i pirate only movies and music cause that stuff now a days is expensive and to pricey.
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I think I'm the only one on this site who doesn't pirate :/
I don't have piracy, because people get into my frickin business! Excuse my mouth, but should we all get some piracy?
You're confusing piracy with privacy, bro. What's referred to as "piracy" is the "illegal" downloading of music, movies, TV shows, etc.
this is how you get into debt ladies and gentlemen
if you are living off of loans, you should not be spending money on luxury items.
that is all.
Except I haven't been using my loans to pay for luxury items, deary <3
I spent the loan money I had on stuff I needed. Money I spent on Luxury was the money I had beforehand.
Because I want to show my support to an industry that is going to be my career in the future. That's my reason.
archiving this post holy shit, best post of 2011, no, best post on this forum hands down. not even kidding. holyyy shit dude. nice work. props.