Neon City arc final chapter : Poor Unfortunate Sora.
Deep within Master Yen-Sid's tower the many keyblade wielders were on edge. Master Aqua looked over her student Sora who was in a deep sleep inside a large bed. Along side her other two students Riku and Kairi, long Sora they were in a deep sleep.
"Guys…curse that Vanitas! I feel…I feel so useless!" Aqua thought to herself.
She looked at all three of them once again, having bits of flashbacks. One of a screaming Van stabbing Sora in the chest.
She heard a someone come in the door. She quickly pointed her Keyblade Rainfall at one startled Namine.
"Oh Namine…I'm sorry about that." Aqua apologized.
"Um, no I'm sorry Aqua. I came to to show you something about Sora, and the others.
Aqua blinked, while Namine pulled out her drawing book, looking to find the newest page she drew from everyone's memories. They quickly skipped the most fresh memory that caused all this.
"Namine…what are these creatures?" Aqua asked.
"I'm…not sure, but they seem to be helping Sora out- AH" Namine said as Kairi started to wake up.
Sora, Riku!" She yelled while Aqua and Namine kept her from
"Kairi it's okay." Aqua said.
"AAAH!" Riku yelled.
"Riku's up too!" Namine said.
"What happened?" Kairi asked.
"Well while we were about to start your Mark of Mastery tests….." Aqua started to say
Meanwhile in the Dream Realm.
Rhyme was the first to wake up out of everyone. She had felt a draft, and found out she wasn't wearing her shorts. She quickly found them and put them on after a quick look at her "underwear". She had found a note on the hotel dresser. She opened it, \and quickly scanned it, and blushing at what it was said. She went to Beat but Sora woke everyone up.
"NO DON'T TAKE MY HEART!" He screamed, painting and sweating. Clutching on to his chest for dear life.
"SHUT UP!" Neku yelled while throwing a shoe at Sora.
"Hey don't throw stuff Neku!" Xion yelled while she threw her pillow at Neku. Marshmallow barked at this.
"Yo man, way too early." Beat mumbled.
"Neku please stop yelling." Shiki asked.
"I agree with Shiki, stop screaming Neku." Joshua moaned while next to Shiki…..who was in the nude.
Neku and Shiki turned around to find the nude angel grinning at them.
"Hello lovers." He giggled.
He was quickly kicked out of the window as the glass shattered. Neku and Shiki ran into the shower screaming their heads off.
"Um, Beat…what just happened?" Rhyme asked.
"You don't wanna know Rhyme." Sora, Beat and Xion said in unison.
After that horrible wake up that no one shall ever speak of ever. The gang plus, their Dream Eaters were enjoying a large breakfast paid for by Kat.
Rhyme quickly gave Sora the note.
"Oh thanks Rhyme….let see. Dear Sora, you need to get out of the city soon, if you want to find Roxas, and save your friends and girlfriend! There is a train, get tickets ASAP.I've left you tons of munny to spend in case you need it. ALSO NOT GO NEAR ANY GUYS WEARING A MASK! See you soon Kat." Sora read.
"P.S.-"Sora read but stopped.
"Why did you stop Sora?" Shiki asked.
He then quickly shoved the letter into Marshmallow's mouth which he then eat.
"Nothing important!" Sora said.
"So it looks like we gotta leave, if we wanna find Roxas huh?" Xion asked.
"Roxas?" Rhyme and Beat asked.
"Our brother." The two Branford's said.
"Wait before we go, can we go shopping?" Shiki asked.
"Shiki I don't think we have time…we kinda have Reapers after us." Neku said.
" Phones we whooped deem Reapers, we got time." Beat said.
"Yeah and we need to find out where this train is, so we are gonna have to look around. " Sora said.
"Yes, shopping!" Shiki said happily while taking the large bag of moony.
She opened it to find the different form of money.
"Hey this isn't yen, what gives?" She asked.
"What's Yen?" Sora and Xion asked while three of the four japanese kids looked at them with odd looks.
After everyone finished breakfast and paying for the room. The got there Dream Eaters and left, but not without Rhyme tugged Sora's shirt.
"Thanks for the save in the letter." Rhyme whispered.
"No worries I got your back, but did you really-?" Sora was about to say.
"Yes." Rhyme whispered.
"So she really-" Sora said again.
"Yep,and please don't talk about it!" Rhyme asked.
"Alright." Sora said as he walked out of the hotel with Rhyme.
They walked outside to find that it was still night.
"What?" Everyone but Sora and Xionsaid.
"….Meh, lets look around." Sora said.
"But it's night, this should be day! Why…WHY? WHY IS IT NIGHT?!" Neku ranted.
"This is pretty odd." Shiki said.
"Yo this whack." Beat said.
"Oh come on guys it's not that weird." Xion said.
"Are you kidding me?!" The three yelled.
"We've seen much weirder, now come on. We're wasting Daylight…or moonlight in this case." Sora said as he started to run with Xion and Marshmallow following him.
"Not that I mind, but is he always like this? Shiki asked.
"Yep." Neku and Rhyme said to Shiki and Beat.
Unknown to our protagonists two pairs of eyes were waiting gazing them. They belonged to two hot and sexy blondes babes wearing a red tube top and a white mini skirt.
"We found them, we found them!" The first one nearly yelled getting giddy.
"Yes, now we just need to get the keyblade wielder boy away from the rest, and bring him to the boss." The second one said.
"Oh that'll be easy, he keeps shifting in and out of the Nightmare Realm because of it's King. We just get him out when he goes in." The second one stated.
The first sister patted the other on the head.
"Luna, I knew there was a reason why your my favorite sister." She stated.
"Does that mean I can take that cute red head girl or the blonde baby as a pet Paz? They are so cute, I just do so many things to that red head girl ." Luna said.
"Keep that to yourself sis, we have a job to do." Paz said. disgusted.
"Right." Luna said as the two vanished into a portal of darkness.
The gang was able to find the shopping district of the town. They found a mall but sadly none of their Dream Eaters would be allowed it.
"I'll stay here and keep them company." Sora offered.
"Is there anything you want?" Shiki offered.
"Maybe some Sea Salt Ice Cream and a Fez if they're selling one." Sora said.
"…Why a Fez?" Shiki asked.
"Cause Fezzes are cool!" Sora said with mad grin on his face.
"No, no, they aren't." Neku ruddily blunted which caused Xion to poke him.
"Hey don't bad mouth the Fezz. The Doctor wears one!" Xion stated.
"Who?" Beat and Rhyme asked.
"Never mind." Xion and Sora quickly said.
"Shopping away!" Shiki yelled with such giddy.
Shiki quickly found out the clothing stores and went to town, however much to Xion's dismay she was trying to push a frilly pink dress on her.
"Oh come on, you'd look so cute in it, and it's better then wearing that flour sack you have on." Shiki insisted.
"Heck no! That has got to be the most girly and lame looking thing ever! Kairi wouldn't wear it, Namine wouldn't, heck my own mother would never wear that! Even my version of you would say that's an eyesore! " Xion ranted.
"Okay I'll put it back." Shiki said.
Thank you" Xion said.
Neku had just gotten some new pins from a moogle stand. He then looked at something that caught his eyes…and quickly got the item.
"Getting something for your little girlfriend Neku?" Joshua's voice asked while giggling.
Neku then punched Beat in the face by mistake. Rhyme had to quickly break up the fight as the two started to destroy the mall.
Sora was waiting around while playing around Marshmallow and the others. Katto however was acting "too cool." to be the fool. However oddly Sora was deep in thought.
"Okay, last thing I remember before all this was….Getting ready for The Test? Yeah that's right Aqua said Riku, Kairi and i were ready to take Master Yen-Sid's test after that….Chu Chapsel guy…GRR what he did to Kairi! IF THAT JERK WASN'T GONE I'D-Calm down Sora just-!" Before Sora could keep thinking he was interrupted by two loud screams.
"Riku, Kairi!" Sora said recognizing this best friend and girlfriend's voice.
He dashed into action with Marshmallow following him. However The Dream Eater was blocked off from following Sora by other Dream Eaters. Sora summoned his keyblade and put on his FoxMan cowl dashing by one store ally way. His eyes started to twitch as his surroundings went dark red, and dark. His eyes widened as what he saw. He looked to find a pair of dead bodies that were Riku and Kairi.
"RIKU! KAIRI!" Sora screamed in pure horror.
He then found a pair of yellow eyes and it hissed out.
"GIVE ME YOUR HEART!" Someone screamed!
"AAHH!" He yelled as something was stabbing his chest.
Sora had started to get flashbacks. Van was looking at him with bloodlust and madness.
"The X-BLADE WILL BE FORGED!" He ranted.
Sora was then pulled out as he felt his body and heart get ripped apart, but he was quickly back by a pair of two blonde girls.
"Aw poor little guy, he's shaking." Luna said.
"Riku, Kairi!" Sora whimpered still shocked over the image he saw.
"Sweetheart, don't worry, those weren't your real pals, just a nightmare. That's why it's called the Nightmare Realm. Granted we did someone who looked that girl, right Luna?" Paz asked.
"Oh yeah that red head with those pretty blue eyes, couldn't forget her if wanted too Paz." Luna said.
Sora quickly snapped out of it.
"You saw Kairi! WHERE?!" He asked while getting a bit tense.
The two ladies gave a sad smile.
"Sadly sugar, we don't know." Paz admitted.
"However we know someone who does." Luna added.
"Really that's great, can you take me to this person?" Sora asked getting his hopes up.
The two put their arms around Sora.
"Oh course we can, just come with us." Paz said as they started to walk.
"What's your name Cutie?" Luna asked Sora.
"Um, Sora miss." He said as they walked.
By the time Marshmallow got there, Sora was gone, however he catch his sent and ran back to find the others, and speaking of the others.
"Thanks a lot guys, your little fight got us kicked out of the mall!" Shiki grumbled.
"That mall was for bitches anyway." Beat mumbled.
"Well I got myself some new clothes, and so did Rhyme, and some Sea Salt Ice Cream so it's all good." Xion said now wearing a black sleeves top, and matching short pants.
"Weren't you supposed to get him some Ice Cream?" Neku asked.
"…..Whoops." Xion said.
"At least we got him that fez we wanted.." Rhyme said.
"Why would he want it? It's kinda random." Shiki asked.
AH!" Xion yelled as Marshmallow jumped on her barking and meowing. The humans and the other Dream Eaters looked at the two. Marshmallow kept jumping about as he ran around trying to get to follow him.
"Okay, missing Sora, the cat/dog thing is freaking out, so lets go." Neku said.
(Cue music: Izaya's theme-Durarara OST)
The gang started to run following the Dream Eater, as the other Dream Eaters woke and followed their owners.
"So this friend of your's is in the top floor" Sora asked.
"Yep, yep, yep!" Luna said.
"Sis, why are you so hyper today?" Paz asked.
"Too much coffee, coffee, coffee!" Luna yelled.
The elevator then dinged reaching the top floor. The three walked out to find a large office. They could see a computer on top of a large desk, and chair. The chair then turned over, Sora found a man. Sora couldn't help but get a creepy vibe off of this beady black eyes, and his wide grin.
"Ah, Paz, Luna you brought him in. Welcome, come in." He said while jumping off the table to meet him.
"Um, hi..I'm-" Sora said while shacking his hands.
"I know who you are, Sora Branford: Keyblade wielder and two time savor of the worlds, going for a third time, and Nine Tailed Fox host. Am I right?" He asked as if it was common knowledge.
"How did you know that?" Sora asked.
"Info my life blood kiddo. You may call me Izayi I'm an info broker. " He stated.
" A pretty shady info broker!" Luna said.
"Ignore her." Paz said.
"No, no Paz, she's right, I was shady, but I've turned a new leaf." The older man said.
"Um, so your friends said you know where my girlfriend Kairi is…do you know where she is?" He asked however he was starting to get flashbacks of his time in the Magic Bayou when it came to a certain witch doctor.
Izayi sat back down on his desk.
"Ah yes The Princess of Heart….Well Sora…I know where she is, and she's not in this city. You'll have to take the train to get out….sadly all the tickets are sold out for the month….but I so happen to have six of them. " Izayi stated.
The man pulled out the train tickets and placed them at Sora's eye level then in his hands.
"Your helping me?" Sora asked.
(Cue music- Poor Unfortunate Souls The little Mermaid. Have Johnny Young Bosh singing this in your head.
"My dear Keyblade wielder, of course I am. This kinda stuff is what I live for. To help poor folk like yourself. Poor souls with no one else to turn to…" Iazyi stated.
He started to spin on his chair.
"I've admit that in the past I was a nasty. They weren't kidding when they called me…well a dick." Iazyi started.
Sora gave him a suspicious looked.
"But you'll find that now a days, I've mended all my ways. Repented, seen the light, and made a change." He continued.
"Is this true?" Sora asked.
"Yes, and I fortunately now how to get information. It's a talent that I always have possessed. Now lately, please don't laugh, I've used it on behalf-" He kept singing while pressing a button.
Sora then looked at what were holograms of three people.
"The miserable, the lonely and depressed." He said.
"Pathetic." Paz muttered.
"Poor Unfortunate Souls. in pain, In need. This one wanted to be thinner, and that one wants to get the girl." He explained.
"And you help them?" Sora asked.
"Yes Indeed." He said while flicking Sora's nose.
"Those poor unfortunate soul, so sad, so true. They come crying to me-"
Will you help us pretty please?" The twins begged at once hugging the man.
"And I help them, yes I do." Izayi sang seeing Sora was starting to drop his guard.
The man then gave the boy the train tickets.
"Now listen, your Kairi is…in a bit of a jam, You got three days to find her in a place called Tusi Moon, it's out near a dessert by large mountain. Now remember you have three days!
"What if I can't?" Sora asked.
"Then say goodbye to sweet forever, and what happens to her…well you saw what demons did to your little sister…..imagine what they would do to her." Izayi stated.
Sora quickly grabbed the tickets and lunged out the door only to grabbed back.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Your forgetting something…my fee." The man said.
Sora quickly checked his pockets but he hadn't a thing to give expect Kairi's lucky charm.
"I don't really have anything." Sora said
"Oh I don't want any money, I just want one thing….a favor." The man stated.
"A favor?" Sora asked.
"Yep, now I can't tell you what it is, but when I think of it, you,'ll know. He said while pulling out a contract.
"What's that for?" Sora asked getting a little worried.
"It's to make sure you don't skip out, on your part of the deal." Izayi said.
"I dunno…"Sora said getting a eery feeling about this guy.
"You don't want my tickets, and a spell that can keep Kairi safe?" The man asked.
Sora was then pushed.
"Oh come one you poor unfortunate soul, go on make a choice! I'm a very busy person and I haven't got all day! It won't cost, much just a favor.
Sora, Luna, and Paz were kinda freaked out by this outburst, then seeing a grin of him.
"It's sad, but true. If you wanna cross a bridge, then you gotta pay a toll. Take a breath, and sign the scroll." He ordered.
Sora grabbed a pen and started to sign his name. Not seeing the creepy grins on all three of them.
"I gotta 'em now, girls. The boss is on a roll!" He muttered for his girls to hear.
As Sora finished unknown to him a spell was starting to cling to him.
"With this poor unfortunate Soul!" Izayi sang taking the contract out of Sora's hands.
(End music.)
"Pleasure doing business with you Mr.Branford. The spell should be working in a few hours. Girls be sure he finds his
way out." He ordered.
'You got it boss." Paz said as Sora ran out with them to the door.
The man just sat back in his chair grinning.
"Now for the real fun to start, and no bad ol putty tat to get in the way this time." He said.
Sora quickly ran outside to bump into Shiki causing them both to fall back, however Shiki fell into a fountain of water.
"Sora, where have you been?" Xion asked while she and Neku pulled Shiki out of said fountain.
" NO TIME TRAIN! KAIRI RUN NOW!" Sora yelled while dragging everyone off to the train station clearly not all there
After much running around, They all manage to get on the train.
"Yo, you all over da place man. What gives?" Beat asked.
"Look who's talking beat." Neku snarked.
"WHATCU SAY PHONE?!" Beat yelled.
Xion quickly whacked the two across head with her Keyblade.
Rhyme quickly got some bandages while Beat's Bear Dream Eater put them both on a on some chairs.
Shiki put the new Fez on Sora's head. she did look a bit angry at Sora still dripping.
"Sorry about that." Sora apologized.
"It's fine, just tell me what got you in such a rush?" Shiki asked.
Sora looked down.
" I made a deal with a guy to find someone very important to me, and if I don't find her in three days…she might be……I don't even think about it…after last time." Sora said as flashbacks popped into his head.
"Oh, well that makes sense." Shiki said.
"Yeah, but we are gonna find her, so really no need to worry." Sora said grinning.
Before dropping on the ground sleeping hearing everyone says his name in a panic. Sora then heard xehanort's voice.
"You are doomed boy, then again, you've always been doomed." He muttered with a smirk.
Then he heard Aqua's voice.
"Sora, no! You have to wake up!" She yelled.
He then heard Riku and Kairi's voice.
"SORA!" They both yelled after he finally passed out.
End of arc, now on to the next.