Chapter 10: Prison's sorrow.
"Oh my head…..Where am I?" Roxas thought.
The blonde slowly opened his eyes. He could see steel cell bars, a light bulb hanging on a wire was flickering on and off, giving him a headache. His hands and body felt the cold, hard stone floor, he was laying on. Slowly the boy got up, feeling his whole body ache. In spite of the pain, Roxas slowly got up. He looked around only to find two uncomfortable looking bunk beds, and a dirty looking toilet. The whole room looked rather depressing and small. Roxas ran to the bars, confused and angry, he started to scream.
"Hey, hey! Where am I?! Someone get me out of here!" He screamed.
Roxas's cries were meet with a swift jab to his head. The blow pushed him back into the back wall. What Roxas could make out of his attacker was…that is wasn't human. The smoke like black being was thin, and limber. It looked humanoid expect for the two large pair of horns on it's head, and the glowing red light swirl as it's face. It looked at Roxas and then left growing.
Roxas's head was spinning. His he then remembered how he got in all this. How all three of them got into this,
Master Yen-Sid's Tower.
"Absolutely not!" Donald Duck yelled.
"Donald's right Roxas, we don't know what else could happen." Goofy said.
Yen-Sid's study room looked cut up with slash marks all over the walls. Master Yen-Sid, an injured Master Aqua tending to a broken arm., and King Mickey were behind at the desk with Roxas and Xion, who were in front of the desk.
"We can't just do nothing! Riku, Kairi, and Namine are knocked out. Lea's healing still, and look at Master Aqua!" Roxas protested making Aqua wince.
"Also King Mickey and you are the only ones keeping Sora stable, so we have to get Sora back!" Xion joined in with her brother.
Master Yen-Sid closed his eyes, and stroked his long gray bread.
"The path to the Realm of sleep will not be an easy one. The means has been lost since the Keyblade War. How Vanitas managed to open a portal and bring Sora with him as well was a feat in of it self. The Mark of Mastery was not to be made this way." The retired master stated.
"I know how you both are feeling right now, but we can't try anything yet." Mickey said.
"But….Sora's our brother." Xion said.
"He saved us when we were inside him. He kinda made us..We owe him." Roxas stated not ready to give up.
The blue haired Keyblade master walked toward them both.
"Roxas, Xion, come with me." Aqua ordered.
"But we-" Xion was about to say.
"No buts, come with me now!" Aqua ordered with a more commanding tone.
The two slowly followed the Keyblade master.
They then went to a large bed with Sora, Riku, and Kairi in it.
"Do you two have your magic back up?" She asked.
"Yes." They both said.
"Cast Cure on my arm please." She asked.
The two pulled out their keyblades and casted cure, healing Aqua's broken arm.
After checking to see everything working out. Aqua summoned her Keyblade.
"I think I might know a spell that can bring us to the Dream Realm….but well, I've only read about it in an old book gave me, and half of it was missing. I'm not sure if it'll work- what the!?" Aqua yelled pulling out her keyblade.
The three could see a portal open, it wasn't made out of light or darkness but of clocks and hourglasses. Who came out of it was a woman wearing a black coat and a yellow cat mask on her face.
"Wait!" She yelled painting a gasping. She held onto a scroll.
"It's right here!" She gasped, dropping the the ground, gasping and panting.
"Oh man, four time periods! How did Grandpa do this!?" The woman asked herself.
"Who….are you?" Aqua asked in dangerous tone pointing her Keyblade at the woman.
"Oh my gosh it's Master Aqua…in her hay day, and man do you look hot! I'm a huge fan! Oh wow, the Prince and Princess are here too…" Kat muttered to herself.
"WHO ARE YOU?!" Aqua asked again now ready to do some damage to this mad woman.
"I I I I can't tell you ma'am! Time travel rules. You can call me Kat and I'm here to help Sora, Riku, and and Kairi…this is other part of the spell on how to how to get to the Dream Realm!" Kat said terrified.
Roxas and Xion looked at it with curiosity.
"So not only are you three idiots, but you'll do anything to your loved ones. You really are Naruto's kits." A voice in Roxas's head muttered.
"What did I say about you talking to me, you retarded fox?!" Roxas thought annoyed.
"Oh, you still don't trust me?" The Nine Tailed Fox asked.
"You tried to take over Sora's body twice! Got Sora in trouble, almost lost his body and Ven's heart to some shadow witch doctor, and nearly had me attack Namine on our date! So no. No I don't trust you, go away!" Roxas ranted.
"Well since Sora is knocked out, and Xion is too terrified of me to speak to me….I was going to help you by telling you where they are, but I'd be far more entertained by you failing." The Fox spoke with devilish grin on his face.
"Wait, you what?" Roxas asked.
"Bye!" The Fox said leaving his head.
"Get back here! You jerk face!" Roxas yelled out loud.
"Hey kid, if your gonna go crazy can you do it quietly? Some people are trying to sleep." A familiar voice muttered.
"Lea is that you?" The middle Branford child asked.
On the top bunk bed. A familiar long set of spiky red hair showed up. Roxas looked a tad confused seeing his best friend/older brother/father figure in a set of black and white striped prison clothes. The same kind Roxas was wearing right now.
"Who the heck is Lea? Name's Ale, commit it to memory kid." The Lea look a like mumbled.
"Ale? Lea what are you talking about, and why are you wearing that?" Roxas asked getting his body out of the hole in the wall he made.
"What are you retarded or something? I'm wearing what your wearing. We are in prison!" Ale said looked at Roxas.
Roxas then looked at his new attire then at The Lea look a like.
"What the?! What are we doing in prison!?" Roxas yelled.
Ale got off the bed.
"Well I don't know what you did, but I burned houses, and people to the ground." Ale said proudly.
"You….what? Wait prison! I've never done anything worthy of prison!" Roxas yelled.
Ale patted Roxas on the head.
"Doesn't matter kid, if the King of Nightmares wants you here! The Warden makes sure you stay here." Ale stated.
"WHAT!?" Roxas yelled again.
As Kat and Leen stopped in a dessert town. The masked woman scanned the area. There were broken buildings, shattered glass that Leen steeped on. The remaining walls were covered in blood. Kat scanned more to find corpses. The dead, decaying bodies of men, women, the elderly, and children. Heartless, Nobodies, even demons were looking around the bodies for hearts. Kat had pulled out her sword and started to get rid the heartless, and demons. the nobodies quickly went after her, however Kat's shadows stabbed at the dusks like a pikes going into the bodies. Leen watch as Kat destroyed everything expect for one demon. Who she grabbed by it's neck.
"Don't expect every fight to be this easy. These are low level." Kat muttered.
"Then finish the job!" Leen yelled.
Kat pressed her hand harder on the demon's neck.
"In the name of God I command you to tell who did this! Also in this village their was a powerful Holy sage, so don't lie and say it was any of you." Kat ordered.
The green horned demon looked at her.
"So the cat lives again?! Well your too late..brat of the idiot Crystal Bearer! GAH!" The devil screamed as Kat stabbed it's foot.
"Let's try that again….and next time you badmouth my dad, I'll rip your eyes out." Kat stated.
"Yikes…never call her a Daddy's girl." Leen thought to herself.
"Gulp…It it was The Sorrow!" It said.
"Very good, now who is The Sorrow?" Kat asked.
"We we do not know who, we just know…he is feared here and in Hell." The demon spoke.
"Okay…now then." Kat said while pulling out a picture from one of her pockets.
"You seen these two kids? Lie and die!" Kat warned.
The demon looked at the picture.
"No, no I haven't……..However…my brethren have seen them." It said.
"WHERE!?" Kat hissed.
" The Nightmare Realm. How sad. Your King and Queen trusted you with them…and you lose them to some insane info broker. Pathetic really." The demon taunted.
Leen raised an eyebrow.
"Oh you gonna smack the shit out of that thing right?" She asked.
Kat stabbed the demon in the head causing it turn to to dust.
"So what we do now?" Leen asked.
"We need to look for the old sage's place. It'll have a a way to get into the Nightmare Realm." Kat said.
"Are you kidding me, it'll take forever to find it when the whole place is blown up, and s%$t!" Leen yelled.
"You want the money, then start looking." Kat ordered while making shadow clones.
Roxas had finally gotten out of his cell. Ale was watching his back, Roxas was quite worried about the whole thing. He was in jail, and he knew what people did here!Roxas also found out he couldn't summon his Keyblade. He looked up to find on the ceiling was an iron cage, hanging high in the air. Who was in the cage caught his eye.
"Namine?" He asked
End of chapter.
"Oh my head…..Where am I?" Roxas thought.
The blonde slowly opened his eyes. He could see steel cell bars, a light bulb hanging on a wire was flickering on and off, giving him a headache. His hands and body felt the cold, hard stone floor, he was laying on. Slowly the boy got up, feeling his whole body ache. In spite of the pain, Roxas slowly got up. He looked around only to find two uncomfortable looking bunk beds, and a dirty looking toilet. The whole room looked rather depressing and small. Roxas ran to the bars, confused and angry, he started to scream.
"Hey, hey! Where am I?! Someone get me out of here!" He screamed.
Roxas's cries were meet with a swift jab to his head. The blow pushed him back into the back wall. What Roxas could make out of his attacker was…that is wasn't human. The smoke like black being was thin, and limber. It looked humanoid expect for the two large pair of horns on it's head, and the glowing red light swirl as it's face. It looked at Roxas and then left growing.
Roxas's head was spinning. His he then remembered how he got in all this. How all three of them got into this,
Master Yen-Sid's Tower.
"Absolutely not!" Donald Duck yelled.
"Donald's right Roxas, we don't know what else could happen." Goofy said.
Yen-Sid's study room looked cut up with slash marks all over the walls. Master Yen-Sid, an injured Master Aqua tending to a broken arm., and King Mickey were behind at the desk with Roxas and Xion, who were in front of the desk.
"We can't just do nothing! Riku, Kairi, and Namine are knocked out. Lea's healing still, and look at Master Aqua!" Roxas protested making Aqua wince.
"Also King Mickey and you are the only ones keeping Sora stable, so we have to get Sora back!" Xion joined in with her brother.
Master Yen-Sid closed his eyes, and stroked his long gray bread.
"The path to the Realm of sleep will not be an easy one. The means has been lost since the Keyblade War. How Vanitas managed to open a portal and bring Sora with him as well was a feat in of it self. The Mark of Mastery was not to be made this way." The retired master stated.
"I know how you both are feeling right now, but we can't try anything yet." Mickey said.
"But….Sora's our brother." Xion said.
"He saved us when we were inside him. He kinda made us..We owe him." Roxas stated not ready to give up.
The blue haired Keyblade master walked toward them both.
"Roxas, Xion, come with me." Aqua ordered.
"But we-" Xion was about to say.
"No buts, come with me now!" Aqua ordered with a more commanding tone.
The two slowly followed the Keyblade master.
They then went to a large bed with Sora, Riku, and Kairi in it.
"Do you two have your magic back up?" She asked.
"Yes." They both said.
"Cast Cure on my arm please." She asked.
The two pulled out their keyblades and casted cure, healing Aqua's broken arm.
After checking to see everything working out. Aqua summoned her Keyblade.
"I think I might know a spell that can bring us to the Dream Realm….but well, I've only read about it in an old book gave me, and half of it was missing. I'm not sure if it'll work- what the!?" Aqua yelled pulling out her keyblade.
The three could see a portal open, it wasn't made out of light or darkness but of clocks and hourglasses. Who came out of it was a woman wearing a black coat and a yellow cat mask on her face.
"Wait!" She yelled painting a gasping. She held onto a scroll.
"It's right here!" She gasped, dropping the the ground, gasping and panting.
"Oh man, four time periods! How did Grandpa do this!?" The woman asked herself.
"Who….are you?" Aqua asked in dangerous tone pointing her Keyblade at the woman.
"Oh my gosh it's Master Aqua…in her hay day, and man do you look hot! I'm a huge fan! Oh wow, the Prince and Princess are here too…" Kat muttered to herself.
"WHO ARE YOU?!" Aqua asked again now ready to do some damage to this mad woman.
"I I I I can't tell you ma'am! Time travel rules. You can call me Kat and I'm here to help Sora, Riku, and and Kairi…this is other part of the spell on how to how to get to the Dream Realm!" Kat said terrified.
Roxas and Xion looked at it with curiosity.
"So not only are you three idiots, but you'll do anything to your loved ones. You really are Naruto's kits." A voice in Roxas's head muttered.
"What did I say about you talking to me, you retarded fox?!" Roxas thought annoyed.
"Oh, you still don't trust me?" The Nine Tailed Fox asked.
"You tried to take over Sora's body twice! Got Sora in trouble, almost lost his body and Ven's heart to some shadow witch doctor, and nearly had me attack Namine on our date! So no. No I don't trust you, go away!" Roxas ranted.
"Well since Sora is knocked out, and Xion is too terrified of me to speak to me….I was going to help you by telling you where they are, but I'd be far more entertained by you failing." The Fox spoke with devilish grin on his face.
"Wait, you what?" Roxas asked.
"Bye!" The Fox said leaving his head.
"Get back here! You jerk face!" Roxas yelled out loud.
"Hey kid, if your gonna go crazy can you do it quietly? Some people are trying to sleep." A familiar voice muttered.
"Lea is that you?" The middle Branford child asked.
On the top bunk bed. A familiar long set of spiky red hair showed up. Roxas looked a tad confused seeing his best friend/older brother/father figure in a set of black and white striped prison clothes. The same kind Roxas was wearing right now.
"Who the heck is Lea? Name's Ale, commit it to memory kid." The Lea look a like mumbled.
"Ale? Lea what are you talking about, and why are you wearing that?" Roxas asked getting his body out of the hole in the wall he made.
"What are you retarded or something? I'm wearing what your wearing. We are in prison!" Ale said looked at Roxas.
Roxas then looked at his new attire then at The Lea look a like.
"What the?! What are we doing in prison!?" Roxas yelled.
Ale got off the bed.
"Well I don't know what you did, but I burned houses, and people to the ground." Ale said proudly.
"You….what? Wait prison! I've never done anything worthy of prison!" Roxas yelled.
Ale patted Roxas on the head.
"Doesn't matter kid, if the King of Nightmares wants you here! The Warden makes sure you stay here." Ale stated.
"WHAT!?" Roxas yelled again.
As Kat and Leen stopped in a dessert town. The masked woman scanned the area. There were broken buildings, shattered glass that Leen steeped on. The remaining walls were covered in blood. Kat scanned more to find corpses. The dead, decaying bodies of men, women, the elderly, and children. Heartless, Nobodies, even demons were looking around the bodies for hearts. Kat had pulled out her sword and started to get rid the heartless, and demons. the nobodies quickly went after her, however Kat's shadows stabbed at the dusks like a pikes going into the bodies. Leen watch as Kat destroyed everything expect for one demon. Who she grabbed by it's neck.
"Don't expect every fight to be this easy. These are low level." Kat muttered.
"Then finish the job!" Leen yelled.
Kat pressed her hand harder on the demon's neck.
"In the name of God I command you to tell who did this! Also in this village their was a powerful Holy sage, so don't lie and say it was any of you." Kat ordered.
The green horned demon looked at her.
"So the cat lives again?! Well your too late..brat of the idiot Crystal Bearer! GAH!" The devil screamed as Kat stabbed it's foot.
"Let's try that again….and next time you badmouth my dad, I'll rip your eyes out." Kat stated.
"Yikes…never call her a Daddy's girl." Leen thought to herself.
"Gulp…It it was The Sorrow!" It said.
"Very good, now who is The Sorrow?" Kat asked.
"We we do not know who, we just know…he is feared here and in Hell." The demon spoke.
"Okay…now then." Kat said while pulling out a picture from one of her pockets.
"You seen these two kids? Lie and die!" Kat warned.
The demon looked at the picture.
"No, no I haven't……..However…my brethren have seen them." It said.
"WHERE!?" Kat hissed.
" The Nightmare Realm. How sad. Your King and Queen trusted you with them…and you lose them to some insane info broker. Pathetic really." The demon taunted.
Leen raised an eyebrow.
"Oh you gonna smack the shit out of that thing right?" She asked.
Kat stabbed the demon in the head causing it turn to to dust.
"So what we do now?" Leen asked.
"We need to look for the old sage's place. It'll have a a way to get into the Nightmare Realm." Kat said.
"Are you kidding me, it'll take forever to find it when the whole place is blown up, and s%$t!" Leen yelled.
"You want the money, then start looking." Kat ordered while making shadow clones.
Roxas had finally gotten out of his cell. Ale was watching his back, Roxas was quite worried about the whole thing. He was in jail, and he knew what people did here!Roxas also found out he couldn't summon his Keyblade. He looked up to find on the ceiling was an iron cage, hanging high in the air. Who was in the cage caught his eye.
"Namine?" He asked
End of chapter.