I knew I wasn't evil enuff to make you all wait. Besides, Mena was hurting meh. Pressure points suck. SUCK!! HEAR THAT, MENA?!? THEY SUCK!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY SUCK; BUT THEY DOOO!! DO! SUCK! MESS! IT!
When I finally drifted back to consciousness((I'M SO SMART! I SPELT IT RIGHT! HAH! XP)), I sat up slowly to find Mena across from me, poking Hoomhaha in the stomach. I tilted my head to the side, one eyebrow raised. Kaze was in the corner, leaning up against the wall in a Squall-esgue pose.
Ignore me whilst I drool...................=P~..................All right, I'm done! ^_^ Mena continued to poke the small silver hamster. ((This whole poking thing is all Mena's idea. XD))
A small anime vein was beginning to form on Hoomhaha's forehead. "Would you stop-"
He was interupted by a squeal of, "IT TALKS!!" Mena poked him with even more interest.
Hoomhaha unsheathed his mini-katana, yelling,"DUDE, STOP POKING ME!!!"
Mena squealed again before grabbing Hoomhaha in a bone-crunching huggle. I blinked several times before noticing the hat perched on Mena's head. I reached for it but pulled my hand back when Mena tried to bite me. ((Dude, she really bites peoples!! >_<)) She brought this dagger and sword out of virtually nowhere and put them both to my throat.
"Is it really worth it? >_>"
She sheathed her sword, and hid her dagger...somewhere.... Mena finally released Hoomhaha from the "Death Huggle", and straightened the hat on her head. I tilted my head to the side.
"Is that....Jack's hat...."
The shorter((she's gonna kill meh for that comment....;_;...))brunette reached up, and huggled the hat, squealing.
"YEAH!! ISN'T IT AWESOME!??!?!?!?!!??!!?"
I shuffled away slightly, just for safety measures. Looking around, I guessed we were in the hold of the Inteceptor, and the sea was calm; for now. I looked at Mena, smiling hyperly.
"Guess what!?"
I thought I heard Kaze sigh in annoyance, but I ignored it. Mena looked at me questioningly.
"....No one is better than Ed.....WHO'S MIIINE!! MIIIIIIIIIINE!
She hissed at me, and I smiled sheepishly. Coughing, I stood up. Rushing over to Kaze, I dragged him back over to Mena.
Kaze just scowled. I was still smiling ear-to-ear. Mena just blinked. Hoomhaha was shining his mini-katana. I gestured frantically at Kaze.
"Do the clappy Ed thing!"
"But....it's awesome...."
said 'no', Megan."
I put on my "Guilt Pout"; it was almost as affective as the Sora Pout. Almost, but not quite. Kaze just glared. He finally gave in, sighing. The blonde clapped and grabbed the nearby chair, transmuting it into a cannon. He stomped back over to his corner. Mena and I stared at the cannon in awe.
"AWESOMENESS!!!" We said together.
I shushed her hyperly, the both of us beaming. Pushing everyone out of the cannon's way, I snapped. The fuse was lite, and we created a hole in the side of the ship. Collective blink.
"Well, that's interesting." Mena commented, quoting the awesome Captain Jack Sparrow. I nodded rapidly in agreement.
There was a cry of, "Stop blowin' holes in my ship!!!", from on deck. Mena and I exchanged glances before giggling madly. Hoomhaha followed our perverted example. Looking out the hole I had made, I saw land. I tilted my head to the side.
"Is that supposed to be the place where the treasure was...?
