They probably will, but I don't mind if they don't change it either.Here's to hoping that they zoom out the camera a bit in BBS. I noticed while playing yesterday how constrained it feels.
Here's something I just thought of, though. Depending on how they handle Re:Coded's worlds, I at least want Kairi to be present in the Journal's memory of DI somehow. That's all I ask, as she really should have been there in the original (and I think Nomura might have even mentioned such), and this is the perfect chance to correct that issue.
Actually no such comment was ever made.
That was so, so bad. I'm sorry, but it was. That's the worst thing they've ever done when it comes to Kairi. Was it really that hard to have her there, even if there was no interaction or nothing came out of it? -le sigh-.
Woah guys, no crushing hopes here. They are hopes for a reason.
I'm just going to quote MS here, and not say all of the things I could for you guys jumping down my throat again.
Combo Master is an ability in KH2FM. It costs 4 AP and you get it after defeating Roxas.
A new fight? Probably not.Since Nomura said "We are working diligently to brush up 2.5 much more than 1.5." I wonder what all "brush up" entails? What do you guys think the chances for things like "playable Lea vs Ventus fight" or "Capes" happening are?
Since Nomura said "We are working diligently to brush up 2.5 much more than 1.5." I wonder what all "brush up" entails? What do you guys think the chances for things like "playable Lea vs Ventus fight" or "Capes" happening are?