Thanks to ArikaMiz, we've got some Famitsu shots for you!
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The next issue of Famitsu Weekly releasing March 15th will have an interview with producer Tetsuya Nomura and plenty of new information!
Sora and Riku’s friends King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy worry for their well being during the Mark of Mastery Exam. Alongside them, Lea appears before Yen Sid. The dialogue on the screenshot says, “Maybe from a fairly early stage, Xehanort was probably suspected.”
Sora and Riku are shown beginning their journey riding upon their raft, the one built in the very first Kingdom Hearts title.
Riku, the King, Ansem, and Xehanort all appear in The World That Never Was. The caption beside them explains how Ansem as the researcher of darkness and Xemnas came from the same person. Since they are both defeated, are they the real thing appearing…? In one screenshot Mickey is shown saying, “That time, the destinies of those three young people were changed!”
The commands for Dive Mode are explained. “Diving” is the means of travelling to new worlds, much like driving the Gummi ship in the past games. While diving, you can collect prize drops and do the following commands:
A Button: Dive Attack (Attacking with a dash forward)
B Button: Eradication (Decreases speed)
X Button: Magic (Gathering prizes let’s you use magic attacks)
Y Button: Reflect Dodge (Defend against enemy attacks)
Information regarding the Link Portal command is explained. This involves playing with the data gathered from the people you encounter in Street Pass. The Battle Portal is sort of like a fight arena and Friend Portal is like borrowing Dream Eaters to help you out during the game play.
Details on the customization and mini-games involved in raising the Dream Eaters is revealed. Two new Dream Eaters are also introduced, Blazing Lobster and Flower Wondernyan. Special attacks involving single links with Dream Eaters are also explained including Ragnarok and Chaos Snake.
The special Dream Eaters collectible via AR card are also revealed. They are King Wondernyan, Circus Panda, and Nekuish. It seems the Nekuish Dream Eater is a lizard with Neku’s features. The card that comes with the game has one of these rare Dream Eaters, but it is random which one you get.
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