Haha its so funny cause i scream when he bout to kill me as well, hence forth... Im screaming the entire time that im fighting him. Getting in close is the only way to really kill him. That and using limits, but the battle is gonna take forever without Ultima weapon. Which in turn means more screaming in my case haha, but his health doesn't even go down at first. The first time i fought him was like, "Wtf? Whats this? OMG Im about to have to fight this huge ass monster from hell, that can probably... WTF!?!?!? SEPHIROTH!?!?!?!? Aww shit..." Weeoooweeoooweeoooweeeooo "IM GONNA GET ONE COMBO IN!!!!!!!!" Does nothing to his health, "WTF!?!?!?!?!" Teleport, Sora, "Awww" Me, "Oh.... My.... God..."