Well, I had to play three playthroughs, I managed to get the easier trophies such as Heartless Hunter and Treasure Hunter on my first playthrough, along with undefeated on my Proud playthrough, on my normal I attempted to do Speedster and all the rest on my beginner playthrough, which lasted 60 hours up until the final trophy. Gummi missions took quite a lot of time (3 days!) to do, and after that I continued to do synthesis and weapon collecting. It would have taken less than a month if I didn't get burnt out during the first two playthroughs, especially after the stress of the Speedster trophy which I wanted to do alongside Unchanging Armor but Kingdom Key would not allow that. I really just followed guides on the internet mostly although you'll want to get rid of the difficulty trophies as soon as possible and then start on Beginner to do the rest.