you present but i stay by mine. Both are possibilities
Here's a pic if you'd rather use it to further your theories, as both have that same stern look



New member
Dec 28, 2007
You didn't answer my question. Let me rephrase this in a way you might understand.

Alright so according to your theory, MX creates DS as a younger body so he can live longer. The result of him going into this new body (DS) is the Xehanort we know.

Thing is, Xehanort looks like Terra, and has a few more similarities with him as well that go beyond appearance. If Xehanort is supposedly MX in a new body, why is this so?

You've stopped making sense. Why would he lie? It's not as if he likely expected anyone else to read his findings anyway.

Just accept you're wrong already. Xehanort sent Kairi away, and there's little no chance of Ansem being her father.

This is where your credibility went to null. If you knew anything about Kingdom Hearts (or scientist note-taking in general) you'd know the reason he made the Ansem Reports was so that people after him could continue with his research. Do you know anything about making notes?

There is a few reasons why Terra cannot be Master Xehanort, despite the similar facial structure:

There is no explanation for why his hair would turn white suddenly after only a few years. If his hair turned white that quickly he would have had to be at least in his late-fourty or fifties. Then, if that's not enough to stroke the fire Terra, as far as we seen has no reason to become the Xehanort we've seen. The entire idea of Xehanort being Terra is when Aqua's armor was referred as an "old friend". This would create a great contradiction that would destroy the series because as we were told his memory was destroyed, therefore he would not remember Aqua and if he did he would have no practical reason to create Organization XIII. Edit: Also if he remembered Aqua would he not also confuse Roxas for Ven?

PMF, I'm not arguing with you any further. It's not Dark Firaga. Dark Firaga is an attack that shoots a dark fireball at you. When you fight Riku for the last time he summons an orb that makes his entire body glow, this in turn boasts his abilities. If you insist in believing in your fantasies of believing it's Dark Firaga then let that be your problem. Don't waste my time when there's no evidence to back up your claims. Where is your source of Heartless not being in Birth by Sleep besides the fact that the new enemies we fight are ancestors which would already make them a branch-off of Heartless? Then you say that the orange eyes are results of being in the darkness but this (again) is destroyed by the fact that Riku was in darkness longer than almost anyone and did not have orange eyes after it. You post things off as fact based off of your misreadings.
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New member
May 15, 2008
destiny island!
lol, your really stubborn hero2.

what PMF is saying is true, ive been looking through the forums and whenever his name pops up he's like always right about what he sais. you just can't argue with him! anyways i'm too lazy to type everything everybody else said.


New member
Dec 28, 2007
lol, your really stubborn hero2.

what PMF is saying is true, ive been looking through the forums and whenever his name pops up he's like always right about what he sais. you just can't argue with him! anyways i'm too lazy to type everything everybody else said.

Reminds me of another member who was "always right"...:

Kay El

If that's your attitude towards things then you won't get far in life. Regardless of how "right" people have been in the past that gives no reason why whatever they say is true. He has already been proven wrong by me which already destroys your near-fanboyism of him. Don't try to promote your superiority theory on me because you'll do nothing but waste your time and show how weak-minded you are. Don't talk to me any further because that one post already destroyed what little respect I had for you.


Terra isn't MX, they are two different ppl. I believe you are referring to the late Xehanort

Xehanorts memories where destroyed but the basics of his experiments where done in the influence of regaining them, which his nobody had more similarity to this comparison in studying.

Organization XIII was created in gaining new hearts, in becoming whole and to create a new world in which nobodies would flourish, and regain existence, but that causes a flawed balance to the realms of light and dark.

heartless and nobodies dont exist in BBS, no matter how much you question it.

The new enemies are considered an ancestor of both enemies, but that doesn't make them heartless.

A scientist doesn't just create notes to for others to continue with. They are remnants of observations they piece together upon discovery. When something goes wrong they look back at the research in hand to pull back on the occurring mistake.

Xehanorts heartless has resided in Darkness for more than 8 years, and some of the apprentices can be considered with the fact that they grew exceedingly interested in the study of hearts but lost themselves to darkness, some more than other i may presume. Riku is a different case, as although he used darkness for a while, he nullified the use of it and hindered its engulfment meaning he was on the verge of losing his heart to darkness but he postponed it and heeded the words of ATW especially after what he experienced. The only time his darkness ever fully unleashed was when he had no choice but to use the darkness within him to beat Roxas thus turning him into Xehanorts Heartless.


Hero2 had every right to condemn you, in these forums don't undermine yourself as a kissass to any forumer whatsoever.
It only leads to humiliation
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New member
Dec 28, 2007
lol wow, relax and chill out i was just stating my opinion...oh well one less person likes me.

Enough. We're getting off topic here.

Things to know before posting:
3: Stay on subject. Do not stray off and start talking about what you and your friends did after school. This is for Birth By Sleep discussion only.


Terra isn't MX, they are two different ppl. I believe you are referring to the late Xehanort

Xehanorts memories where destroyed but the basics of his experiments where done in the influence of regaining them, which his nobody had more similarity to this comparison in studying.

Organization XIII was created in gaining new hearts, in becoming whole and to create a new world in which nobodies would flourish, and regain existence, but that causes a flawed balance to the realms of light and dark.

heartless and nobodies dont exist in BBS, no matter how much you question it.

The new enemies are considered an ancestor of both enemies, but that doesn't make them heartless.

A scientist doesn't just create notes to for others to continue with. They are remnants of observations they piece together upon discovery. When something goes wrong they look back at the research in hand to pull back on the occurring mistake.

Xehanorts heartless has resided in Darkness for more than 8 years, and some of the apprentices can be considered with the fact that they grew exceedingly interested in the study of hearts but lost themselves to darkness, some more than other i may presume. Riku is a different case, as although he used darkness for a while, he nullified the use of it and hindered its engulfment meaning he was on the verge of losing his heart to darkness but he postponed it and heeded the words of ATW especially after what he experienced. The only time his darkness ever fully unleashed was when he had no choice but to use the darkness within him to beat Roxas thus turning him into Xehanorts Heartless.

I am no longer debating things that have no proof so I will only address the things that actually are credible. If you can show me a quote stating there are no Heartless in Birth By Sleep (though this is impossible since the new enemies we face are ancestors of the Heartless) then I'll be happy to discuss this with you.

Xehanort's Heartless was just that, a heartless. He resided in darkness because he was darkness. The reason his eye color is orange is because his original body, Xehanort, had orange eyes to begin with. They adopt physical traits of the offspring they came from so it's pointless to post information regarding how long he's been in darkness. More than likely Xehanort and Master Xehanort are one in the same so referring to him as Xehanort is just a "nickname" of sorts.
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