That pwns!!:thumbup: Why didnt I think it.. Arlene is awesome!Larxene - Arlene
Arlene is added as possibilty for Larxene to the list.
Larxene is added above Demyx in Whose stronger-list.
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That pwns!!:thumbup: Why didnt I think it.. Arlene is awesome!Larxene - Arlene
Ïsa ~ Saïx enters a berserk -mode. Berserks were scandivanian warriors, who entered a trance-like state to be invincible. Saïx´s berserk-mode is similar. Ïsa was the god of berserks. When the moon was on it´s fullest, that was believed to be Ïsa´s eye. So berserkers believed Ïsa being watching them, so they couldnt lose in battle on that night. Ïsa was loyal to Thor, a god. Thor had hammer, which created thunder. Ïsa teared off his left eye to show his loyalty to Thor. Thor put the eye of Ïsa on sky and people saw it as the Moon. Berserkers believed to be unbeatable when "Ïsa´s eye" turned all yellow(full moon). Saïx´s eye also turns all yellow in berserk-mode. So I choose Ïsa to be Saïx´s original name.
Dyme ~ Dyme was ancient city in Greece. Hercules´s lover used to live there. Demyx is surprisingly showed first time in Hercules´s world. So I choosed Dyme.
Droul ~ Droul was a scottish pirate in about year 1600. Droul loved gambling and he won lots of games by cheating. He used cards, which had another card inside. Luxord was shown in PotC-world, so I choosed Droul.
You are right. I will raise Larxene one step stronger in the list.In the "Who's Stronger List" I think Larxene should be right above Luxord, because she can really fight, and Luxord can be beaten easily by staying away from him...but he's still stronger than Demyx because Demyx doesn't fight that well. He just uses those water clones and a timer, then throws in a few serious punches but isn't well coardinated. Like when you fight him, he's really annoying cause you get knocked into the air and get damage taken on like that. While Luxord, he pops up and swipes you with a card...very quickly then he goes and hides, then pops up then gives you a few more and you're all like, "Sun of a bekka sue!!! Dx"
Vexen is so weak, he uses shield as a weapon.. Pathetic.I guess since nobody defended Vexen in strength I think I'll give it a shot
I really do believe that Vexen should be higher for a couple reasons. My first reason is by comparing how weakened Larxene was with her first battle with Sora. Axel points it out and I don't think he was just messing with her. Vexen not only didn't seem weakened but was collecting memory from the other side of his heart in the process. My Second reason has to do with the Replica he created himself. In their final battle he almost destroyed Sora, I know he was sneaky in doing it but it should still count. Him creating something that became that strong should give him some credit.
Xahaka said:I really do believe that Vexen should be higher for a couple reasons. My first reason is by comparing how weakened Larxene was with her first battle with Sora. Axel points it out and I don't think he was just messing with her. Vexen not only didn't seem weakened but was collecting memory from the other side of his heart in the process. My Second reason has to do with the Replica he created himself. In their final battle he almost destroyed Sora, I know he was sneaky in doing it but it should still count. Him creating something that became that strong should give him some credit.
I see that Larxene is fast, but she belongs to the weakest members. Her HP was also low in that fight in FM+.Larxene wasn't weakened though. She was just fine after it, and simply said, "Not bad, kid.". She might've lost the battle, but she sure wasn't anywhere near fatigued. And she wasn't kidding when she said she threw the fight, considering in her second one, she proved her words enough. I thought it obvious Axel was getting under her skin with that little smug smirked of his when he was saying it, and her expected reaction. Now that I look at it, that's amusing, I could even picture Axel still smirking while thinking, "Heh. How predictable".
With Larxene, everyone who has played her keep metioning that she was hard to defeat. While Re:CoM was downplayed more than the GBA version, this does not lie:
YouTube - Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix - Larxene (Won!)
Though Yannis, I am curious in your reasons on why you had her so low in the rank in the first place?
I don't kow about Vexen though, is hard to tell with that guy.
Yannis said:Her HP was also low in that fight in FM+.