Hmm, that's work that can be done in like 2-3 months time. They already started recording in January and it only takes at best two weeks to usually get everybody in and out. Two or three days for recording sessions and they can have quite a few sessions with different VAs in a day. Lip-sync is probably the longest part of the deal but could be done within the 2-3 month span.
I'm going to believe it is more about marketing and whatever SE has scheduled in the year.
That would be called rushing it. If they decided to take longer to make the performances sound better, it'd be understandable since Dubs are trickier anyways, lipsync or not.
Anyway, I think it is about marketing. Depending on when Lightning Returns releases, They wanna distance their two biggest sellers of the year.
I was at first very happy... then I saw Fall 2013 -_-
That's unacceptable considering that the games are 90% translated and it comes out in Japan in less than a month. Out of all the KH games this one had the best chance for a simultaneous release. Looks like they blew it.
Oh well, it will be worth it when it comes out... 5-8 MONTHS FROM NOW. At least in the meantime I have plenty of things to play. Its just annoying because I finally jumped from SDTV to an HDTV in early January, and got an HDMI cable to go with it. The only problem is that my PS2 games look like utter crap on it.
Also, it sucks that there wont be a Vita version like with the vastly inferior FFX HD.
As senseless as it sounds, the do want it on one console.
Also, what connection are you using for your PS2? If you get a component cable(RGB), you'll have the best quality that SD resolution can offer, including way better colors.
Way Off Topic, but your HDTV probably doesnt look at its best anyway. I HIGHLY recommend getting a professional calibration or at least devoting a couple hours to adjusting the picture with a DVD/Blu-ray disc like Digital Video Essentials. It really makes a difference, since manufacturers change the picture settings on every model and unit to stand out on the store floor. The unit you got is probably not set up the way it looked at Best Buy.
Anyway, there's only two things I'm worried about being spoiled about, which comes down to one thing: the unrevealed differences. We got the gist of it, but considering the Days scenes and the graphics, you know people will be nitpicking through the game to count literally all the updates and I just wanna find them for myself, should I ever look.