>Best BuyI hope there's a different PO Bonus elsewhere, I don't want AR cards.
Maybe BestBuy will have something cooler.
Yeah, good luck with that
>Best BuyI hope there's a different PO Bonus elsewhere, I don't want AR cards.
Maybe BestBuy will have something cooler.
Ah I should rephrase, in Japan they have the covers with extra pictures that match up with the holes, but for whatever reason they have removed them for many of the English releases. However, Kid Icarus Uprising actually did keep the pictures. So I am hoping they will start keeping them for the English releases.
Also, you know I meant the in-game menu, not the actual menu-screen right?
.... there's a KH TCG?! O__O
i went to gamestop today. the guy said something about first come-first serve definites for a preorder bonus.
Yes, I do hope they keep the pictures
And nope, sure didn't! But thanks for clearing up... again! Haha
But it's okay cause I have the other 501 cards lol xP
>I'm a huge KH fan. xP
I really like the inside, I love it when game covers go beyond just the outer cover, I love seeing changes to the inside as well, it is just one extra little detail that I like (the LittleBigPlanet covers have them).
Wow I always underestimate you when you say you collect a lot of KH stuff lol
Yep, reversible covers have become quite popular recently which is always a good thing in my book.
DDD's presentation is very enticing. I wonder if it'll have a competent instruction manual.
im hoping there'll be a 3ds+game edition as well in North America, not like they've ever done it before so there's an extremely slim chance, but its still a possibility considering im sure ppl would buy a 3ds just to play this game. (they arguably did it for BBS, but it wasnt really a specially designed PSP, just a silver one with optional decals that have KH designs). Also, considering there hasnt really been any news on the North American version yet in terms of trailers and visuals and what they will (hopefully) do for the fact that its the 10th anniversary year for KH, im still gonna wait and see until they update the North American site with more English content.
^ i meant the latter lol didnt know that they brought the limited edition console for the Chain of Memories game... but then again, i didnt really start following KH until KH2... i wonder why they stopped doing it, considering the series imo is getting better and better and especially for such a highly anticipated game as KH3D, id hope there'd be a greater chance of them releasing such a bundle with the 3DS
I thought the CoM bundle only released in Japan and PAL regions.
Instruction manuals are jokes in my opinion for the most part. I don't see why they wouldn't bring the cover over, if not, I'll consider printing out my own backside and putting it in the case.
KH has always had nice manuals, even though for the most part they have severely dropped in quality over the past few years
The instruction manual is a digital copy though, isn't it?
The instruction manual is a digital copy though, isn't it?