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Pokémon: Rise and Fall

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Jan 25, 2008
Over yonder
You've been cordially invited to take part in the Pokémon League World Championship. For completing such tasks as: collecting eight badges in your region, beating the Elite Four, or other heroic deeds, you have been deemed qualified to take part in this grand tournament.

A ticket to Verveille Town in the Kalos region has been provided with this letter.
Richard Bonhomme​

It has been about five years since the events of X & Y. From there the world kept spinning like it has been. New discoveries have been made. New champions have risen and fallen.

For the past few months, rumors of a new villainous team has been cropping up. Ranging from stealing money, technology, and even Pokemon. Oddly enough compared to the rest of the villainous teams of the past, these blokes are as quick and silent as the shadows. Heck, some rumors say that they can't speak. Their name is Team GACT.

Recently, they've been quiet. Well, quieter. So the general populace has forgotten about them. Just in time too as the World Championship is drawing near. This global tournament attracts Pokémon Trainers from all over the planet to see who is the best. As stated in the letter, this shindig will be taking place in Verveille Town, a medium-sized, cliff side burg south of Ambrette Town. Along with its breathtaking sights, there are various other attractions to suite any tourist or Pokémon trainer's needs. But the main attraction of this town is Bonhomme Stadium where the contest is taking place. In the area around this arena are the dorms where the participants will be staying.

But behind the scenes, a nefarious plot is brewing. Welcome my friends to:

and Fall

*No godmoding or powerplaying. No one is perfect and can't dodge everything.
*Your literacy doesn't have to be perfect. Hell, have you seen my posts?
*Keep the romance, cussin', and violence PG-13, okay?
*Please don't post unfinished templates. If you say you're interested that's fine.
*Legendaries are limited. I will allow at MAX one per trainer. And it's first come first serve.
*If you need to know some stuff that isn't covered, feel free to ask or check out Bulbapedia.
*Have fun. Feel free to joke and shoot the breeze in the OOC. Just remember to play nice.
*Lastly, if you've read and understood these rules put "I wanna be the very best!" at the top of your template.

InnerPeace - Matilda Ashford & Spencer Acerbi II
Absent - Dacre Morem
SwagStarIV - Locke Fury
Shinra - Renn Allen Gurski
Noblesse Oblige - Atticus November
Lone - Alphonse Hart

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New member
Nov 26, 2013
Alto Sol
Definitely want to be a part uve' this. One question: are we allowed to create new Mega-Pokemon (Mega Floatsel) Or are we only able to pick the ones that are canon to the games?


Jan 25, 2008
Over yonder
Yeah, you can go ahead and use new Megas and CD-Mann I can't get enough of that pic.
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Nomura's Biggest Fan
Sep 16, 2013
Outer Rim
I wanna be the very best.
So this takes place in the Mega Verse right? I'd like to take part in this.

Name: Dacre Morem
*Alias: Dace
Age: 20
Gender: Boy/Male

Hailing from the back streets of Castelia, Dacre was first introduced to the Battle scene by attending the Champion parade, where he saw the former champion being cheered and celebrated. That very moment he decided he wanted to be the next Champion of Unova. At the age of 15, he joined the Battle Company where he worked his way up the ranks of Battle Executive, becoming the right hand of the company's Chief Executive.

Being raised on the rough streets of Castelia, he learned the importance of observation and decision making. Despite his quiet demeanor, Dacre is very amiable and loves to exchange strategies with others. Studious to a fault. Takes his job very seriously.
Appearance: (Gosh I suck at this) Black hair, brown eyes, depending on the occasion he switches between his suit and tie, to his grey hood and black jeans.
Pokémon team:

Heliolisk: Electric/Normal
Ability: Sand Veil
  • Thunderbol
  • Parabolic Charge
  • Dark Pulse
  • Dragon Tail

Slowking: Water/Psychic
Ability: Own Tempo
  • Psychic
  • Surf
  • Calm Mind
  • Thunder Wave

Scizor: Bug/Steel
Ability: Technician
Held Item: Scizorite(mega)

  • X-Scissor
  • Night Slash
  • Iron Head
  • Bullet Punch

Houndoom: Fire/Dark
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Houndoominite(Mega)

  • Flamethrower
  • Dark Pulse
  • Thunder Fang
  • Sludge Bomb

Noivern: Flying/Dragon
Ability: Infiltrator
  • Boomburst
  • Dragon Pulse
  • Air Slash
  • Flamethrower

Whimsicott: Grass/Fairy
Ability: Prankster
  • Moonblast
  • Cotton Guard
  • Giga Drain
  • Toxic

*Pokémon in reserve:
Dusclops: Ghost
Ability: Pressure
Item: Eviolite

  • Hex
  • Will-O-Wisp
  • Curse
  • Shadow Punch

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I just logged in... And got so many trophies
Mar 3, 2006
Palace of Keys, Kingdom of Rebels
Name: Locke Fury

*Alias: Surge

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Bio: Locke was raised in an open meadow where Pokemon would come to relax and snack on berries. He lived with his grandmother, and a view of the open water, always dreaming of adventure. His Grandma held a garden, with hedges that grew berries and trees of fruit. At rare moments you may see some of the most massive and powerful Pokemon soar pass a tree just to snag fruit off it. For the most part, Lock would be hidden within the confines of his kitchen, while his Grandma and her Kirlia defended the garden. After the death of his Grandma, he became the sole protector of the Garden. Slowly but surely Pokemon stopped coming, and the traffic began to die down. There was word of legendary Pokemon claiming the region as their home and it slightly frightened most of the cuter Pokemon. So far it was just him, Tyrogue, Pikachu, and Kirlia.

Tyrogue was his first pokemon. His grandmother had to watch the garden and take care of the pokemon as well as Locke, so she found herself in need of an assistant. Tyrogue found his way to the Garden one day and Locke's grandma took him in. Locke was only 3, but a rambunctious little toddler none the less. Tyrogue quickly became Lockes personal guardian and friend. At 5 Locke and Tyrogue caught their first Pikachu! He had such an infatuation for Pokemon that while his guardian watched over him in the meadows, Locke would battle some of the weaker Pokemon, in preparation for his upcoming adventure. He also knew the mountain range, behind the meadow, held several stones that would aid him in his journey. So Locke prepared.

By 16 Locke had traveled to the mountains and gained a thunder stone, evolving his Pikachu to Raichu, as well as trained Raichu and Tyrogue to utilize teamwork on a whole new scale. With the new addition of Absol and Kirlia, He now needed just two more Pokemon to have a full team. Absol was a work of art in his own, but there was just something missing. A legendary status Pokemon. Locke spent sometime in the mountains, meadows, forest, and plains searching for several stones that would aid his Pokemon. He found a thunder stone and had run into several other stones as well. One of them was a Thunder Stone upgrading his Pikachu to Raichu, while the other was a Dawn Stone he found in his home for Kirlia.

Now Locke is 19 and the setting is the Unknown Dungeon. Locke is on a mission to conquer the legendary Mewtwo himself. Upon arrival to the pokemons face, Locke was confronted with a telepathic message, "I've graced your garden, traversed the starry meadows, and even protected your Tyrogue from certain doom. What brings you to my cove?" Locke replied, "I wish to do battle with you and then take you along for my journey! I know you must want to see other wonders and do battle with strong opponents! Even onese stronger than me! I know we' will run into them along the way, but first I would like to battle you myself!" Mewtwo replied by opening his eyes and prompting with a stance. Locke backslid and summoned Raichu and Tyrogue. Tyrogue used Helping Hand, tossing Raichu doing an Iron Tail attack. Mewtwo confronted the charging Raichu with a Psystrike. Surprisingly Tyrogue was not to far behind launching off the backtracking Raichu, with his High Jump Kick. Mewtwo could do nothing but guard against the attack. After taking damage Raichu was charging for a Focus Punch while Tyrogue used Mind Reader. Mewtwo then used his Future Sight Ability on Raichu. Tyrogue then came striking down with another High Jump Kick. Mewtwo easily dodged and used Miracle Eye on Tyrogue. Once Mewtwo looked back towards Locke, Raichu was under his chin with a Focus Punch. Mewtwo was prepared for a steady battle, causing the air around him to surge as he massed up another Psystrike, apparently bigger than before.

Locke and his two starting companions raced to the exit. Tyrogue and Raichu confronted the charging Psystrike to guard Locke for the escape. Locke made it and his two buddies came out after him. Shortly afterwards, Mewtwo appeared behind Raichu, and swiped him towards the centre of their current environment. The dungeon entrance not to far from Raichu, and Tyrogue and Locke raced to his aid. Raichu was then returned to his ball, and Kirlia was presented. Tyrogue seemingly wanted revenge and chased towards another High Jump Kick. Mewtwo used another Miracle Eye. Kirlia released a Heal Pulse, healing Tyrogue, while Mewtwo struck with another Psystrike. Tyrogue was sent back towards Locke and Kirlia. Kirlia used confusion on Mewtwo, dealing damage but no confusion settled in. Mewtwo, used Future Sight again, waiting for Tyrogue to attack with his oh so common High Jump Kick. Instead, Tyrogue was returned to his ball and Absol was presented. Mewtwo realized his opponents and used Psycho Cut. Absol used Double Team, while Kirlia used Calm mind. Absol dodged, and attacked with Sucker Punch. Mewtwo was hit, then presented with Kirlia's Confusion before getting hit with Absol's Night Slash! With the critical hit being landed. Mewtwo used Miracle Eye on Absol, which Absol dodged. Locke then presented the confused Mewtwo with a Heal Ball, and Mewtwo nodded before claiming defeat. Locke brought out his 4 pokemon and stated, "Now guys... Lets go see what this world is made of!"

Personality: "I want to be the very best!" Eh... Or at least assist! More the type to help those in need than charge for a blazing victory. As a fellow caretaker of Pokemon, Locke is the friendly type of person with a determined battle sense to back his generosity with bold actions of confidence. Besides that, Locke makes friends easily and has an odd ability to attract all sorts of girls at random. How he does this nobody knows. Maybe its the glasses.

Appearance: Locke

Pokémon team:

Tyrogue: Fighting
Ability: Guts
Held Item: None

  • Helping Hand
  • High Jump Kick
  • Mind Reader
  • Endure

Raichu: Electric
Ability: Static
Held Item: None

  • Focus Punch
  • Thunder Punch
  • Iron Tail
  • Flash

Kirlia: Psychic/Fairy
Ability: Trace
Held Item: Galladite

  • Heal Pulse
  • Teleport
  • Confusion
  • Draining Kiss

Absol: Dark
Ability: Super Luck
Held Item: Absolite

  • Double Team
  • Sucker Punch
  • Night Slash
  • Razor Wind

Mewtwo: Psychic
Held Item: Mewtwonite X

  • Psystrike
  • Miracle Eye
  • Psycho Cut
  • Future Sight

*Pokémon in reserve:

Keldeo: Water/Fighting
Ability: Justified
Held Item: None
  • Surf
  • Sword Dance
  • Focus Blast
  • Secret Sword

*Extra: Keystone in his wrist band... And uuuuhhhh... He likes sushi and flavored Tea.
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Jan 25, 2008
Over yonder
Absent and Swag, both of your temps are accepted. Speaking of, here's mine:

"I wanna be the very best!"

Name: Matilda Ashford

Alias: The Flare Dancer

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Bio: Matilda is a Johto native from the town of Bloomingvale, the Solar Town. For some reason throughout her entire life, every Pokémon she met hated her on sight, especially Sunflora. Due to this, she was regarded as the town weirdo.

On one of the very few rainy days that the village got, she was on her way back from grocery shopping. It was raining so hard, you'd be soaked to the bone after being outside for a few seconds if you weren't prepared. Unfortunately, Matilda belonged in that category. About halfway home, she heard an unfamiliar cry that seemed to cut through the sound of the downpour. When she tracked the source of the noise, she found a shivering Cyndaquil that was practically skin and bones. Despite the fear of Pokémon that has grown in the span of her existence, she brought her home.

During a month of constant worrying, a beautiful friendship was forged between her and the Cyndaquil now named Nova. When she graduated from high school, Matilda set out on a journey to see if more Pokémon will befriend her with a side mission of kicking the ass of the person who abandoned Nova with a collar as her only clue.

Personality: Stemming from her timid nature, Matilda tends to not talk a lot or raise her voice. She's also not the best when it comes to names and faces. This tends to lead people to think that she's an ice queen. In actuality, people make her a bit anxious, especially if there's a lot around her. When you get to know her, she's straight forward and not one to lie.

Even though she's been on her journey, Matilda still has a slight fear of Pocket Monsters. As for acquisition of said creatures, she has them come to her.

In a battle however, her confidence grows. She firmly believes in the term fair play, often using Pokémon of the same type as her opponent.

Appearance: Even though she is legally considered an adult, Matilda's often mistaken for being a couple of years younger due to her shorter than average stature. Set in her freckled face are her bronze-colored eyes. Her short black hair is usually covered by a beige bucket hat.

Worn over a larger sized tie-dye shirt is a red poncho with orange flames trimming the edges. Her khaki cargo shorts that matches her shoes goes to just below her knees. On her left wrist, she wears a red and black Pokétch. Finally, above her right elbow is a red armlet that contains a Key Stone in the middle of it.

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Theme Song: Woman of Osaka
Battle Jam: Hierrophant Green
Mega Evolution Music: I Burn (by Jeff Williams)
Hobbies: Making jewelery, crocheting, and playing Pool.
Likes: Napping on Nova, sunflower seeds
Dislikes: Sunflora
Favorite phrase: "..."
More tidbits: She's a vegetarian and afraid of heights.
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New member
Nov 26, 2013
Alto Sol
I wanna be the very best!

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Apr 9, 2009
I wanna be the very best...
Name: Renn Allen Gurski
*Alias: Prodigy
Age: 16
Gender: Dude
Bio: Hailing from Sinnoh's Jubilife city, Renn had a talent for raising pokemon as well as battling them. Almost expected because his mother was a breeder and his father was a former sinnoh elite 4. But he took more from his mother because Renn's father was never really involved in his life until he saw Renn playing with some pokemon his mother had just bred.

Renn had a real talent for battling enough to warrant a battle from his father... His father specialized in dark types.

Despite giving all he had Renn had lost but his father was proud of him and he decided to take him to see professor Rowan... That visit led from 10 year old Renn eventually overcoming his father 2 years later as an elite four member and even becoming champion of Sinnoh...

then he took another two years and traveled to unova and Kalos... trying his hand at both breeding and battling as well as making friends both human and pokemon. He reached Kalos at age 14... keeping to battling and breeding as usual... going so far to challenge the elite four of kalos... he lost the first fight so he decided to go and get stronger... collecting a fair share of pokemon and mega stones. but his crowning achievement was finding a completely new mega stone....
Personality: Renn is a caring individual and most of the time he's pretty friendly. But beneath the calm and happy shell beats the brain of a genius. Breeding intelligence on par with his mother's and battle knowledge exceeding his father's(after all he was once a champion of the sinnoh region). He still maintains this nonchalant quality about him even during most fights. But if there's anything important on the line he gets really emotionally driven although still maintaining a ruthless intelligence that he will use to defeat you at any cost.
Appearance: Renn(Minus the Sword) He stands at around 5'9 maybe 160 lbs and his key feature is his Megs Glove... much like Korrina's mega glove it has the fingers cut out and it's black with a blue cuff to match his outfit.
Pokémon team:
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*Pokémon in reserve: Feraligator, Water, Torrent, Aqua Jet, Aqua tail, Superpower, Ice fang
Tyrantrum, Rock/Dragon,Rock head, Hard stone, Head smash, Stealth rock, Dragon Claw, Rock slide

*Extra: Regular battle theme:
Important battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47u0N0jbTno
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Jan 25, 2008
Over yonder
The only question I have for you Noblesse is what abilities do Megas Ninetails and Floatzel have when they go mega.

But Absent and Shinra, you're accepted.


New member
Nov 26, 2013
Alto Sol
Oh just the usual. Ninetales will receive drought and Floatzel will get the water equivalent uve' that.


Apr 9, 2009
if you mean to say that floatzel has the water equivalent of that the ability is called drizzle oblige... politoed has it
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