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Birth By Sleep Game Script/Menu Translations (Request)

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New member
Dec 10, 2008
The World That Never Was, taking naughty pics of A
I think I speak for most of us when I say all translations pertaining to Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep are very much needed, and will be appreciated.

Obviously, I don't have them, but I thought someone should make this thread so people can start posting news, info, or the real translations themselves.

When Final Fantasy: Dissidia came out in Japan, it took only a few days for game translations to start spreading around the internet like crazy. So I think it's only a matter of time for BBS! I've got nothing so far, but I'll keep looking and will definitely post if I find some translations! I hope others think this is a good idea, and are willing to do the same! Thanks~

P.S. Please follow the forum rules and all that blah-blah jazz.

P.P.S. How about a pretty picture that I found on Photobucket?



space coke
Aug 30, 2009
I wont watch any of the vids translated thats going to far for me
I rather watch just the vids but i dont know whats going on
I feel much better that way


Active member
Jun 9, 2006
In your nightmares!
Yeah, I understand those who don't want subs, but some of us would really appreciate it, I'm sure. It'd really be useful, IMO.


New member
Mar 28, 2006
This is the best I can do on short notice and without proper context for the entire game. Sorry if this ends up contradicting something else; I honestly have no idea what the crap Master Xehanort is talking about. But at least it should give you a good idea of what's going on.

This is a translation of the cutscene where Terra, Aqua and Ven meet in the Keyblade Graveyard (link).

アクア: マスターが討たれたそうよ
テラ: ああ 知っている 俺がゼアノートに手を貸してしまったんだ マスターがヴェンを消そうとした だから俺はヴェンを守るために戦った しかし それはすべてゼアノートの策略だったんだ 俺の中の闇を目覚めさせるために-- 俺は心配し おまえに逢わせたマスターはやはり間違っていなかった この後始末は自分でつける
アクア: 憎しみや怒りは闇を生む あなたが闇に落ちて戦うような事になれば それはまたゼアノートの策略の落 それではマスターの思いに応えられないわ テラ
ヴェン: ゼアノートは俺とヴァニタスを戦わせて χブレードを生み出そうとした マスターは χブレードは存在してはならぬものと言って 俺を消そうとしたんだ
アクラ: χブレード--
ヴェン: χブレードが何なのかわからない でも俺の心が怖がってる χブレードが生まれることを
テラ: だいじょうぶだ 俺たちがヴェンの心を怖がらせたりしない
ヴェン: 俺 ヴァニタスを戦う事になるかもしれない もしそうなってしまったら だから俺を--
テラ: 俺たちはつながりの絆で結ばれた友だ 俺がそんな事はさせない
ヴェン: 友達だから頼みたいんだ 俺を-- 消してくれ
マスターゼアノート: 見よ かつては主人の心と一つにあって 力を宿していた鍵の残骸を この地で繰り広げられた光と闇のキーブレードの戦い キーブレード戦争の跡だ-- 多くのキーブレード使いがこの地で 消えたただ一つの鍵を求めて 今こそ私は手に入れる-- χブレード

Aqua: Seems like the Master's been defeated.
Terra: Yeah... I know. I even lent Xehanort a hand in that. The Master wanted to erase Ven. I fought him because I had to protect Ven. But everything's been a part of Xehanort's plan. The darkness awakening inside me-- I'm worried. The Master that we knew was mistaken. I've got to clean this up myself.
Aqua: Darkness is born from hatred and anger. You'll fall into darkness if you fight out of that. That, too, is the outcome of Xehanort's plan. Is that how you'll live up to the Master's memory, Terra?
Ven: Xehanort made Vanitas and I fight each other. The χblade [Keyblade] was created because of that. The Master said that the χblade isn't something that can be used for good. I should just be erased.
Aqua: The χblade...
Ven: I don't know what the χblade even is. But my heart is afraid of the χblade coming into existence.
Terra: It'll be okay. We won't let your heart be afraid.
Ven: I think I'm going to have to fight Vanitas. If it looks like... Can you--
Terra: We're friends who stick together. I won't do that.
Ven: It's because we're friends that I'm asking. Do it--erase me.
Master Xehanort: Look. Long ago, a master had just one heart. The power was entrusted to him in the form of a key to the ruins. This land unfolded because of the battles of the Keyblades of light and darkness. The traces of the Keyblade War... Many Keyblade users have, on this land, perished because they sought just one key. And now, I will take it for myself--the χblade.
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New member
Dec 23, 2009
I wont watch any of the vids translated thats going to far for me
I rather watch just the vids but i dont know whats going on
I feel much better that way

This 100%, that way you still get some surprise.


New member
Jan 10, 2010
Southern, WA
This is the best I can do on short notice and without proper context for the entire game. Sorry if this ends up contradicting something else; I honestly have no idea what the crap Master Xehanort is talking about. But at least it should give you a good idea of what's going on.

This is a translation of the cutscene where Terra, Aqua and Ven meet in the Keyblade Graveyard (link).

アクア: マスターが討たれたそうよ
テラ: ああ 知っている 俺がゼアノートに手を貸してしまったんだ マスターがヴェンを消そうとした だから俺はヴェンを守るために戦った しかし それはすべてゼアノートの策略だったんだ 俺の中の闇を目覚めさせるために-- 俺は心配し おまえに逢わせたマスターはやはり間違っていなかった この後始末は自分でつける
アクア: 憎しみや怒りは闇を生む あなたが闇に落ちて戦うような事になれば それはまたゼアノートの策略の落 それではマスターの思いに応えられないわ テラ
ヴェン: ゼアノートは俺とヴァニタスを戦わせて χブレードを生み出そうとした マスターは χブレードは存在してはならぬものと言って 俺を消そうとしたんだ
アクラ: χブレード--
ヴェン: χブレードが何なのかわからない でも俺の心が怖がってる χブレードが生まれることを
テラ: だいじょうぶだ 俺たちがヴェンの心を怖がらせたりしない
ヴェン: 俺 ヴァニタスを戦う事になるかもしれない もしそうなってしまったら だから俺を--
テラ: 俺たちはつながりの絆で結ばれた友だ 俺がそんな事はさせない
ヴェン: 友達だから頼みたいんだ 俺を-- 消してくれ
マスターゼアノート: 見よ かつては主人の心と一つにあって 力を宿していた鍵の残骸を この地で繰り広げられた光と闇のキーブレードの戦い キーブレード戦争の跡だ-- 多くのキーブレード使いがこの地で 消えたただ一つの鍵を求めて 今こそ私は手に入れる-- χブレード

Aqua: Seems like the Master's been defeated.
Terra: Yeah... I know. I even lent Xehanort a hand in that. The Master wanted to erase Ven. I fought him because I had to protect Ven. But everything's been a part of Xehanort's plan. The darkness awakening inside me-- I'm worried. The Master that we knew was mistaken. I've got to clean this up myself.
Aqua: Darkness is born from hatred and anger. You'll fall into darkness if you fight out of that. That, too, is the outcome of Xehanort's plan. Is that how you'll live up to the Master's memory, Terra?
Ven: Xehanort made Vanitas and I fight each other. The χblade [Keyblade] was created because of that. The Master said that the χblade isn't something that can be used for good. I should just be erased.
Aqua: The χblade...
Ven: I don't know what the χblade even is. But my heart is afraid of the χblade coming into existence.
Terra: It'll be okay. We won't let your heart be afraid.
Ven: I think I'm going to have to fight Vanitas. If it looks like... Can you--
Terra: We're friends who stick together. I won't do that.
Ven: It's because we're friends that I'm asking. Do it--erase me.
Master Xehanort: Look. Long ago, a master had just one heart. The power was entrusted to him in the form of a key to the ruins. This land unfolded because of the battles of the Keyblades of light and darkness. The traces of the Keyblade War... Many Keyblade users have, on this land, perished because they sought just one key. And now, I will take it for myself--the χblade.

Yea this is exactly the kind of thing we're looking for... 'cept we need a more complete comprehensive translation guide. ex. Dissidia Translation Page

There was also another guide disguised as a FAQ that explained the entirety of the battle system, the equipment, abilities, DP chances, etc... This is how I was able to play Dissidia the second month after it was released in JAP, play fluently & effortlessly and still follow all the characters stories by pausing, navigating to the proper section, & reading the translated script... Here's the link...: Dissidia Complete Game Guide

I know it's a little earlier but this is more or less what everyone should be looking out for & if possible post it here. Thanks soulsteelgray for your translation, however I do not intend to read anymore than the third sentence until the game comes in the mail & I get to that scene to watch/read it as it comes.

Mr Yippie

New member
Jun 19, 2009
Translations in Deep Space would be much appreciated.

Such as Aqua's conversation with the Chancellor, why Gantu summons Sparky on Terra, and what Gantu says to TAV.


Jun 15, 2009
HEY! That picture you found on Photobucket was stolen! That belongs to 'illbewaiting' on deviantART if I remember correctly.


Raw Life
Aug 19, 2008
Can someone translate the birth by sleep in-game menu and all of its contents? like abilities, items, powers, etc.?


New member
Jan 7, 2010
I'm in desperate need of a script to the game too, sadly i have not yet had the opportunity to learn japanese T_T
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