It was just translated that there would be a 'Surprising' new world in KH2, even more surprising than Halloween town. Now I can't think of many worlds that would be that surprising (PIRATES OF THE CARRIBIEN!!!!), but lets look over the facts. The reason Halloween town was so suprising was that it was not directly owned by Disney, and also because it was originally claymation. Any ideas to this 'surprising' world would be interesting to see. All I can come up with is Pirates of the Carribean (Real life), or the Hobbit (Not owned by Disney(Love that book, movie's coming out soon too...)). Any other ideas?
It was just translated that there would be a 'Surprising' new world in KH2, even more surprising than Halloween town. Now I can't think of many worlds that would be that surprising (PIRATES OF THE CARRIBIEN!!!!), but lets look over the facts. The reason Halloween town was so suprising was that it was not directly owned by Disney, and also because it was originally claymation. Any ideas to this 'surprising' world would be interesting to see. All I can come up with is Pirates of the Carribean (Real life), or the Hobbit (Not owned by Disney(Love that book, movie's coming out soon too...)). Any other ideas?