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  • No. I just pay attention to your story really well, and it was a legitimate guess. I still think you could surprise me a lot. :D

    It's no problem, Noel. If you ever need somebody to talk to, or just listen to your problems, feel free to pm me about it.

    I'm sure. xD I'm a tough shorty, but I'll keep that in mind, if I want to talk to someone about stuff. Thanks.

    Really? Don't like jelly on your peanut butter sandwiches? What kind of jelly do you use?

    Yes, I am. In fact, I haven't drank any smoothies for a year now, much to my family's dismay. I'll drink an orange Julius, but I don't have any orange juice on me, and can be quite lazy in making myself one.

    Yeah, it can help you in the long run, and take people by surprise. With that in mind, I might have a lot of fun doing that to people in the future. >xD I'm so evil sometimes.
    No, no, I've seen loads of snow. I wish we didn't get so much snow here in MI. You're a genius, Noel. Would be so cool to see a scary movie involving snakes.
    You bring up a good question. Maybe I can be Mimic Girl? Copying items into new ones? OR Rocket Girl, since I like the thought of teleporting myself place to place.
    Okay. I haven't watched Log Horizon myself, but heard it was good from a friend of mine on here. At the moment, got a few animes on the back burner.

    No idea. People who live under a rock? xD
    Yawning on command is pretty cool. I do it involuntarily, much to my annoyance. oh come now, it's not that amazing of a talent. I wager it's because, I was bare footed for most of the summer and fall one year, and didn't take my feet off of hot cement. [Doesn't hurt much, just warms your feet up.]
    How come I'm so lucky? I mean, yeah, I've done a lot in my upbringing, but I was happy to settle in one place, after moving around a bit too.

    ooh, then you're in for a few twists in the old version of FMA. *u* Ah, well, I look forward to hearing what one you like better. lol.
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