You've been cordially invited to take part in the Pokémon League World Championship. For completing such tasks as: collecting eight badges in your region, beating the Elite Four, or other heroic deeds, you have been deemed qualified to take part in this grand tournament.
A ticket to Verveille Town in the Kalos region has been provided with this letter.
You've been cordially invited to take part in the Pokémon League World Championship. For completing such tasks as: collecting eight badges in your region, beating the Elite Four, or other heroic deeds, you have been deemed qualified to take part in this grand tournament.
A ticket to Verveille Town in the Kalos region has been provided with this letter.
Richard Bonhomme
Richard Bonhomme
It has been about five years since the events of X & Y. From there the world kept spinning like it has been. New discoveries have been made. New champions have risen and fallen.For the past few months, rumors of a new villainous team has been cropping up. Ranging from stealing money, technology, and even Pokemon. Oddly enough compared to the rest of the villainous teams of the past, these blokes are as quick and silent as the shadows. Heck, some rumors say that they can't speak. Their name is Team GACT.
Recently, they've been quiet. Well, quieter. So the general populace has forgotten about them. Just in time too as the World Championship is drawing near. This global tournament attracts Pokémon Trainers from all over the planet to see who is the best. As stated in the letter, this shindig will be taking place in Verveille Town, a medium-sized, cliff side burg south of Ambrette Town. Along with its breathtaking sights, there are various other attractions to suite any tourist or Pokémon trainer's needs. But the main attraction of this town is Bonhomme Stadium where the contest is taking place. In the area around this arena are the dorms where the participants will be staying.
But behind the scenes, a nefarious plot is brewing. Welcome my friends to:
Rise and Fall
Rise and Fall
*No godmoding or powerplaying. No one is perfect and can't dodge everything.
*Your literacy doesn't have to be perfect. Hell, have you seen my posts?
*Keep the romance, cussin', and violence PG-13, okay?
*Please don't post unfinished templates. If you say you're interested that's fine.
*Legendaries are limited. I will allow at MAX one per trainer. And it's first come first serve.
*If you need to know some stuff that isn't covered, feel free to ask or check out Bulbapedia.
*Have fun. Feel free to joke and shoot the breeze in the OOC. Just remember to play nice.
*Lastly, if you've read and understood these rules put "I wanna be the very best!" at the top of your template.
InnerPeace - Matilda Ashford & Spencer Acerbi II
Absent - Dacre Morem
SwagStarIV - Locke Fury
Shinra - Renn Allen Gurski
Noblesse Oblige - Atticus November
Lone - Alphonse Hart
InnerPeace - Matilda Ashford & Spencer Acerbi II
Absent - Dacre Morem
SwagStarIV - Locke Fury
Shinra - Renn Allen Gurski
Noblesse Oblige - Atticus November
Lone - Alphonse Hart
Spoiler Show
Name: WHAT is your name?
*Alias: What nickname(s) does your character go by?
Age: How old are you?
Gender: In the words of every professor ever, "Are you a boy or a girl?" Or are you in between?
Bio: What is your story and your quest?
Personality: How do you act?
Appearance: What do you look like?
Pokémon team: What Pokémon do you have on you now? Be sure to list their types, abilities, moves, held items, and anything else you can think of. As per usual, trainers can only carry up to six Pokémon at a time.
*Pokémon in reserve: Pretty much as same as above but without the limitation.
*Extra: Things such as theme songs, hobbies, favorite color, and other random tidbits you can think of.
*Anything marked with an asterisk is optional.
Spoiler Show
The Pokémon's Type(s) determines its strengths and weaknesses. There are 18 different types: Normal, Grass, Fire, Water, Bug, Flying, Poison, Electric, Ground, Fighting, Psychic, Rock, Ice, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Steel, and Fairy. Each Pokémon has one or two types.
Moves are how Pokémon attack. As well as their elemental type, they also fall into the Physical, Special, or Status Categories. Physical Moves are attacks that uses the Pokémon's physical strength or projectile to deal damage. Examples of these moves would be Tackle and Rock Slide. Special Moves are attacks that most of the time don't need contact to deal damage. Think of these as medium to long range attacks such as Flamethrower or Solarbeam. Moves in the Status Category don't deal direct damage. Instead they do such things as affect stats, deal status conditions, or change the weather (think Growl and Protect).
HM (or Hidden Machine) Moves are going to work a little differently than in the games. Pokémon can use capabilities granted with these Machines on their own, but the moves are still available.
Status conditions affect a Pokémon's ability to battle. The major ones are: Burn, Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Frozen, and Confusion. Being poisoned drains the Pokémon's HP every turn. Like poisoned, being burned saps a little HP every turn as well as halves your monster's attack. Paralysis causes the Pokémon to not be able to move a quarter of the time and lowers their speed to 25%. Frozen (not the movie) causes the Pokémon to not be able to move at all. Your Pocket Monster being confused means there is a chance of your guy/girl hurting itself rather than its opponent. These are the more well known status conditions. More can be found here.
Abilities are passive powers that Pokémon possess that boost their potential in battle. This can range from increasing their power when their HP is low enough, floating off the ground, or even not being affected by certain moves. Each Pokémon has access to one ability.
Held items can further bolster your Pokémon's combat capability. These objects can have effects such as boosting a certain type of attack's power, giving more experience, or even affect evolution. Pokémon can only hold one item at a time.
Mega Evolution is a metamorphosis that can occur mid-battle. In order to be able to do this the Pokémon must have their respective Mega Stone on them, the trainer must have a Key Stone, and both of them must have a strong bond with each other. Not only does the Pokémon's form change, but their stats and abilities do as well.

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