In honor of the North American Release of Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days for the Nintendo DS, KHInsider is celebrating with the ever popular Caption Contest.
It's easy, fun, and anyone can join in! Just save the picture below (click the thumbnail to enlarge), fill in the talk bubbles with a funny or creative caption, (using any Image Editing Software: MS Paint, Adobe Photoshop, etc), and email your entry to e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it It's as easy as that!
Note: If for some reason you don't have any image editing software, you can submit your entry in Text Form via email. Just make sure to note which phrases go in which talk bubble!
Official Rules:
-Captions must be PG-13.
-One submission per person.
-Entry must be submitted by October 25th.
-Entries will be judged by KHInsider Staff.
-First Place: Your choice of an Axel Plush or a Roxas Plush.
-Second Place: Either an Axel Plush or a Roxas Plush.
Remember, send your submissions in either image or text form to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it !
If you have any questions, post here!