What is Charge Guard? What does it do? How do you get it? Why am i asking you so many questions?
its an ability of and acessory that fills some of your Clock Gauge everytime that you do a block (sussecsfull)
What is Charge Guard? What does it do? How do you get it? Why am i asking you so many questions?
its an ability of and acessory that fills some of your Clock Gauge everytime that you do a block (sussecsfull)
I find the eliminator easy even if i dont use oathkeeper
zero/one drops him heaps quick.
I've apaprently defeated 78 of them.
its pretty much this if you play at full health. they just take away because you have to play patient to not get hit by energy orb after energy orb. but they go down really easily/quickly if you've put your health at 4hp to 1 one hit kill everything and not die.I find them to be easy now. Granted it takes a while to take them down, but they come down :v
its pretty much this if you play at full health. they just take away because you have to play patient to not get hit by energy orb after energy orb. but they go down really easily/quickly if you've put your health at 4hp to 1 one hit kill everything and not die.
honestly, theres no need to play at full health once you've completed the main game. its much easier NOT to.