I AGREE WITH U SITHGIS.sithgis said:hey i dont know if mickeys playable, it would be cool using micky but i prefer Sora more
I AGREE WITH U SITHGIS.sithgis said:hey i dont know if mickeys playable, it would be cool using micky but i prefer Sora more
~NGD OMEGA~ said:Okay, lets all face it, it would be cool if it were true, but Mickey is not playable. In fact I think the whole two disk thing is because on one disk you play as Sora, and the other as BHK, and no one else. That's just what I think, but face it, it's true, Mickey cannot, and will not be playable in KH2. End of story.
sithgis said:Hey You Copied My Freinds Email
RikuHeroOfDark said:id rasther play as riku or mickey than play as sora or bhk ................... well mickey wont be playable the most you can hope for is for riku to be playable and mickey would be his partner