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∙:(♦):∙ The Larxene Fanclub ∙:(♦):∙

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New member
Oct 16, 2008
In a dreamworld
Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

1. She doesn't care how she comes off.
2. There's no sugar-coating and sweetness with her.
3. She's mean. Enough said.

Lady Yuki

Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

Lols..Dont worry its still here just a new one.Why would I close it anyway??We cant leave poor Larxene!!Well inless she kills us...heh


Jan 2, 2006
In The Heart Of All Worlds
Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

Larexene is the best. She's my favorite Organization member. Eventhough she's one of the only females in the Organization, she would kick all there asses. Y did she have to go!! Any ways, what I'm trying to say is. You gotta let me join.

Lady Yuki

Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

Alrighty your in!! Welcome to the FC :D


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

I added all the new peeps in, and the current reasons people have posted =P. I still like that pop quiz idea. But until then, question.

I guess, since we all read the reasons about why we like Larxene, the most that pops up is that she's a...well, a bitch >.>. Is there anyone that actually believes she does have more depth in her than just that simple one-dimensional value? Or am I the only one here? And if she does have a "softer side" or at least, we learn more about what makes her who she is, and how life played a part, would you like her any less or more because of that? [I suppose that one view of her in the Novel translations really raised me that she did have some pain in her life. To what degree, we'll probably never know. However, it makes me wonder if Nomura actually did his psychology studies of how childhood raising and nurture arises. Don't want to give too much credit to the guy o:] But anyway, once you apply all that, how much potential if she did not die, could she have had as a female character on her own, and representation?

Just because it seems we're all fond of her mean side.


It works for me. I can kep track of all my threads I have posted in.

I suppose. I'll give it a shot.


Notorious White Mage Captainess
Feb 14, 2008
Phantom Manor
Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

I added all the new peeps in, and the current reasons people have posted =P. I still like that pop quiz idea. But until then, question.

I guess, since we all read the reasons about why we like Larxene, the most that pops up is that she's a...well, a bitch >.>. Is there anyone that actually believes she does have more depth in her than just that simple one-dimensional value? Or am I the only one here? And if she does have a "softer side" or at least, we learn more about what makes her who she is, and how life played a part, would you like her any less or more because of that? [I suppose that one view of her in the Novel translations really raised me that she did have some pain in her life. To what degree, we'll probably never know. However, it makes me wonder if Nomura actually did his psychology studies of how childhood raising and nurture arises. Don't want to give too much credit to the guy o:] But anyway, once you apply all that, how much potential if she did not die, could she have had as a female character on her own, and representation?

Just because it seems we're all fond of her mean side.

As a protagonist, probably not. But we had so few scenes with her (though more than most of the rest of the org) that we can't really give her depth. 358 may flesh her out so we can answer this question better.

And it depends on what htey say. if it was some steroptypical "My dad beat me so now I'm mean" probably not.


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

As a protagonist, probably not. But we had so few scenes with her (though more than most of the rest of the org) that we can't really give her depth. 358 may flesh her out so we can answer this question better.

And it depends on what htey say. if it was some steroptypical "My dad beat me so now I'm mean" probably not.

For protagonist, as long as there's character development in the good direction, it could work. But I would never let Nojima touch Larxene's character at the same time Dx.

Well, we did have that small, significant, translation in the Novels where one of the quotes in the front page comes from. While it may not be much, or that some here in this part of the horizon have not really heard of it, it's the type of line that speaks volumes if you wonder. What made her say that a Heart is painful? And not want it, and fine the way she is? It does give maybe, yes, perhaps, possibly, something within her that caused her to be...how you say, defensive? Pack that with usual bullies and other studies, or at least the typical, most well known ones, and you have this blonde girl who grew up to be...Larxene [maybe not having a Heart played a part of helping her be more cold, who knows].

What about "dad beat my mom"? xD But, in all seriousness, any type of dysfunctional family, and maybe school, or anything in personal life, can affect you. A loss. Especially when you're young or in childhood.

Just ask the serial killers.



Notorious White Mage Captainess
Feb 14, 2008
Phantom Manor
Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

For protagonist, as long as there's character development in the good direction, it could work. But I would never let Nojima touch Larxene's character at the same time Dx.

Well, we did have that small, significant, translation in the Novels where one of the quotes in the front page comes from. While it may not be much, or that some here in this part of the horizon have not really heard of it, it's the type of line that speaks volumes if you wonder. What made her say that a Heart is painful? And not want it, and fine the way she is? It does give maybe, yes, perhaps, possibly, something within her that caused her to be...how you say, defensive? Pack that with usual bullies and other studies, or at least the typical, most well known ones, and you have this blonde girl who grew up to be...Larxene [maybe not having a Heart played a part of helping her be more cold, who knows].

What about "dad beat my mom"? xD But, in all seriousness, any type of dysfunctional family, and maybe school, or anything in personal life, can affect you. A loss. Especially when you're young or in childhood.

Just ask the serial killers.


I understand. But I don't want her to be sterotypical. SHe's one of the few non Kairi Clones, and mean non disney girls. She's unique among girls and villains and I want her backstory to reflect this.


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

I understand. But I don't want her to be sterotypical. SHe's one of the few non Kairi Clones, and mean non disney girls. She's unique among girls and villains and I want her backstory to reflect this.

But, we kind of got a back-up of "pain" [which is why I ask whether you'll like her less or more if she did have her depth other than being mean], so what type of backstory would you like for her then?


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

I don't know.

And that...is the problem xP.

Everything has been done, unless some genius mind can create something unique. So there's not many choices.

Which is why I don't care how or what type of backstpry, whether cliche or something, as long as they apply it well to the character. I could take Larxene being somewhat passive to certain people.

Just not...Axel soft >.>.


Notorious White Mage Captainess
Feb 14, 2008
Phantom Manor
Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

I came up with one last page about her being the mistress of a Lieutenant in the mafia... but I don't know. I just pulled that out of thin air


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

I can't help but see Larxene as someone that used to be naive and a bit innocent even, since it shows even through her cold and bitchy attitude. She is capable of trust and seems to not only resent betrayal to an extreme on a personal level, but also seek it out. She was the one that just about jumped at the notion Axel was part of her and Marluxia's plot without giving it so much as a second thought why he knew about it without her knowing about it from Marluxia as well, or what not.
She even seemed remotely compassionate towards Namine in a sense. While it was undeniably for their own goal's good, she did listen to the girl rant for a good while, and gave better justification for Namine to "not mess it up" than just "do it or we'll kill you". It was "do it - and you'll be Somebody".
It was more than just their plans going to ruin that got Larxene to beat her up, I think - it was it being personal.
Did I say yet how much I love CoM/Re:CoM and its characters? No? I do.


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

ZOMG, MelodiusNymph!! =D

I can't help but see Larxene as someone that used to be naive and a bit innocent even, since it shows even through her cold and bitchy attitude. She is capable of trust and seems to not only resent betrayal to an extreme on a personal level, but also seek it out. She was the one that just about jumped at the notion Axel was part of her and Marluxia's plot without giving it so much as a second thought why he knew about it without her knowing about it from Marluxia as well, or what not.
She even seemed remotely compassionate towards Namine in a sense. While it was undeniably for their own goal's good, she did listen to the girl rant for a good while, and gave better justification for Namine to "not mess it up" than just "do it or we'll kill you". It was "do it - and you'll be Somebody".
It was more than just their plans going to ruin that got Larxene to beat her up, I think - it was it being personal.
Did I say yet how much I love CoM/Re:CoM and its characters? No? I do.


Th extent of how much I love you for this will be indescribable considering that it hits every point of my obsessive Larxene filled heart 8D.

And I'm glad someone also shares the view that Larxene was not, technically, as rash and cruel to Naminé as she was to others, and even seems to have conversations with the girl at times. In fact, Larxene to me, appeared to be genuinely confused as to why Naminé wouldn't want to get Sora, despite the selfish means considering the good that will come out of it in the long run for her, which fits into this enclosed naivete yuo described. She did the same thing when Sora insisted on rescuing Naminé even with his memories being fake, and his words, which she degraded [though I did think, by her facial expressions, that she let it go in the end, or was rather....what's the word...?]. It seems she's incapable of understanding their intentions, and feelings, because maybe she was never given it by anybody else to her in such a way, or has not had experience enough to get what is it that drives them [though that's more theory than anything. Who knows]. I doubt she also ever laid a hand on Naminé until the end, where as you said, it was driven by something incredibly negative. Heh. Maybe she did enjoy the female company for a while xD. After all, in the translations, she was looking for people to talk to. Don't know what she thought on Xion.

I would not mention anything on the Axel part considering I always got the feeling she was fond of him [whether or not it was reciprocated], which turns into Larxel, which then makes this reply even longer ^^;. And it's not the point xD.

Overall, before I rant any further, that would be it ^^.

I definitely think that if I had a character like Larxene, I would really be interested in her peronality and history and expand it more than she actually had in KH as well. There can be many things to explore [and she's FUN to write for xDD]. I feel it was wasted potential, considering who we do have, Naminé being more built up, thankfully.

Meh. All Lar-Lar probably needs is just some good ol' TLC.


Jun 1, 2008
Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

I'd join, but...

...Whatever I say would be inferior to the posts already made. <_<


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Re: ~<♦>~ *The Larxene FanClub* ~<♦>~

You're not here to rant, Cino, you're here to have fun >:3 *leaps at and keeps around*

As for Larxene and Namine, iono. I'd find it terribly ironic if Larxene found resemblences between her own Somebody and Namine. It would certainly explain a lot.
Then Namine screwing it over would've been Larxene losing the second chance she longed to have through Namine. The stupid girl made the same mistake again, only this time, she was already a Nobody (unlike the original Larxene) so she couldn't become one, and second - she was there for Larxene to beat up, unlike Larxene's Original Self.
I think that's why I like Marluxia/Larxene so much. They're rough but he knows how to handle roses through the thorns.
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