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Fanfiction ► ): KH- The Worldly Awesome Adventures of Matthew :(

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New member
Nov 13, 2010
My secret lair, the COMMON SENSE base of justice,
(Author's note- What if Vanitias existed before Ventus here is how i would see it, Also flashbacks are in qoutes might update more than some because of lack of ideas)

chapter 1- The master

Matthew T. Pobocek, a 15 year-old boy who wears a white polo shirt and kacki pants alot. His keyblade is called Heart Thorn, he is also a rival of a famed swordsmen Vanitias.

Matthew was enjoying lunch until he had noticed a dark pattern forming on the floor almost reaching up to people. "Damn it Vanitias" he thought as he dissapered and watched his friends get captured in dark chains unable to move, Vanitias standing in front of them all. "Now then where can i find Matthew T. Pobocek" He said summoning his keyblade Oblivion and going up to someone and cutting their thoarts. "Vanitias" he said coming down and slashing his right check making him bleed because he had no helmet to protect him and yet he looked like Matthew, only that his hair was darker.

"How does this honer our master the one who taught us to fight" Matthew said putting his keyblade in a backwards stance. "Always about protecting others aren't you grow up in this world the strong eat the weak and it's about time i'm able to kill you" Vanitias said slashing forward kinda fast. "Our master wanted peace but you want the death of your homeworld, how selfish can you be!!!" Matthew said blocking his attack. "Hmp even i remember Rahnard the old bastard" Vanitias said

"Come on keep training or you will never be a swordsmen" Rahnard said swing his sword at Vanitias and was not able to block, then he did the same to Matthew and he did block back-handed. "Oh my talented young lad" he said patting him on the head "And Vanitias you too promise me you both will protect this land no matter how dis-orinted it could get and remember the name Ventus is forbinden in this land" Rahnard said patting them both on the head.
"So what you think the master liked me more than you that's a negitative, he liked us both the same no matter what progress you had, you eventually beat me as well" Matthew said remembering the fight

"Now you may begin your in-cintation fight Vanitias and Matthew" Rahnard said raising a flag and Matthew and Vanitias started to fight intensly until Vanitias unleashed his sercert attack. His sercert attack was a binding fast flash like arrow X shape and Matthew fainted after that attack and fell, Vanitias claimed as the winner
"Yes i do bastard now if you value these lives, then fight for real and hold on a sec CURE!!" Vanitias said, a green aura covering him and making his wounds dissaper. "So shall we" Vanitias said holding out his blade in a traditonal opening stance that most of their fighting schools used. "Okay lets" Matthew said grabing the sword

(Author's note- coping and pasting from somewhere(khplanet fourms) i posted it)

tell me what you think of it since i'm rewriting the vanitias attack thing i wrote

Heart thorn- http://www.khplanet.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=485&pictureid=4832
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New member
Nov 13, 2010
My secret lair, the COMMON SENSE base of justice,
Re: ): The Awesome Adventures of Matthew :(

(Read rules bumping and adding theme)

Theme- [video=youtube;20h2TcMJuH8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20h2TcMJuH8[/video] listein while you read

Chapter 2- why he chose his path

Matthew took his hand off of Vanitias's blade and summoned his own keyblade and went into his sword stance, back handed. "Remember our rules, no magic and skills just our attacks"Matthew said holding out his hand and Vanitias grabbed it and they both cartwheeled back giving each other room. Vanitias charged towards Matthew with his blade next to him ready to block and Matthew striked, but Vanitias blocked and striked Matthew on his right check making him bleed in anger.

"Anger and rage those are signs that you are giving yourself up to darkness, well give yourself into darkness now"Vanitias said closing the distance between them. Matthew took the oppertunity to strike Vanitias in his chest and made him throw up blood. Then he striked him in his knee making him fall down on his back. Then Vanitias jumped back up despite his broken knee and summoned his keyblade and threw it far and it went into a circle and struck Matthew on the back making him cry blood and cough up blood as well.

"Hmp let your guard down never thought that would happen" Vanitias said jumping back a little and floding his hands when he got there. "Just tell me one thing why did you turn to darkness" Matthew said getting up and sumoning his keyblade. "Well it's because of a mysterious figure i met" Vanitias said remembering how he turned to darkness's side

Vanitias was sitting on a ledge when a mysterious person sat down and suddenly there was a white path in front of Vanitias. "My boy your heart will be darkness in due time until you decide what you exist for and i will help you" the figure said walking towards the door that in front of them, curious Vanitias followed and found a giant maze and the door closed on him. "Matthew what should i do ..." Vanitias was interupped by the figure who punchd him. "You have no friends they just use you to gain more power towards themselves. Give your heart to darkness and become more powerful, make them pay" the figure said covering Vanitias in dark chains. "Okay okay you win darkness does seem interesting so yes" Vanitias said giving his body and soul to the figure
"What blackmailed you where is the Vanitias i know" Matthew said getting his keyblade in postion and stared at him visously. "You know inside of my heart you fight good and i'm happy. I might have a use for you but until then your on probation" The figure said walking though a dark corridor.

"Who is that" Matthew said throwing his keyblade up in the air which sparkled a light and made him covered in armor and then he threw keyblade up in the air and made it into a keyblade bike which looked like a platform rider colored blue(bbs reference towards ventus's ride) and he took off to find him and his search took him towards Mt. Everest where he follewed the dark outburst to.

hope you like this story please rate and comment
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Hamster Lord

Atrocity Exhibition
Sep 27, 2008
Neo Kobe City
Re: KH- Backstory of Vanitas(updated vanitias attack)

by time i'm done reading, that song would most likely be 1:30 secs-2 mins in

make it longer


New member
Nov 13, 2010
My secret lair, the COMMON SENSE base of justice,
Re: KH- Backstory of Vanitas(updated vanitias attack)

okay shesh i'm making chapter 3 right now and there is a theme per chapter

Theme- [video=youtube;B5Lgd6avxvY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5Lgd6avxvY[/video]

Chapter 3 prt 1- searching the moutain

Matthew saw Mt.everset in his view and landed only to hear a little cry come from behind him. "Brhhh so cold" the girl behind him said with her arms folded around herself trying to warm her up. "Well look at what i've brought with me, Keally. How did you even get here,worried about the man as well." Matthew said walking over to the girl. The girl was wearing a dark blue shirt just like matthew's and kacki pants, she also had long blond hair that sparkled in sunlight of the moutain. "Well i grabbed on to one of the fins of that hover board you had and by the way where is it" Keally asked looking around the land scape.

"Oh that well let me show you" Matthew said as light formed in his hand and then bursted reveling a keyblade. "Woah what's THAT called" Keally asked gawging at it like she had never seen it before in her life, pretty reasonable for her. "Well it's called the keyblade the legendary blade of light, only those with a pure heart can weild one and this is called Heart thorn" Matthew said looking a little embarrsed to have to explain it to her in such a formal way.

Just then a horde of black shadows appered right before them and Matthew took to his stance. One shadow lunged at Keally but Matthew blocked allowing a shadow to creep behind him and grab Keally's leg and pull her down easily. Matthew being a kind gentlemen slashed though a shadow and another one to leep onto her by supprise, Matthew began to get annoyed by this and did a spin lash attack that destroyed many of them, allowing Keally to get to her feet. "You okay" Mathew said casting cure on Keally making her wounds disapper right into thin air.

"Just fine thank you and what was that you just did" Keally asked Matthew in a formal way trying to hide, her emotions for that act of courage. "Well it was called magic" Matthew said blocking a shadow attack and attacking one, leaving a spot open for someone to attack. A shadow took this oppertunity to attack Matthew from the behind and left him with a wounded back as he slashed from the behind as well, taking it out. Then he casted cure on himself to heal his wounds and rest but jumped back from the gun sound.

"What slacking off already, Xehanort told me to be careful around you but what's there to worry about your just a slacker" a figure with guns said that pointed his guns toward Keally and fired. In a flash of light, a keyblade was in her hands which blocked the attack. "Woah ho another keyblade weilder i guess anyone can weild a keyblade these days huh even a little pipsqueck like you" the figure said insulting Keally.

"Tell us what is your name" said Matthew in his sword stance in front of Keally, ready to protect her in a flash. "Well feisty my name be Braig and you will not forget it, because i'm going to kill you both right here" Braig said pulling out both of his guns towards them

Hope you like the story and theme i chose for this chapter
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Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Re: KH- Backstory of Vanitas(updated vanitias attack)

You have definetly improved, so far its ok and the detail could still be a bit better but I do like it and hope to see more from you.

Also, BRAIG!!!!!!! Man's epic yo :D


New member
Nov 13, 2010
My secret lair, the COMMON SENSE base of justice,
Re: KH- Backstory of Vanitas(updated vanitias attack)

thank you i am now making chapter 3 prt 2

Theme- [video=youtube;P9JhaRufOBk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9JhaRufOBk&feature=related[/video]

Chapter 3 prt 2- Fighting Braig

Matthew began to run towards this so called Braig who fired his guns at his face which made a scar on it with lots of blood coming out, he'd have to think up a new startogy for this man. Matthew quickly casted cura on himself , making the scar disapper from his face and a annoyed look came to his face, saying to the man i just want to help my friend. Braig laughed at this and shot one of bullets at Matthew and blocked and sent it right back at him.

"Ugh smart now aren't you" Braig said catching his breath no one had deflected his sonic arrow bullets before. Braig's face had a very angry look on it as he moved very fast and shot many bullets at Matthew who got out of the way by jumping and air sliding towards the edge. Unfourtinuly Braig met him there and shot him three times in the face, throwing him down on the hard moutain floor of Mt. Everest. This made Matthew mad and he got up and has a last resort he threw his keyblade up in the air and hit Braig with it, who fell from his gravity chair as he calls it that.

"How stupid can you be Vanitias and you are needed for Xehanort's plan he won't tell me" Braig said, jumping back and grabbing his guns and fired at Matthew who was just sitting there. The hits never landed though, because Keally was standing right in front of him, with her keyblade blocking the strike as she casted cure on Matthew.

"Thank you but when did you learn that spell" Matthew asked Keally in a formal way of thanks which he learned.

"I saw you do it and thought i could do it as well as you if I copied your movements" Keally said, grabbing Matthew and jumping higher than she could thought she could have, Braig used his gravity powers to follow them by walking up the hill.

"So you think your funny now it's just you and me sweetie. I won't hold back on you either just because your girl doesn't mean you get special treatments" Braig said using his powers to lock Matthew out of his arena he made from Graviva magic. Keally knew what to do from the start and was to defeat Braig and she ran though his little hallway till Braig fired some fired rounds at her. She jumped to avoid the rounds but Braig came prepared and powered his shots up into more powerful shots which he shot all over his hallway and eventually hit her hard. Braig was not done he disappered high into the air and summoned a portal and shot rounds though them, which came behind her and easily damagered her, Matthew, trying to break the hallway so he could help her win when suddly a voice came in his head

"Matthew this is Vaitias that wall can be broken by a ball of light, just believe in yourself and you can do it" The voice said sounding like Vanitias a little. Matthew did as he was told and believed in their friendship and a ball of light appered on the end of his keyblade and he shot it at the wall and it crumbled. As the wall crumbled Matthew ran in and ran stright towards the end and met up with Keally who had her keyblade almost falling out of her hands. He quickly casted cure on her and she felt better, Braig supprised shot 20 rounds everywhere and Matthew protected Keally until he stopped and hit him on the head with his keyblade really hard, giving him a concussion and they put him up agaisnt a cornor and let him rest, they went on to find this so called Xehanort, Braig talked about

hope you like and it is long enough for you guys and sorry for Braig lovers since he went into a concussion
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New member
Nov 13, 2010
My secret lair, the COMMON SENSE base of justice,
Re: KH- Backstory of Vanitas(updated vanitias attack)

chapter updation chater 4 up now and this is not the end


Chapter 4- Xeahnort reveled

Matthew and Keally were running up Mt. Everest, searching for a man called Xeahnort. When they reached the summit, they found Xeahnort in Vanitias's body looking much older and a new keyblade in his hand. The keyblade was gray and derey looking and it had a resemblence to a bat wing on the handle and a flower shape for the blade. This man had dark energy pouring out from him, like his existance was completely darkness. His hair was white and grey, he wore a black vest, and black pants.The man walked over to Matthew and smacked Keally out of his way, calling her an infedel to his plans for Matthew and Vanitias.

"My name is Xeahnort, young one, brother of Eraquis, i am afraid your body is needed for the benefit of humanity. Give your heart to me and i will take good care of it in the heart melding!!" Xeahnort yelled lunging forward. Matthew blocked his strike and totaled a combo on his old ass and sent him flying in the air, only to have dark orbs shot at his face making a big scar with lots of blood coming out of it. Matthew casted cure on himself and made Xeahnort cast cure in counter-back. Xeahnort then lanched a giant orb of dark fire at Matthew while he was curing and it struck, blowing him back a fair distance away from Xeahnort

Matthew did a double jump in the air and casted cure away from Xeahnort's location, only to be met by a metaor crashing down on him like he was nothing. Matthew annoyed shot a ball of thunderaga at Xeahnort and three balls of ice which he shot together. Xeahnort saw the ball of thunderaga and got out of the way but was met by 6 shots of blizairaga magic whic combained blizzardaga and firaga. This annoyed Xeahnort as he quickly shot 15 balls of darkness at Matthew and sent him flying, this time knocked out.

Xeahnort took Matthew's heart and combined it with Vanitias's to form some kind of a orangish looking heart which took their bodies and combined them into one equally balanced being. Ventus. The being tried to take a step forward but fell on his back like he didn't know what he was doing and as he stood up he asked Xeahnort- "What is my name"

"Your name is Ventus my boy remember the name" Xeahnort said walking though a dark corridor, taking Ventus with him. When they arrived at their destintion, Ventus could walk and run and he praticed his keyblade skills there.

------ Inside Ventus's heart------

Matthew sat at a cornor in a ball shape ready to kill himself just to ruin Xeahnort's plans when suddenly, a young boy came falling down from the sky of noting with his eyes closed. The boy landed softly and summoned his keyblade and went into a fighting stance with his keyblade, back-handed. The boy rushed over to Matthew but before he could get the chance to attack, Matthew punched him in the face giving him a nosebleed. Then Matthew lifted the boy and smacked him across the face with his hand, worseing his nosebleed. The boy ran away afte that leaving a note behind

Dear Matthew

You are tough but your in my heart so just give in and when my heart disappers, you can regenerate your body in fact take this keychain as well.

Matthew took the note and pocketed it and took the keychain as well. With his final moments of life right now, he vanished into thin air into a very dark place, where he would sleep for 12 years. When he awoke he found himself at a castle, a mysterious one that is and walked in.

hope you like Chapter 4 the keychain is called "Lumonious Arc" please read amd comment


Silver Member
Oct 6, 2010
Re: KH- Backstory of Vanitas(updated vanitias attack)

Roaring, you are much better than before, and for that I present to you.......AN INVISIBLE MEDAL! Yes you heard me folks! An invisible medal! It is gold but now it's invisible!


New member
Nov 13, 2010
My secret lair, the COMMON SENSE base of justice,
Re: KH- Backstory of Vanitas(updated vanitias attack)

*tosses invisable medal else where* might continue this right now yeah i will. Also taking Ocs and co-authors for the story since i have many themes i want to use for this i'll pm myself them

theme- [video=youtube;SI--983Oh60]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI--983Oh60[/video]

chapter 5- Meeting with Aqua and the gang

Matthew walked in to the mysterious tower in front of him. When he was about to climb up the stairs, a dragon made completely of darkness appered and shot fire balls at Matthew. Matthew dodged but the beast was fast and caught him in a claw sweep it did. Now that dragon was pissing him off and he did strike raid which had no effect on the dragon. Then the dragon breathed dark flames of fire at Matthew who blocked it and sent it right back at it, burning his face. The dragon quickly shot itself down at Matthew pressing him down to the ground where he pushed his keyblade though the dragon's head, which exploded into many pieces, the doorway restored.

Matthew walked up the steps until he had to face Heartless, his specialty. These heartless went into the stairway as quick as posable and sneaked up behind Matthew, who got sractched 12 times in his back. Matthew annoyed slashed running up towards them taking most of them out in a fell swoop. Only one was left standing and that was a darkside. The darkside punched down at Matthew, who was clever and climbed up his arm, clinging on the darkside's shoulders. The darkside learning this punched at hmself and made it rain darkness on Matthew who came up to the head of the Darkside and slashed it two pieces, flying back towards the doorway.

Matthew entered the room of the loft, only to find a young women with blue hair and crazy fashion, a mouse, and the great Yen sid teacher of the keyblade to him. Matthew once met Yen sid when he went over to train with him for a day and learned about the seven pricesses then. The ones of the purest hearts of course. Matthew bowed in front of Yen sid and stood up looking like he'd never seen these people before, one looked familair but the meomory was vague and distant. Matthew held his head in pain when he looked at the boy in the cornor who was just lying there, motionless.

"Excuse me are you okay sir" The women with blue hair said looking at Matthew who was in deep pain, right then. "My name is Aqua if your wondering, I'm 17" Aqua said reaching her hand out and touching Matthew on the forehead with her right hand.

Matthew quickly looked away from the boy on the floor and turned his attention towards Aqua. Aqua seemed trustable, but Matthew had to follow regulations and went into his fighting stance,scaring Aqua and making her summon her keyblade. Aqua rushed forward towards Matthew who blocked her kyblade stike and striked her back making her fall. Aqua then saw Matthew's back, it had deep cuts in it, blood just flowing out them. Aqua stood up and began to walk towards him, this time with some bandaids and covered Matthew's back with them.

"I knew you were trustable, I was just testng you Aqua. My name is Matthew, I'm seaching for a man called Vanitias have you seen him anywhere" Matthew said walking towards Aqua with a stern look on his face.

"What you mean Ven's Dark side, I killed that bitch" Aqua walking towards Ventus and giving him a hug.

"No i'm not talking about that i'm looking for my friend Vanitias and is that person Ven" Matthew said, summoning his keyblade and pulling towards Ventus's neck. Aqua scared of losing Ventus, summoned her keyblade and blocked the strike, setting Ventus down on the floor.

Aqua walked towards Matthew and hit his keyblade right on the edge of it. Aqua then slashed upwards at Matthew, who blocked the strike and hit her mouth, making her throw up a river of blood. The mouse jumped up and blocked both of their strikes, understanding their concerns for whatever reason they had. After that Yen sid offered Matthew a cup of cofee, which he said thank for. He also handed Aqua a tea cup filled with tea, british tea to be exact. The mouse took guard over Ventus, who was still sleeping much to Matthew's supprise. Matthew stood up and smack Aqua across the face, making Yen sid worry

"Hmm you are Matthew correct, where were you for the past 12 years, Eraquis died and so did Ranard in that time you were gone" Yen sid said getting up from his chair and approching Matthew. Matthew looked shocked at this news and cried, slamming his fist on Yen sid's desk

"How could that happen, Eraquis, how dare you die on me, if Xeahnort hadn't interferred with my life, we could have been teaching students together" Matthew said slamming his fist on Yen sid's desk again, making an even louder thump this time.

Matthew stopped banging his fist on the table as soon as Aqua calmed him down. Deep down Aqua knew not question how he knew Eraquis or why they would be teaching but she decided not to ask. The mouse was slient as well, keeping watch over Ventus and somrtimes stared at Matthew. Matthew stood in front of Yen sid's desk quietly looking at the stars. Matthew in his mind woundered where Xeahnort was or what he was doing, but Matthew quickly stopped thoe thoughts and looked at Aqua. Aqua looked back in a kinda polite gesture and shaked hands with Matthew to symbolize their friendship

because they wouldn't have if it wasn't for Xeahnort and his melldeing


hope you like YAY Aqua in the story now and Terra is going to come in chapter 7 please people view this more often
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New member
Nov 13, 2010
My secret lair, the COMMON SENSE base of justice,
Re: KH- Backstory of Vanitas(updated vanitias attack)

now i have chapter six, and i'm writing this till i'm bored with it bitchs

Theme- [video=youtube;DZ8r5KSFh9I]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ8r5KSFh9I[/video]

chapter six prt 1- Earth at Death's doorstep prt 1

The mouse broke the slinece with his name and a question. "My name is Mickey and a question Matthew, how do you know Yen sid my teacher?" Mickey asked holding out his hand and Matthew grabbed it.

"Well it's because i trained with him for serveral years, from 7 to 12 years old, learning about most things in the unverse itself, untill i came upon Earth, which calls all of you imaginary and game-made" Matthew said, pulling a flyer out of his back pocket and showed it to all three of them.

Aqua face turned red with embrassment, no one had written a game and book about her and the guys. Aqua suddenly stood up, and looked at Yen sid. Yen sid saw this and offered her a cup of tea, American now and Aqua said thanks for it. Aqua drank her tea slowly to not kill herself by the intnese heat it had brewed into it and the steam coming out wasn't a good thing either. Matthew stood up and this time grabbed a mop and cleaned up Aqua's blood river and added a touch of lavendar to Yen sid's floor. Matthew then walked towards Yen sid, only with a angry look this time, when the whole castle tossed and turned for some reason.

Matthew ran to the doorway but it was sealed off by powerful magic, he had not praticed before. The dragon of darkness was back but this time he entered the loft and picked Mickey up and threw him, only to find that he was tossed inside a cage. Aqua rushed over, her keyblade ready to shot magic at any point, but Matthew ran faster and jumped up and slashed the dragon in it's right arm. Aqua saw that Matthew had it under control, so she ran over to the cage Mickey was in and tried using her keyblade, but it was no good. Matthew continued to slash at the dragon, only to find that he was getting sratched over and over again so he waited until the dragon shot fire at him.

The dragon did not shot fire at him, instead he created a tornado and throwed Matthew in the air, helpless. Then Aqua was able to pick the lock on the cage with Mickey's help and slashed at the dragon from behind. The dragon did not fall over, instead ot grew wings made of darkness, and a longer tail and brighter yelow eyes. Clearly, they were annoyed by this and all jumped up and slashed the dragon. Aqua came down first and slashed hard. removing the dragon's right arm, Matthew came down taking it's wings off, and Mickey finshed it off completely, leaving behind a note made of golden paper. The note said that Earth was being attacked, and that Matthew was powerless to stop it or even try.

Aqua saw the note and hit her armor pad and a flash of light emerged from her. When the light faded Aqua was completely in armor, and she threw her keyblade and made it into a keyblade bike and got on. Matthew threw his keyblade up in the air and it sprinkled some dust and he was covered in armor. Then he threw it again to make a keyblade bike and got on and headed upwards to get out of this world and to his temporary home, Earth and help it, so was Aqua apperantly. As they cae closer to Earth, they both could see that it was over run b y darkness and there was no in yet.

Aqua, being a smart young women shot a few rounds from her bike to make a entrance from the two and they both headed in.

"Oh so you have a new bitch now" a voice said when they got there. "I'll show you not to leave me behind for some other bitch" the voice said clenching her fist and heading towards Matthew

One insaine manic beating later.....

Matthew was on the ground, almost every single bone in his body shartered and broken, barely able to move and even cast magic. Matthew wondered who the hell was this crazy bitch who just broke his bones and possably his ball sack. The girl walked over towards Matthew and slapped him across his face like he was fogetting something important, then a bright light flashed in her hands and a keyblade was in her hands. "Okay she can weild a keyblade, but still be able to break my bones, what the hell is wrong with the keyblades today" Matthew thought. The girl walked over to him and gave him a kiss while he was down and unable to move, Aqua just watching.


hope you like my fan-fic because it is going to go forever!! now just who is this mysterious women, is she a friend or enemy your decision


New member
Nov 13, 2010
My secret lair, the COMMON SENSE base of justice,
Re: KH- Backstory of Vanitas(updated vanitias attack)

chapter theme-[video=youtube;DZ8r5KSFh9I]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ8r5KSFh9I[/video]

chapter 6 part 2- Earth at Death's doorstep part 2

Aqua stood there watching as the girl kissed the fallen Matthew. Aqua then walked over to the girl and summoned her keyblade, Stormfall and attacked the girl. The girl saw this attack and blocked, hitting Aqua hard on the face with her keyblade, knocking her down. Aqua stood up and ran towards the girl and her shotlock called Ragnarok, which fired several balls of light. The girl blocked the first one, but was hit in her left breast on the second one, the third hit her on the tip of her forehead. The fourth one, she blocked and sent back at Aqua, who jumped out of the way and continued shooting these balls of light, continually hitting her in her chest or legs. The seventh shot sent her running away to Matthew and using him as a guard.

"Who the hell are you and what connection do you have to Matthew" Aqua said running over towards the girl and slipped behind Matthew and hit her on her back. The girl stumbled back, her keyblade still ready to attack, only that it went away in a flash of light and the girl stood up and her appearance was revealed to them both. She had long black hair with a few lines of brown, crystal blue eyes, and was 5'7. She had on a black suit with a red tie and a ball point pen in one of her coat pockets. She also had black slacks with lines crossing each of them, with a pocket on each side and black high heels.

"You don't remember me I'm Keally, Matthew's old girlfriend it seems. I'm a lawyer now, Matthew where were you the last 12 years!" Keally screamed at the top of her lungs. Keally calmed down a little and casted cure on Matthew, healing his broken body bones. Matthew stood up and smacked Keally across her face, making her bleed a little in her mouth which was colored purple. Aqua walked towards Keally with a few bandages she had in her emergency supply kit and offered Keally one, but she rejected it and hit Aqua in her stomach, making her throw up a little.

"Hmp if you want to know i was inside a boys named Ventus's heart, sleeping and constricted to chains made of completely Darkness" Matthew said, holding his hand and casting cure on Keally. Aqua threw up on Keally shoes and made Keally mad enough to slap the crap out of Aqua, who was thrown at a chameleon Heartless.

The chameleon Heartless blended into the sercenary of the courthouse it was in and Keally summoned her keyblade, threw off her high heels and lunged at the Chameleon, who simply hit her with his tail and sent her flying towards a pillar, breaking it completely. Matthew surrounded himself in a flurry of his keyblade and ran around the room he was in and caught the chameleon red-handed. Aqua had never fought something like this before, so she did everything in her power to fight the chameleon off, with their help of course. Once the chameleon had been undiscovered, Aqua ran over and smacked it harder than anything she had ever needed to in her life, ending the chameleon Heartless's life forever, a heart released. The black cloud over Earth vanished and the sun finally shone it's light down on the planet and Keally kissed Matthew on the lips.


"So i trust your ready for your showdown with the brat who gave you a concussion, eh Braig" A voice said stepping down from an alter with a black and white heart in it. The figure had white hair like a flurry of a mountain, a black shirt with red stripes around his very muscaler body and armor he had no use for. He also had a light brown with a golden emblem on it and armor like shoes. A man with black hair in a pony tail, a eye patch over his right eye and two scars on his face was looking at the figure. This man also had on a red bandanna, a very complex shirt, and white gloves with hearts on them. He also had on complex blue plants and some type of shoes.

"You can bet your sorry ass I am Xeahnort . This time I am killing him and his stupid bitching girlfriend" Braig, the only other person in the room said, shooting bullets at a target photo of Matthew.


Hope you like this, I am using the same theme per chapter and maybe reuse old ones like I said this is going to be long


New member
Nov 13, 2010
My secret lair, the COMMON SENSE base of justice,
Re: ): The Awesome Adventures of Matthew :(

okay name changed going to be more epic here and make Terra appear in chapter 10 instead of 7 which is off to another world

Chapter 7-1- -Off we go to Fullheim prt 1

Matthew as he stopped getting kissed by Keally saw that a black portal was opened and man in a black hood came out. This man had Oathkeeper and Oblivion in his hands, and was looking strait at Matthew, looking for a challenge of his powers. The man used Oblivion's dark powers to send Matthew into his own mind and Matthew came falling down onto a platform of this man's heart. The man started to attack Matthew with both of his blades, making sharp hits as he did. Matthew blocked but he got hit by the 14th strike. Matthew looked up, a crescent edge mark on his back, this man was powerful of course and he had to strike back. Matthew keying his keyblade right at the edge of the platform, started to gain more power in a strike of light.

Matthew was pleased that the man stood there and didn't do anything but watch as his keyblade gained power and so did his Oblivion. Matthew began to walk with his keyblade still gaining power on the verge of it and the man stroked with his Oblivion. This strike missed on the physical, but it shot a beam of complete darkness, scaring Matthew's face with three marks. Matthew then ran towards this man, his keyblade still gaining power and stroked the man, right in his penis or ball sack and made him cry a little before the man got up.

"You have talent, you just don't know how to wield it. In this case the only way to escape my game is to help out several worlds starting with my birth place" The man said drowning Matthew in powerful darkness.

"Bring it on you pasty faced goon" Matthew awoke to these words and saw four people engaging in battle.Two had purple hair, very light, another yellow, and one brown. The person with brown hair saw Matthew and pulled out his sword, pulling it near his neck

Death was very close at that point, to Matthew as the one with yellow hair calmed down the one with brown. the last one, which was very odd and dressed in black clothing said something along the lines of this

"Alright time to kill you all, this is worthless of my time" That man said which was followed by " What's this i feel Simah trying to bond with me" The one with brown hair said following into a certain stance. "Light of the leberous, Shine upon me Simah!!" He said and a devastating beautiful creature was released. "Witness the logos of Deliverence, Embered from your shadow" The creature said releasing a beam of light onto this man.

"Ugh how could the rogress have given him so much power"said the man with the odd clothing catching his breath "

What fleeing already you Deathchanter"said the man with brown hair. "

Unlike you i prefer Brains over Brawn, but don't worry I'll be back to kill you all later" said the Deathchanter fleeing the scene.

"What a douche bag anyways stranger i'm L'arc Bright lagoon, Imperial mercenary" Said L'arc holding out his hand and Matthew shock it.

"I'm Matthew, nice to meet you L'arc" Matthew said laughing a little
can i end it here i loving ending things quickly and i'm going to try and get some photos of them all i'm trying
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