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Fanfiction ► Accidentally In Love{Revision}

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Keyblade Smitey

New member
Feb 25, 2006
Waiting for payday
Me too, so respect your elders youngling; HURRY UP AND PUDART!

(ooops... typo, must've been seniality.)

p.s: If any of you think my typo merits stealing remember this: I PATTENT AND COPPYRITE 'PUDART'!


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
I took this song out of context to make it seem romantical. >3
Chya, K-kun's glarin' at meh.

j00 know you luff meh. :D

Kaze: -death glare-

I'll take that as a yes. <3

Twilight Duplicity = Kaze, in case j00 fergot.

By the way, your daily randomness: Kaze > Roxas.


Note: Fabled Countryside was the old unofficial name of Beast's Castle. And I always kinda liked that name better. XD; So, chya. In MY fic/universe, it is Fabled Countryside.


{*~[___]Chapter Nine[___]~*}

"Who said you can't hate someone and love them, too?"

{*~[___]Fabled Countryside[___]~*}

//Twilight Duplicity\\

What is this feeling,
So sudden and new?

Drenched in opaque darkness, I desperately strained for my tired eyes to adjust to the lack of light, but failed miserably. The only light in this room was coming from a silently-melting candle in the far corner. The same corner where Megan lay unconcious. Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair, the stench of fresh crimson blood suffocating the tiny space we sat locked in. I could have EASILY escaped long ago, and yet here I was. Sitting on the cold stone and waiting for her to awaken. I didn't ... want to just leave Megan in this musty cell with nothing but a bad head injury. Daring to look over at her unmoving form, I felt my usual smoldering gaze soften at her.

I felt it the moment
I laid eyes on you

We had been unwillingly chased to the castle's entrance from the looming forest by a pack of hungry wolves. Megan had been conscious at that time, but, even with her help, they kept coming. And neither of us were willing to be their lunch. The monster's roar chased them off, but not before one of the wolves could leap at Megan's head and leave a bleeding bitemark. The monster accused us of trespassing, and since Megan was injured already, I didn't want HIM to attack us, too. So I willingly went with him. And so he left us here. In the dungeon.

And here we are.

In reminiscing, I had crawled closer to the brunette girl's immobile form, and I sighed, guilt washing over me, "I'm sorry, koishii...."

"What'd you call me...?" She slurred back in response, rolling over to try and find me in the unnatural dark. Crap, she was awake when I said that!?

My pulse is rushing

Averting my gaze, I reluctantly allowed my face to burn in a hot blush, and desperately prayed for the darkness to shadow my reddening expression, but the candle's faint light betrayed me. Megan sat up, shifting her head to find my eyes. I was compelled to lock gazes with her prodding chocolate eyes, but kept my line of sight glued stubbornly to the wall. The sudden crashing of iron reluctantly made me turn, just in time to see Megan's foot collide with the gate, an echoing reverberation traversing the room. I watched, amused, as the brunette doggedly continued to kick at the bars.

"THAT'S going to work," I commented dryly, sarcasm apparent, and she whirled around to glare icily at me for a moment before suddenly dropping to her knees and carefully drawing something on the ground with her blood-smothered hand.

I raised an eyebrow as she leaned away from her work, finished and looking quite proud of the small design on the stone floor. It took me a moment to register what she had drawn; it was mutated so badly, I could hardly make it out without craning my neck every which way.

Oh.... That's about the ugliest trasmutation circle I've ever seen.

//Dawning Darkness\\

This is the best transmutation circle I've ever made! I think. It still looks kinda icky. Oh, well. Doesn't need to be perfect. Snapping/clapping/drawing circles doesn't work in uber-fun-sucking Earth, but it should work in other places, right? Places with magic 'n stuff. Chya. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

"You actually expect that to work?" Kaze deadpanned negatively from behind me, and I narrowed my eyes, not bothering to look at him.

My head is reeling

"Yeah. I do. That was my left hand, anyway. That's my sucky hand.... I'd like to see you draw a better--- uh... one...."

I trailed off into silence as Kaze slowly reached out to gently grasp my bloody hand with his own, carefully guiding it to make a much smoother transmution circle next to my icky version. As he did, I wanted to shake him away from me, as I was slightly disturbed by have his body so close to mine.... He was ... warm ... so very warm ... despite his cold disposition, and I awkwardly allowed the blonde to finish his stupid ... freaking ... doodle....

I can't ... think right! With ... him ... so ... close.... AGH, GET OFF ME!

When he was done with the design, Kaze delicately pressed both our palms against the circle, his over mine, and it glowed a brief blue-white, prompting the iron bars to sink into the stone floor with loud fizzing sound effects.

My face is flushing

"...hopefully everyone in this castle is deaf," I muttered bitterly, kinda peeved that Kaze had rightously pwned me.

He smirked down at me, in almost an animalistically devilish fashion, then rose to his feet and nonchalantly sauntered out the door, and I relucantly followed, silently fuming. After a while, my smoldering gaze eventually receded back into their usual blankness, and I eventually resorted to examining the contents of the castle with reluctant curiousity. The high ceilings and lengthy hallways seemed familiar somehow, and it gave me the sudden urge to randomly break out into song, Beauty and the Beast style--

That's it! Maybe we're in Beast's Castle!

"Hey," I shattered the silence, looking over at Kaze, who was nearly centimeters taller than me,"who brought us here?"

What is this feeling,
Fervid as a flame?

Kaze sighed in some kind of annoyance,"I think it was a chimera. Maybe the result of some kind of rebound, 'cause it could talk just fine...." I realized he was musing aloud to himself at that point, and tilted my head to the side, as if prompting him to continue.

Beast could qualify as a chimera, right? Especially to someone that---

Wait, since when was Kaze an Alchemy specialist? Why didn't I realize this earlier.... I think I was too busy laughing at Sora. But Kaze drew that transmutation circle, and, I now recalled, he never leaped into battle with a weapon. He's always transmuted one during a fight! ... Hm, I'm not the most observant person ever, am I?

Does it have a name?

He stayed true to his silent nature as we continued to traverse the walkways, and I turned away disappointedly, pouting and stubbornly folding my arms in retaliation. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Kaze smirking, either in amusement or victory. I threw him a deathly glare, trying to look menacing and failing miserably.


You haven't won anything, Kaze! Wipe that smug smile off your face before I smack it off! Oh, you're gonna get it now, boy.

Loathing! Unadulterated LOATHING.

Right as I was about to rightously whack Blondie upside his big, stupid head, an intimidating roar ripped through the castle, echoing off the walls and evoking an ear-piercing scream from me. Another bellow exploded through the castle, and I shrieked loudly again, only Kaze clamped his hand over my mouth to muffle my frightened yelps. Narrowing my eyes, I struggled against his grip while he guided me through the halls, and froze up when new voices entered my range of hearing. Sidling up against a stone wall, Kaze refused to remove his hand, no matter how evily I glared up at him, so I tried to focus on the voices instead.

"... curse ... love ... " Wha?

"I know...." Oh, we can hear BEAST just fine, can't we, but not that other--


"... can ... human ... again ..." Ugh, this broken conversation is annoying the fudge outta me. And ... I don't like the bits and pieces I'm hearing from that other ... person.

"... first ... you ... do ... favors..." Wha!? Favors...? I don't really like how he said that....

"What? What are they? I'd do anything for Belle!" Oh, that must mean we're ESPECIALLY screwed!

"... Keyblade ... find ... kill ... girl ... here ..." What the FUDGE, he wants to KILL me!?

Wait, he could've been talking about Sora! Stay calm!

"But ... Sora helped me save Belle...." That's what I thought you said, you furry freak.

" ... then ... never ... you ... good day..." HAH. FREAKING PWNED J00, MAN.

"No! Wait!"


"I'll-- Okay. I'll do it." What the FUDGE, no!

I tried to shout such, but Kaze's hand was still firmly clamped over my mouth, but still, a defiant voice shouted,"NO!"

Huh, not me, not Kaze....

The sounds of violent struggle drifted towards us, and I pryed Kaze's hand from my face, carefully stepping away from him, towards the voices. No, I'm not crazy. I know they were there. Again, the voice came, apparently directed at Beast and his 'friend'.

"I'm the OblivionAngel, and that's gonna be the LAST name you'll ever hear!"
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Keyblade Smitey

New member
Feb 25, 2006
Waiting for payday
Awesome, truely awesome. I'm a leeetle confuzled as to what the sasafras is going on, being in the Beast's Castle but I'll doubtless pick it up soon :p

HAH, choo got pwn in the circle-drawing department!


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
Awsome update!=^_^= Though, I wonder where Sora was? I doubt that Kaze would leave him, after all, they are team mates... Or... When you landed, was it just you and Kaze?*Ponders* Anyway, awsome!=^_^= I actually vaguly remembered that last scene from the original...xD

Well, can't wait for the next one! Though, I wonder if Aozora will be able to fight the man himself?


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
xD Aozora is so hilarious! It must be genetic. I hate drawing circles...Without a compass you can't get them exactly right. Though, I doubt Edo goes around carrying a compass with him o_o

Great updart as usual Krazy. :3


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
...Okay, I must explain Aozora's nickname. XD; I wear this trenchcoat to school sometimes, and one time, someone called me Matrix. XDD; So now Megan -cough- is going to call trenchcoat-boy Matrix, since I find it rather funny.


And she doesn't know his name yet. Har.

Violence! o=

Right, about Sony.... xDD I was randomly poking around the Al Bhed to English translator, so I used my other character's name in there. Myra, right?

IT'S SONY. XDDDDDD I found it so amusing, I just had to meantion it. Sony and/or Matrix does not belong to me. xD

Enuff of names. TO THE UPDATE!

{*~[___]Chapter Ten[___]~*}

'You’re my world'

{*~[___]The Thirteenth Order?[___]~*}


I stepped hard on one of Xaldin's many spears as it flew towards me, effectively pinning it to the ground and also gaining a height boost. Airborne, I raised OblivionAngel above my head as I neared the Whirlwind Lancer, and abruptly brought it down upon his head. Unfortunately, Xaldin blocked my assualt with a couple well-placed spears. Setting my teeth in a tight grimace, I flipped over the dark-haired Nobody, landing behind him. As soon as my shoes touched the carpet, the butt of a spear crashed into my side, sending me flying against the wall. Wincing lightly and suppressing a groan of pain, I rolled away with wide eyes just as a sharpened spearhead embedded itself in the wall.

Nimbly leaping to my feet, I slashed through Xaldin's barricade of spears until I was upon him once again, and this time I side-stepped gracefully before jamming my elbow into his face. Stumbling back and holding his now-bleeding nose, Xaldin glared menacingly at me, to which I leveled OblivionAngel with his square head, challenging. Growling lowly, the Whirlwind Lancer thrust his hand at me, and his six lances closed in on me at different angles. Cursing, I enveloped OblivionAngel in ebony flames and twirled it expertly over my head to ward the spears away. Tightening my grip around OblivionAngel, I thrust my free hand at Xaldin in quick jabbing motions, sending lucid whisps of fire at him, loudly cracking and smoldering at him.

The Whirlwind Lancer deflected most of the flame's burns, but didn't come out of the attack unscathed; I smirked smugly, thinking I had this battle won. But then SHE interupted.

"Matrix!" What the fudge?

I whirled around to find Megan in the doorway, Kaze by her side, the brunette girl waving rapidly and the blonde freak beside her still nonchalant as ever. Was she calling ME "Matrix"? Or was she just ... remembering it for no apparent reason...? Either way, she got Xaldin's intention, if that was her original plan at all. What she did NOT know was Xaldin knew who both she and I were; now he was the one smirking. Eyes widening as the Whirlwind Lancer commanded his spears toward the two, I thrust OblivionAngel forward to intercept the attack, my weapon connected by burning strands of ebony flames from my gloved fingertips.

Okay, I admit it, I stole that move from Axel. You know it's awesome.

Warding away the lances, I charged at Xaldin, and, too busy with his many spears, the Nobody was pushed through the glass window with a deafening shatter. Off the balcony and into the night he fell. I sighed in relief, dismissing OblivionAngel from my grasp. Turning, I yelped in surprise at coming face-to-face with Megan. She eyed me skeptically, concern clouding her chocolate-brown eyes.

"You okay, Matrix?" She asked in all seriousness.

I blinked, then finally managed an,"Uh, yeah."

Hey, it's better than "Aozoree", right?

Shuddup, no one asked you.

... just commenting, gosh. You're so mean to me, Aozora. The presence in my mind sulked in a dark corner, and I silently glared at him, not falling for his poor acting.

"Good, now we just need to find Sara. And tell her that Beast wants to kill her." Megan's random musings interupted the inner battle with myself.

I looked around the room, noticing the effects of my previous battle were settling in. Then I froze in slight terror. "Where exactly IS Beast...?"

We all stood in silence for a breif moment before sprinting out of the room and screaming Sora's name, only Megan would occasionally shout "Sara" or "Girly-Boy" instead. Not that I minded much; in fact, I quietly agreed with her.

//Solar Flare\\

"Ugh, this is IMPOSSIBLE, he could be anywhere," I complained loudly, collapsing to my knees. Besides, my ankles hurt, I thought irritably, glaring at the floor.

Thus-titled "Matrix" stooped by my side, nodding sympathetically,"I know, but we can't leave until he's found. When we DO find Sora, we'll tell you ... uhm ... why we needed to find him."

"Despite the fact Beast wants to slaughter him?" I looked up at Matrix with a single eyebrow raised, doubtful amusement filling my voice.

"Uh, right," Trenchcoat-boy answered readily, however the wavering of his voice easily revealed his blatant uncertainty.

Sighing, I reluctantly climbed to my feet, grumbling randomly about my name being out of place. Shrugging, Matrix also rose and continued along, following the light that filtered through one of the doorways. Light means fire which means people. More specifically, Sora. Kaze was the first inside the room, followed by Matrix, and then I popped in after them. Plopped down in front of the fireplace was not the spiky-haired idiot we were looking for, but possibly someone more girly.

"What're YOU doing out!?" Matrix blurted out, sounding both annoyed and shocked.

The figure turned, his amethyst eyes catching the light and reflecting playfulness,"Sora's takin' a nap."

Damn, he sounded familiar. Then again, everyone here seemed to sound vaguely like someone else. And the back of his head looks---

Shuddup, self.

Matrix was mere inches from the newcomer's face, teeth clenched as he managed to grind out,"Go. Get. Sora."

"Aren't you nice." He stood up anyhow, towering over Matrix and sauntering proudly out of the room, leaving the cloaked one to glower from under his hood at him. When the newcomer passed me, I noticed his hair was the same shade as his eyes, and he was wearing black pants with an inversable vest. But there was nothing underneath the vest. Leaving his whole ... chest n' stuff ... out ... and ... ---


He is freakin' hawt.... But I think I've seen him somewhere. Maybe he's a fictional character. Afterall, that's who I've been hanging out with this last ... day or so. IT'S POSSIBLE!




... he ... he winked at me....

Apalled, I yelped and jumped away from the over-purpled guy in surprise, eye twitching. He chuckled silently before leaving my sight entirely.

I gaped at his back, trying to comprehend that I had been winked at. By someone that wasn't a pedophile---

Wait, I didn't know that for sure....

Well, anyway. We waited in a confused silence until Sora stumbled into the room, yawning and still half-asleep. Matrix rushed forward and pulled the spiky-haired brunette aside, whispering feircely. Sora nodded absently, and I could easily tell he was only half-listening, using the teenage skill widely know as "selective hearing". When the two returned to Kaze and I, Matrix was silently fuming, and Sora was still trying to wake up.

"Well, anyway," I muttered, then raised my voice to a hearing level. "Sora, Beast wants to kill you."

He had obviously not fully woken up yet,"Wha?"

I cupped my hands around my mouth and shouted irritatedly near his spiky head,"BEAST WANTS TO KILL YOU."

Sora jumped back, slamming into a wall with wide, attentive cerulean---

Red.... Strawberry red.... I'll never get used to that.

"Was that really necessary, Sony?" Matrix asked, and I looked at him in confusion.

"Did you just call me SONY?" I asked skeptically, not believing what I had heard and raised a single eyebrow in a humorous amusement.

"Hey, if you give ME a nickname, I should be able to give you one, too."

I blinked slowly, still doubtful,"But your nickname is RELEVENT, Matrix."

"So is yours,"he replied smoothly, prompting me to tilt my head to the side in utter befuddlement.

At that point, Kaze whacked Matrix upside the head, irritated, as if the other had just given away some sort of secret or another. Before Kaze could initiate himself into "Scolding Mode", a familiar, deafening roar ripped through the castle, causing me to shriek in surprise. Again.

I get surprised easily.

The door was abruptly thrown off its hinges with a distinct boom, the remains of the entrance colliding with Kaze and sending the blonde into the far wall with a painful-sounding crack. I gasped and called his name, as if that would help.

Don't you shout people's names when they slam into walls? Of course you do. I'm rambling now, only because I'm trying to avoid the Mary-Sue-like trait I'm about to experience....

I had been too preoccupied with shrieking Kaze's name that I didn't hear Matrix's cry of warning. Or I didn't even realize he was calling me; my name isn't Sony, dude.

"MEGAN!" He finally yelled, and I whirled around for the sole purpose of being freaked out.

I didn't tell him my name, did I...? I ... don't remember---

That thought was instantly shaken from my mind as Beast's fist was suddenly on a direct beeline towards my head, and I remember only the pitch blackness of unconciousness after that.


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
OMFG! You put Da-ku in! <3 you platonically, Krazy! I loved the violence too. You are quite right: no one can resist the awesome atttack of the Hedgehog. Sony. I never saw that one coming...o_o

*spritzes Beast with water* You should be neutered, you brute! Great updart, as always, Krazy!

*leaves to glomp Dark*


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
Thank you for updating!=^_^= Poor Dark, if thought about, he doesn't get to be free much, does he? Awsome nickname by the way...xD It is very ironic indeed. Too bad he didn't stayas Dark, though, Dark can fly...;-; Or so, I am lead to believe... And Beast may not have known that Dark is Sora so yeah... Awsome update!=^_^=
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