Funny, that was what I'm quite worried about. Although I personally think it isn't likely to happen, that's certainly a possible "escape route" for the team.
On the (not so) plus side, with a 2015 release date for the English version, it satisfies the a-year-per-game scheme that Nomura would like to see happen. It might draw some flak from the fans if it's true, even though it probably shouldn't because that scheme wasn't even a promise... though the dissatisfaction would probably be understandable.
Oh well, speculations won't help a bit. Let's just wait and see how it eventually plays out.
"Escape route", lol, I do not know from where the assumption comes that just because 1.5 had release in a certain month that 2.5 will be the same. Obviously March is as good as over and they haven't even a japanese release yet and I do think that a worldwide simultaneous release is nothing more than wishful thinking.
Funny thing is that I do not remember Nomura ever really
promising the one-game-a-year thingy but only pointing out that he would like to do so. Up to now, they always managed to meet that condition, but that does not mean they
have to.
Nomura and his team get nearly always flak from fans, especially western ones, which is more often than not uncalled for anyways because there is more whining than actual constructive critic.
As pointed out by Chaser, Sign and others, it's a definitive 2014 so that shall be that.
Correct, it comes out when it comes out. I'm personally at a loss anyways what's with the constant impatience of some of the fans anyways.
Not only have I work to do and other things in Real Life, I also have quite some other games I still can play for pass time.
To be clear, I haven't even platinumed 1.5 yet nor have I started FF XIII-2 or Lightning Returns at all. And now I also invested in FF X HD...<__<
Chaser's right in that it's going to release 2014 worldwide. Says so in the trailers as well if you're still skeptical.
Nah, everything is alrighty.
Still, December is also still 2014...