Grrrr...SA. Your theory is so good that I almost don't want to believe it, just because I don't want to spoil any plot elements in the game. xD
If your theory ends up being even partially correct, remind me to give you cookies. Lots of them.
WAI, COOKIES! ^O^ *saves this post*
Good theory. You back it up well and you had more than one view point on the theory. You can tell that you REALLY thought about this.
You have no ideas how much I edited it prior to posting XD
Thank you ^_^
You put a lot of thought into it and Dreams certainly fit with the birth by sleep title. That the Unbirths are born of sleep and are somehow dreams made real is interesting as well as your explination for how they dissapeared. But I still think they have more to do with the Heart than the Soul, especially if they are connected to yet another Kingdom Hearts.
As I keep debating with you in other threads (we like cross-thread debates, don't we? XD) I don't believe truly everything has to have a direct link to the Heart, as CoM based when dealing with the Memories. It affects the Heart, true, but not directly.
Say the Dream is the Heart's strongest wish, and that wish used a portion of the Soul to leave the body and roam around. After all, a Soul by itself is useless.
I've always thought that they never knew who they truly were, despite remembering. They were not their somebodies, but yet they had their memories, and thus had no actual identity. They had no hearts, and therefore no light or darkness. Because both light and darkness shunned them, they didn't "exist", so they searched for hearts to become whole again and ultimately to find who they truly were.
They knew whom they truly were, that's why they also knew they weren't quite the whole person anymore, is my take on this.
i like some parts but this sounds like shakespear. can you say it more casual?
Unbirths are made of dreams. Anything else you want me to elaborate on in layman terms?
also how will your theory be involved with the scene where terra talks to xehanort? when terra asks xehanort what he do to vens heart. because you mentioned the scene of the collesium, but skipped the phrase where xehanort told ven to let his heart give in to the darkness.
He never told him to give in to the Darkness. He told him to give in.
And if Ven or his Dreamer truly were waking up, Ven Giving In could mean him either properly Falling Asleep or Waking Up, thus ending the process properly.
If Ven is the Dreamer, that moment could've been when he Dreamt Sora, thus giving away a piece of himself.
wow .. this is by far one of the best, if not the best theory for BBS.
So for that, mad props to you.
I really liked how you proposed the question as to who is the "dreamer", Sora or Ven.
If your theory stands, and it does turn out to be Sora, it would be a crazy twist on the whole KH series.
This was a very good read.
Thank you ^_________^
The Sora-Ven issue had to have been elaborated on, in part because we don't know quite enough to tell who's what, and in part because going by my assumptions that Unbirths = Dreams, there're many ways in which to explain them :O