Things to know before posting:
1: All my theories are based on evidence, not false claims.
2: If you disagree with any of my theories then tell me why, do not simply say "It just doesn't seem right to me...", I need feedback.
3: Stay on subject. Do not stray off and start talking about what you and your friends did after school. This is for Birth By Sleep discussion only.
...Now, unto the theorizing!
First seen in the Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix + trailer, the apprentice has been a complete enigma. He is well known for the outfit he wears, which bears a similar resemblance (though the color scheme differs from blue to red)to Riku's outfit while his heart was under the influence of Xehanort's Heartless. Many have gone on to theorize that he is Riku's Clone who's fate was undecided in Chain of Memories brought to the past by unknown means. What I theorize may seem like a stretch to you but in the long run you may begin to understand.
I will begin with a quote from the original Kingdom Hearts:
Ansem Report 2
Xehanort, under the tutelage and disapproval of his teacher, Ansem began to study the darkness in one's heart, enthralled by it's eluding ways. He expressed interest in extracting the darkness from one's heart, then inserting it into someone with a pure heart (presumably a Princess of Heart.) I theorize that Ansem, suspecting Xehanort of knowing his daughter, Kairi, was a Princess of Heart after reading his reports, sent her away to Destiny Islands, but not before dying her hair red to hide her identity as her original hair color was that of her father's (this is why Namine's hair is blonde). But what if long ago, he wasn't the only one enticed with the ways of the heart? Master Xehanort before him may have also studied the workings of the heart, but for different purposes. What purpose you ask?
This is where things get interesting. As we all now, the Master Xehanort we have seen so far seems to be quite old, to the point where his hair has long since faded away. What if Master Xehanort was so obsessed with research he tried to create a "body" of sorts that he could transfer his heart to that would allow for him to live way past his expiration date (which was undoubtedly growing near with every passing day)? If my assumptions are correct, he succeeded in creating a vessel for himself. He believed that by removing his own heart he could in theory "insert" the heart into the clone body, essentially succeeding in transferring himself into a new, younger body. If this is true I believe he tried, failed and found of another way to insert the heart. This however would require that he harvested the hearts of others and combine them all together into what we know as Kingdom Hearts.
He discovered by giving the clone body some of the darkness from his own heart it was able to come to life and help him in his conquest. Already a keyblade master, he succeeded in starting the First Keyblade War. Together with his apprentice he collected many hearts. Finally, after the deaths of many Keyblade wielders Master Xehanort only needed two more hearts, his and one other's. Three other apprentices, belonging to an unknown master had sought the two out, thinking them lost. Learning of his plan they intervened many times, causing Master Xehanort much frustration.
Meeting them in one final showdown, the battle resulted in his victory in which he was finally able to acquire the last heart he needed. This was none other from the one we know as Ven:
Ven- Heartless Image
One would initially think the reason he has the blank expression on his face is because he is frozen. I thought so as well but saw upon closer inspection that he was no where near frozen enough to only have the ability to move his eyes. At this point I believe that Xehanort had stolen away his heart, effectively reducing to him to the same thing as his apprentice: A heartless vessel. He sent the two remaining hearts into Kingdom Hearts. Upon entering Kingdom Hearts with his apprentice he completed his goal and succeeded in entering a new body. Using an unseen power, Terra attempted a last ditch effort in saving his friend. As a result of his interference the newly acquired body Master Xehanort had just gained was badly damaged. He was knocked unconscious, his memory completely in tatters. This however saved Xehanort who's heart would have otherwise perished since the true key in successfully placing one's heart into another is none other than sleep, thus the name Birth By Sleep.
Mickey, having just completed his training with Yensid, arrived on the scene too late. To his horror he discovered the body of Master Xehanort and Aqua. Unknown to any else Terra had used an ability (I predict he learned from Maleficent) that replaced his own heart for Ven's. Ven's heart wondered before entering that of Sora. This would have lasting effects, resulting in Roxas essentially being the first Nobody with a heart. Aqua went into exile, blaming herself for the death of both Ven and Terra. She then left behind her armor before leaving. Taking both the armor and Xehanort, Mickey left them in Radiant Garden. There Master Xehanort would be found by Ansem, who saved him from the brink of death. Mickey though later in the future would completely forget about the incident due to his notorious habit of forgetting things rather quickly (it took him quite some time to remember who Xenmas was).
Upon awakening the first thing he saw was Aqua's armor. Believing it to belong to his unknown savior, he began to referring to the armor as an "old friend". Eventually he would lose his body in the pursuit of research, splitting into two different beings: The Darkness (Xehanort's Heartless) and The Body (Xenmas). The Apprentice was in a way "reborn" because of this, losing his memory but retaining much of the old fighting styles he once had.
(Both hold their keyblades in their right hand.)
(Notice how both in battle leap back twice before following up with a counterattack. They both also only shoot projectiles with their left hand. )
Xenmas on the other hand kept all his memories, going on to create Organization XIII with the Nobodies of his apprentices, who had also lost their hearts in pursuit of knowledge.
However, with all this there are still some things left explained with this theory:
Why is it that the orbs of light Master Xehanort used and the ones Xehanort's Heartless use so alike? Is there a hidden meaning behind it?
The Mysterious Orbs
What happened to Aqua?
Is Terra really gone?
How can Sora hold two hearts in his body at once?
Though this is left up to speculation I decided to throw these questions out so in the future they can be answered (if my theory proves to have any truth in it).
1: All my theories are based on evidence, not false claims.
2: If you disagree with any of my theories then tell me why, do not simply say "It just doesn't seem right to me...", I need feedback.
3: Stay on subject. Do not stray off and start talking about what you and your friends did after school. This is for Birth By Sleep discussion only.
...Now, unto the theorizing!
Study of the Heart
First seen in the Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix + trailer, the apprentice has been a complete enigma. He is well known for the outfit he wears, which bears a similar resemblance (though the color scheme differs from blue to red)to Riku's outfit while his heart was under the influence of Xehanort's Heartless. Many have gone on to theorize that he is Riku's Clone who's fate was undecided in Chain of Memories brought to the past by unknown means. What I theorize may seem like a stretch to you but in the long run you may begin to understand.
I will begin with a quote from the original Kingdom Hearts:
Ansem Report 2
It is my duty to expose what this darkness really is. I shall conduct the following experiments:
- Extract the darkness from a person's heart.
- Cultivate darkness in a pure heart.
- Both suppress and amplify the darkness within.
The experiments caused the test subject's heart to collapse, including those of the most stalwart. How fragile our hearts are! My treatments produced no signs of recovery. I confined those who had completely lost their hearts beneath the castle.
Sometime later, I went below and was greeted by the strangest sight. Creatures that seemed born from darkness... What are they? Are they truly sentient beings? Could they be the shadows of those who lost their hearts in my experiments?
Xehanort, under the tutelage and disapproval of his teacher, Ansem began to study the darkness in one's heart, enthralled by it's eluding ways. He expressed interest in extracting the darkness from one's heart, then inserting it into someone with a pure heart (presumably a Princess of Heart.) I theorize that Ansem, suspecting Xehanort of knowing his daughter, Kairi, was a Princess of Heart after reading his reports, sent her away to Destiny Islands, but not before dying her hair red to hide her identity as her original hair color was that of her father's (this is why Namine's hair is blonde). But what if long ago, he wasn't the only one enticed with the ways of the heart? Master Xehanort before him may have also studied the workings of the heart, but for different purposes. What purpose you ask?
This is where things get interesting. As we all now, the Master Xehanort we have seen so far seems to be quite old, to the point where his hair has long since faded away. What if Master Xehanort was so obsessed with research he tried to create a "body" of sorts that he could transfer his heart to that would allow for him to live way past his expiration date (which was undoubtedly growing near with every passing day)? If my assumptions are correct, he succeeded in creating a vessel for himself. He believed that by removing his own heart he could in theory "insert" the heart into the clone body, essentially succeeding in transferring himself into a new, younger body. If this is true I believe he tried, failed and found of another way to insert the heart. This however would require that he harvested the hearts of others and combine them all together into what we know as Kingdom Hearts.
He discovered by giving the clone body some of the darkness from his own heart it was able to come to life and help him in his conquest. Already a keyblade master, he succeeded in starting the First Keyblade War. Together with his apprentice he collected many hearts. Finally, after the deaths of many Keyblade wielders Master Xehanort only needed two more hearts, his and one other's. Three other apprentices, belonging to an unknown master had sought the two out, thinking them lost. Learning of his plan they intervened many times, causing Master Xehanort much frustration.
Meeting them in one final showdown, the battle resulted in his victory in which he was finally able to acquire the last heart he needed. This was none other from the one we know as Ven:
Ven- Heartless Image
One would initially think the reason he has the blank expression on his face is because he is frozen. I thought so as well but saw upon closer inspection that he was no where near frozen enough to only have the ability to move his eyes. At this point I believe that Xehanort had stolen away his heart, effectively reducing to him to the same thing as his apprentice: A heartless vessel. He sent the two remaining hearts into Kingdom Hearts. Upon entering Kingdom Hearts with his apprentice he completed his goal and succeeded in entering a new body. Using an unseen power, Terra attempted a last ditch effort in saving his friend. As a result of his interference the newly acquired body Master Xehanort had just gained was badly damaged. He was knocked unconscious, his memory completely in tatters. This however saved Xehanort who's heart would have otherwise perished since the true key in successfully placing one's heart into another is none other than sleep, thus the name Birth By Sleep.
Mickey, having just completed his training with Yensid, arrived on the scene too late. To his horror he discovered the body of Master Xehanort and Aqua. Unknown to any else Terra had used an ability (I predict he learned from Maleficent) that replaced his own heart for Ven's. Ven's heart wondered before entering that of Sora. This would have lasting effects, resulting in Roxas essentially being the first Nobody with a heart. Aqua went into exile, blaming herself for the death of both Ven and Terra. She then left behind her armor before leaving. Taking both the armor and Xehanort, Mickey left them in Radiant Garden. There Master Xehanort would be found by Ansem, who saved him from the brink of death. Mickey though later in the future would completely forget about the incident due to his notorious habit of forgetting things rather quickly (it took him quite some time to remember who Xenmas was).
Upon awakening the first thing he saw was Aqua's armor. Believing it to belong to his unknown savior, he began to referring to the armor as an "old friend". Eventually he would lose his body in the pursuit of research, splitting into two different beings: The Darkness (Xehanort's Heartless) and The Body (Xenmas). The Apprentice was in a way "reborn" because of this, losing his memory but retaining much of the old fighting styles he once had.
(Both hold their keyblades in their right hand.)
(Notice how both in battle leap back twice before following up with a counterattack. They both also only shoot projectiles with their left hand. )
Xenmas on the other hand kept all his memories, going on to create Organization XIII with the Nobodies of his apprentices, who had also lost their hearts in pursuit of knowledge.
However, with all this there are still some things left explained with this theory:
Why is it that the orbs of light Master Xehanort used and the ones Xehanort's Heartless use so alike? Is there a hidden meaning behind it?
The Mysterious Orbs
What happened to Aqua?
Is Terra really gone?
How can Sora hold two hearts in his body at once?
Though this is left up to speculation I decided to throw these questions out so in the future they can be answered (if my theory proves to have any truth in it).
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